Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 2012 - Mosquitos!

Good morning all, Wanna talk this morning about mosquitos. Does anybody like them other than frogs???? They bug the stuff out of me! They never give up, they don't care that you hate them and they are determined to bite you. Sometimes I feel like my own fleshly desires in relation to food are this way. I can go to certain restaurants and nothing bothers me, but the old favorites - all the mosquitos come! The waiters bring the bread and butter to the table (that I LOVE) and everyone is eating and laughing and there it comes - the mosquito to remind me of how I am "suffering." The waiter brings the appetizers and everyone grabs and laughs and I sit and smile - mosquitos. YEP!!! Food is so social for me and at the table with friends, with the "mosquitos swarming," I wanna start swatting. So on Tuesday, while sitting through this scenario and smiling while drinking my water and dealing with my mosquito attitude, I wanted to swat someone. I did all the right things though, smiled, sipped my water, confessed that food was not my boss - but every time that "mosquito" was "hovering" over the shrimp and peppers and drawing my attention - I finally had to move the plate away. Fried shrimp in the sauce at Longhorn with the peppers is one of my FAVORITE appetizers. I knew I couldn't eat it, and was just being kind to buy one for the table to share, BUT when I am tired, my flesh was attacked by those little "mosquitos" as everyone else was LOVING the appetizer. Then the questions started: How about just one? Is there really anything on there that can hurt you? These are small shrimp It's your favorite! But how many of you know, just that one little open door, FOR ME, could have started a pattern of making excuses. Then I got irritated - I didn't plan, didn't have any "snacks" with me, was eating late, purchased my favorite to bless others and be tormented - MOSQUITOS! The moral of the story - make a plan! Mosquitos will be with us forever, as irritating as they are, but they TOOOOO are not the boss of me! I got through the meal with no bread, butter, fried shrimp, croutons, or birthday cake. VICTORY DANCE. Choose life and eat to live - PK PS - And let's kill all mosquitos that want to provoke us to wrath and let's enjoy what everyone else is enjoying without partaking of what they partake. There is a HUGE difference. LOVE YOU!

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012 - The Freedom Yoke

What a fabulous day to celebrate the greatness of our military people who give themselves openly for our protection and security. I am proud to be an American! And, to the greatest fallen warrior of them all, who died FOR me and whose life GIVES me freedom - Jesus Christ! I am proud to be a disciple and to know that his fallen life and his residence in my heart places me on the journey of love, joy and peace IN SPITE of anything this world brings my way. How fitting today that our family scripture describes Jesus' love of freedom (Gal 5:1). "It is for FREEDOM'S SAKE" means that Jesus knows, understands, and values freedom SO HIGHLY that the thought of us in prison prompted him to give his life for MY FREEDOM - OUR FREEDOM! His value of freedom and his love for each of us is the reason we fight to MAINTAIN that freedom. Now I certainly understand that fighting to maintain our salvation is a questionable phrase - so let me just say it this way - we are saved by grace through faith but everyday is a struggle and fight against the sins of our flesh that so easily entangle and whose purpose is to cause us to turn and walk away from God. The Bible speaks of a time when our ears could be "tickled" by things other than the truth and even the elect "could be" deceived. We fight for truth on MANY LEVELS, but the truth that applies to our family journey today is undeniable - extra weight places our body, organs, cells, and mind in a place of weakness and fear. Obesity is imprisoning us and our children and robbing us/them of long life due to food-related illnesses. Side note - I was taught as a young child to love foods that were high in fat and laden with sugar - obesity freedom, for our children, is teaching them the truth about food choices as early as we teach them to read. (wink) Jesus cares about the little things that we care about, so I KNOW he cares that we struggle to maintain and lose (for those still on the journey downward) and that it is a consuming journey sometimes. I think the hardest thing to reconcile, FOR ME on my personal journey, is that I KNOW Jesus COULD heal the hunger/food addiction so that I could EAT everything and anything I want without bother - HE COULD! But, he has not yet. I have been totally healed of certain things, but not others. Sometimes I just wanna know why....... God spoke to my heart two weeks ago and said "I could tell you the why - but it would NOT change the circumstances. Just trust me." SO, I fight! Okay then - I go back to Galatians 5:1: Jesus loves freedom and values it enough that he died for it I must make a stand for that freedom that Jesus values enough to die for I have a responsibility to NOT GO BACK and PICK UP the issues of my past that placed me in the cell of obesity or make excuses today to satisfy my flesh, which often is not lead by the Spirit Slavery is a yoke and Jesus said, "take MY YOKE - for it is easy......." I choose HIS YOKE today, tomorrow, and for all eternity. Gotta get myself running, the kids and grand kids are headed my way! I am firing up the grill and making yummy foods that fit within the FREEDOM YOKE that Jesus gave me. Thanks be to my Lord, Jesus Christ who freely gave......... PK

