Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9, 2011

Happy Tuesday,

The morning is my favorite time of the day - I love the time just before dawn - alert, calm, not stressed with things lined up during the day.  I love reading my devotional book and one chapter from Proverbs daily.  I am stuck right there. How can so much wisdom for everything be in one person?  Currently, I am on my second pass through Proverbs and may continue to read that one book over and over in the mornings through this year.

Thanks for those who prayed for me last week, I think my message "The Aroma of Sacrifice" will be on line by the end of the week.   This week I have a more difficult challenge - teaching on the church during the Medieval Ages.  Our Wednesday night classes "Walking in Present Day Truth" have been rich - but I must confess, worship is one of my core values, I love it, it flows easy - church history - having to really study.  :)   But fascinating to see the parallels of the journey of the church during that period and today.

Family stuff: talked with one of the fam yesterday who seems to be in a mini-stall.  But what a GREAT attitude, "I am NOT giving up!"  Here are a few reminders;  In between the middle of week 2 (on the drops) and week 3, there is usually a stall.  I do not know why - but I have it documented on my sheets from both rounds of the drops.  Keep doing what is right, your body is resting.   When you are trying to reach that next 10 pound marker, things seem to slow down.   Don't know why - but in a lot of our fam, I hear that.  Keep doing what is right.  Also, I suggested some red meat because I usually loose after a little steak - she said she holds steady of gains when she eats steak.  Isn't it cool how God designed each of us uniquely?   These are things we are going to discuss Sunday night at my house.  :)  

Stress and turmoil are KEY factors in releasing cortisol which stores fat around your belly.  I wish that were not true - but I have spoken with several doctors - not just read articles - and it is true.  Especially if you are stressing late and trying to sleep.   Sleep is critical to loosing weight - fight for it!   One doctor told me, "If you're stressing about all you have to do tomorrow, make a list before you get in bed each night and then SLEEP so your body can do what it's supposed to while you are sleeping - which is regenerate cells."   These things are real-life issues.  We all have stress that comes our way - can some of you share ways that you release stress?  I certainly don't have all the answers. If you have some great ideas - bring Sunday night.   :)

Have a great and productive day - and pass that stress right off!   PK

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