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012 - Put It In The Ground

Good and HAPPY Friday - I am so excited to have my grandbabies coming on Monday for a swim with Nina, a birthday cookie (my oldest grandson and my son both have birthdays in one week), and a grilled dinner that brings a HUGE smile to my face! Hope you're planning to have a fun-filled and yet restful holiday. Consequences are not always what we want them to be, are they? But.......there are few of us who escape them. So many in the generation in which we live, where money can change so many things, don't really count the cost as they should. Maybe none of us REALLY do. Why is that? Perhaps because we can't see into the future and REALLY capture what our actions will precipitate??? Maybe we feel that time will place enough distance between what we do and the consequences of our actions???? Maybe we can escape consequences "this time?" I'm not certain that is wise nor am I certain it is true. And yes, the consequences of our actions are sometimes unfortunate. The Bible teaches WHAT..SO..EVER a person sows - that also will they reap. UGH! Does that mean only money??? Unfortunately, we all know the answer to that! My actions, attitudes, responses, etc......can all be sown. AND, reaping is the consequence. If I am always angry, I sow anger; guess what I get to reap? If I am always fearful and worrying around my children and grandchildren, I sow fear; then, I find myself having a difficult time TRUSTING God. And, if I constantly make excuses for an undisciplined lifestyle, I sow a "compromised" attitude toward life and I VERY POSSIBLY could reap negative consequences in many areas - health, my attitude toward life, my marriage......bunches of areas! For example......people who don't floss find that eventually their gums bear the consequence of bad habits. At that point - it may be a long journey to health, if at all. Flossing takes less than a minute but the benefits are great. Low-impact exercise, LIKE water aerobics (which is KICKIN my boooooteeeee and really toning my body after loosing so much weight) only takes a couple of hours weekly, has great benefits, but the consequences of NEVER moving our muscles and/or never allowing our weight-bearing joints to be challenged, may prove to be detrimental in OUR LATER life. OR.........if I start allowing small "cheats" to my health plan - those "babies" (THAT I SOWED) grow up and eventually I find myself bearing the ugly consequence of obesity and horrible self-esteem AGAIN! My prayer is that each of us could honestly examine our lives and have the courage to say, "that one little "cheat" has the potential to compromise my entire journey." Now while I am speaking of food, I felt the Holy Spirit remind me that could apply to ALL areas of our lives. NO CHEATING - if we sow cheating - I can promise the consequences won't be pleasant! Flip side - SOW fabulous hydration into your body - reap beautiful skin, great elasticity, lack of water retention - SOW beautifully colored veggies and reap happy cells who make your organs smile - SOW limited portions and reap the benefits of smaller clothes - SOW a smile and reap smiles all around. So, put the good stuff "in the soil of your flesh" and REAP the positive consequences and benefits of sowing WELL. Much love to all, PK PS - A dear friend that I taught school with, Rocky, sent me this recipe for grilled veggies. I have never tried this, but look forward to adding this to the grill on Monday: Zucchini, summer squash, asparagus Season to taste with garlic or onion powder and maybe your favorite Italian seasoning. Grill with a little olive oil if you like just until tender. I like a little crunch in mine. Thanks, Rocky! How about you? Do you have a planned yummy that you could share with the fam so Monday is a victory dance for us all? :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012 - Recipes for Memorial Day and a Word About Freedom

We are on count down to another family, eating event. I don't know about you, but my family has finally climbed on board. YEA! I am not totally set on what we are grilling yet, but certain that a fruit trifle will be part of the dessert. Here's what I am doing: 2 regular cans of Goya cocunut milk in refrigerator for several days to cause the milk to harden leaving the water on the bottom. 2 pints of heavy whipping cream 4-6 pkgs of truvia 1 tsp of coconut extract Pour the the final three ingredients in a bowl, then scoop ONLY the solid from the Goya cans, you can drink the water BUT it's high in calories and stay close to the bathroom - BUT YUMMY in taste and AMAZING for your muscles. Whip all of this until very firm - it will triple in size so a deep bowl is needed. Could take 5-7 minutes to turn to whipped cream. Set aside. Prepare your strawberries and blueberries separately and set them aside to CHILL well. (not combined) When ready to serve, layer the whipped cream, strawberries, whipped cream, blueberries, whipped cream and some sliced natural almonds on top. Serve immediately in clear bowl so colors look patriotic. SOOOO, yummy! I am experimenting with taking the coconut whipped cream mixture, adding an 8 oz pkg of well beaten cream cheese (combining) and doing the same layering thing. I think the whipped cream would last longer???? The water from the fruit breaks down the whipped cream fairly rapidly, but I am thinking the cream cheese would hold it together for several hours. I'll let you know. I am also serving a watermelon/cantaloupe appetizer. Those lead off foods don't always have to be veggies and dips. :) Several of you responded to the blog yesterday and I am grateful that we can all "bear one another's burdens." One of satan's greatest tools is to whisper, "you're the only one." But remember, he can never utter the truth. He is the father of all lies. And, we are all doing battle. THAT IS THE TRUTH. I wanted to share from one of my devotionals this morning. It's great when I read devotionals that utilize scriptures we have memorized and stand upon. Hope your Thursday is amazing. PK PS - if you have any creative recipes on tap for Monday, please share. I will send to the group. :) Hope you are encouraged by this: Promise #142: I open prison doors and set captives free. Isaiah 61 was a prophetic declaration of the ministry that Jesus would usher in when He started His public ministry. God's heart has always been to proclaim good news for everyone who needs to hear it. He opens up every prison door and He sets every captive free! Hallelujah for a Savior who is so committed to our personal freedom! His proclaimation of freedom is as relevant today as it was the day that Isaiah penned these words. God wants you and I to be completely free because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17) My prayer today is that every prison door that still holds us captive would be consumed by the love of God so that we could live a really free life. It is for the very love of freedom that Jesus has set you and I free! (Galatians 5:1) May each one of us experience a deeper level of God's freedom today than we have experienced before. May every weight be lifted off our shoulders and may the joy of the Lord be our strength. He never created us to be captive. We were created to be free!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 2012 - The "What If" Game

Good morning to all, Man - really tough situations all around in people's lives. I tell you - the enemy of our soul is roaming the earth SEEKING his next meal. (we are not the only one with a food plan) The Word teaches us that he comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Sometimes we only see that in the natural realm - but there are so many levels to that verse. He cannot KILL us physically, only God knows our natural birth date and our birthday into Heaven. However, sometimes the torment of our mind is WORSE that physical death. Often we are tormented by the "What If" game and let me remind us.............God doesn't initiate that game - that's for certain. I have had so many in my office in the past few weeks that are caught in that game - and usually out of brokenness and loss we just give up. Our adversary is counting on that......give up on your food plan, your marriage, your job, LIFE. I want us to go back to Galatians 5:1 this morning and repeat loud and clear: IT IS FOR FREEDOM THAT CHRIST CAME TO SET ME FREE. I, KATHY (INSERT YOUR NAME) WILL STAND FIRM THEN AND NO LONGER LET MYSELF (KATHY) BE BURDENED AGAIN WITH A YOKE OF SLAVERY. So many are saying they are tired of fighting and often we comfort ourselves with things other than God OR THE TRUTH. The truth is that our life is a SHORT season and while it may APPEAR to be an ETERNITY for us, it's not. Hearing the brokenness of people's lives and how desperate people are to just be happy, grabs my heart. Let me remind each of us - the battle is not with FLESH and BLOOD - but principalities and rulers and etc that ALWAYS cause us to go, "what if?????" The battle for freedom is fought in our minds. Making wrong food choices, chocolate, starch, sugar are NOT the enemies of our soul. But there is a dark presence whose daily objective is to get you to not trust God, not trust God's love for you, not trust your love for God. And, often we feel trapped and when trapped we need something to comfort us or something with which to slaughter those who are hurting us. YIKES! Remember this: anything or anybody (other than God) that you run to in a time of crisis is an idol. SLAUGHTER, your friends, your checkbook, Dr Phil. God alone is the source of our strength. I am walking my own journey - as are we all - and sometimes I have to remind myself - oooops - IDOL. I want you to know, for what it means, I value YOU, I am praying this morning for EACH OF YOU, and I am reminding ALL OF US - NO IDOLS! They are an abomination to God. He created us and wants us to allow him to share in every area of our lives and HE desperately desires that we turn and run to his safe arms when hurting. Let me be your sticky note today - "GOD IS OUR SOURCE EVERYTIME." tomorrow for the holiday coming up - but today.....We FIGHT for our freedom. PK

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 2012 - Paulette's Voice

Good morning all, I realize I live in a subdivision, but we are blessed to have so many trees around everyone's house. And as our property, which is over an acre, is half covered with trees, opening the front and back doors in the early morning sounds as if I reside in a bird sanctuary. It's so amazing and so blesses me! We have a lot of houses, but the people around are pretty quiet and not too may loud cars. Only occasionally do we have to grab the shot gun and chase down the hip hop car. JUST KIDDING! Although we have a FEW times had to step outside in the late night and deal with a blaring sound system. It's amazing that we don't hear that at 5:45 -6:00AM. Hmmmmmm???? :) Paulette sent this to me this yesterday and it re-inforces our own personal journey and that we ALL need to help each other stay on the path. Everyone needs encouragement. Amen? Paulette is a first generation health fighter. She and 2 others were in the first group of people I coached. Today God has blessed and increased our family and we have members throughout the US, Canada, South America, and Russia. WOW!!! People all over the world choosing to fight for their freedom from the chains of obesity. Thank you God for people who REALLY understand and are REALLY real. Have a blessed and productive day! PK PS - Our Healthy Eating Life Group starts June 3rd. It's a share-a-dish, share a recipe, and pray for our health. Group will meet the first Sunday of EACH month from 6:00-7:30. ALL ARE WELCOMED! Here's Paulette's voice of encouragement: Amen Kathy, It so easy to get comfortable with the past victories from losing the weight, that we sometimes forget what it took to get to this point. We get bored with the choices and think that there is a better way to keep the results we have now, when the results are maintained by keeping to the same healthy choices. During my devotions last week the Lord spoke to me concerning the story of the Israelites in 1 Samuel asking for a king to rule over them. The Lord had told Samuel to go and tell them how a king will treat them. And after Samuel described to them in details what a king would do.....they refused to listen to Samuel's warning and wanted a king regardless because they wanted to be as other nations. The Lord spoke to my heart that sometimes that is how we relate to foods. We hear all the great information you are sharing with us regarding proteins, veggies and fruits and how they effect our bodies for good and how the wrong choices will cause our bodies to break down in so many areas. Then sometimes, when we get tired of the choices and say, "but I want to enjoy all the foods. I deserve to eat whatever I want to eat..I want to be like other people and eat whatever choices in foods I want," and then we hear the warning: Remember fam - this is NOT a fad we are choosing for a season but a NEW structure with all the joints and bolts and foundational components secure. The winds of life WILL BLOW strong against our resolve, but having the determination to do what's right to "go the distance" CAN keep us to our course. I am thankful for all the reminders you give to us of how sugar and other processed foods cause our bodies to react. It helps me to stay focused on this wonderful journey of a healthy, nutritional lifestyle that the Lord has equipped me for. Love you and thanks for all you do, Paulette

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012 - The Memory of a Rat

Happy Monday morning to you all, Can I say how PROUD I am hat watermelons have dropped in price??? That is one of my staple foods and when funds are tight I have to ask myself do I REALLY NEED that watermelon. :) The answer - absolutely yes! News flash - Crissy sent me a text last night that she found a Smucker's jam sweetened with stevia and it was good. YEA! The food industry is changing so that we are having more and more options. I know the pharmaceutical companies are not very happy as they need us "taking our meds." But........choosing healthy living means we get to choose to decrease, or eliminate, our weight-related meds. :) Smaller clothes, more energy, focused life, better health = win, win, win, win situation. Yes?? Today I want to leave you with a thought-provoking article. I know you guys think I am the sugar nazi - but this research article supports another wonderful reason to decrease or eliminate sugar in your diet as well as your family. How many of us want to increase our memory potential??? That would be me! Hope you enjoy this - have a blessed day and choose LIFE. PK Lab Notes: Sugar Sours Memory, Fish Oil Trumps By MedPage Today Staff Published: May 18, 2012 Rats fed a sugary diet forgot how to run a maze they had previously mastered, but the effect was countered by omega-3 fatty acid supplements. Also this week: new hope for Fanconi anemia. Sugary Diet Impairs Memory Rats in a maze study performed worse when their diet was supplemented with fructose water, researchers at the University of California Los Angeles found. The team trained 24 rats to run a maze over 5 days, and then randomized them to a diet enriched with or without docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and with or without a fructose solution. After 6 weeks on one of four diets, the rats ran the maze again from memory, the researchers reported in The Journal of Physiology. Rats with a DHA-enriched diet that were not given fructose water had significantly better times on the maze than did rats given sugar, whether or not their diet was enriched with the omega-3 fatty acid. However, rats given sugar water and the fatty acid managed to perform better than ones without DHA. Rats given neither fructose nor fatty acids performed better than either fructose group, but not as well as rats with the DHA enriched-only diet. The research team noted that "the lack of [omega-3] fatty acids in the diet elevated parameters of peripheral insulin resistance, and resulted in disrupted insulin signalling in brain, and these effects were aggravated by fructose treatment" and that "dysfunctional insulin receptor signalling was associated with lowered learning performance" in the maze. In short, the omega-3 deficiency led to memory deficiency, which was amplified further by drinking sugar water. -- Cole Petrochko

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 2012 - Scatter The Buzzards

What a beautiful morning to sit outside, enjoy my waterfall, and listen to the birds. Life is great! The rain has caused everything to have LIFE again and the beauty of color and rich green leaves brings a calm to my spirit. I didn't realize until Monday how much I FIGHT for life. I always knew that I couldn't watch those animal shows where the mean guys pick the weak one and eventually take it down for their meal. My husband continues to say, "that's just nature." But my heart wants to slap the mean guys while the weak one struggles in those final few moments. I don't care if that's "NATURE" or not - I want to help the weak one and feed it tenderly until it's back to health. Now, I really do understand the food chain, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Monday, while at my mom's, we heard this moaning sound behind their property and determined it was a cow in distress. Within a short amount of time, a group of buzzards gathered. Mom would go out and scream, "let her alone," and I would pace looking for a gun to kill the birds. (wow, this is deep but I am going somewhere) The cow was NOT dead and the mockers/consumers had already arrived for their lunch. The louder mom screamed (and they WOULD scatter) the more frustrated I got and the more insight downloaded. Finally, I convinced my step-father to go find the owner of the land or the sheriff or someone and HELP her so these buzzards didn't start their clean-up while she was still suffering. I said over and over again, "I cannot believe they arrived BEFORE she died." But isn't that the way life is sometimes? Jealousy or intense envy CAN cause others to look upon our decision to "kill our flesh" and become mockers or critically negative. I have had more than a few people "pronounce" that I cannot "maintain" this type of "diet" indefinitely. I used to try to defend myself (scream at the buzzards) but eventually realized I would FIGHT for life and let my LIFE scatter the buzzards. I don't defend healthy eating any more, I just smile and nod at all those who say, "you can't." I go meal by meal and day by day standing on truth and declaring LIFE to my body. Eating healthy is not a's my LIFE. The longer I walk in health and the more LIFE I portray, the more scattered the buzzards! Check it out - while others may desire to change the way they eat and become healthy, often the journey is too difficult and they may choose to give up. Then, sometimes in their frustration and failure they, OUT OF THEIR OWN HURT, may want us to join them in their decision to accept defeat. We CANNOT! I applaud MANY of you who have battled difficult life situations, as have I recently, maybe jumped off plan a wee bit, but have turned and fought your way BACK to what you know is TRUTH. I want to encourage you - keep screaming at the buzzards regardless of whether they look like people or problems. Scream LOUD! You deserve to LIVE. Good news - Mr Bill went and found help, the cow was rescued, and the buzzards left hungry. I LOVE IT! We won't quit, give-in, or compromise and join the rank of the defeated. We choose LIFE! PK

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012 - Build It Right

I found this story in one of my leadership devotional books and I love it! I want to use it to speak to our need for having accountability in our journey. Accountability takes courage, but it also takes humility. Letting someone know where you're weak and having a friend stand with you and pray for you when the "winds" of life come to attack the core of who you are is critical. I do want to look at this from both sides though. Simply telling someone where we're weak cannot become our "release." I can confess that I'm struggling, laugh it off, have someone console me, and keep moving around the same issue. I did that for so many years with no REAL intent to FIX THE PROBLEM! Having someone to confess your issues to is designed to STRENGTHEN your resolve. Our health is a battle (You know that or you wouldn't read these each morning) and when in a battle, just absolving someone's mistakes is probably not going to save their life. Your partner, friend, coach sometimes needs to take your confession and help you make a stand! They need to challenge you to see the truth and STICK to the plan. That takes someone with courage who loves you more than you love yourself sometimes. The Bible talks about the slap of a friend doesn't it? Their accountability is designed to get the structure of your thinking back to a SOLID place. Remember fam - this is NOT a fad we are choosing for a season but a NEW structure with all the joints and bolts and foundational components secure. The winds of life WILL BLOW strong against our resolve, but having the determination to do what's right to "go the distance" CAN keep us to our course. Hope you see your journey in this story. I saw mine. I NEED you. PK When New York's Citicorp tower was completed in 1977, many structural engineers hailed the tower for its technical elegance and singular grace. One year after the building opened, the structural engineer William J. LeMessurier came to a frightening realization. The Citicorp tower was flawed. Without his approval, joints that should have been welded were bolted. Under severe winds that come once every sixteen years to New York, the building would buckle. LeMessurier weighed his options: Blow the whistle on himself. Suicide. Keep silent. LeMessurier did what he had to do. He came clean. He confessed the mistake. Plans were drawn up to correct the problem. Work began. And three months later, the building was strong enough to withstand a storm of the severity that hits New York once every seven hundred years. The repairs cost millions of dollars. Nevertheless, LeMessurier's career and reputation were not destroyed but enhanced. One engineer commended LeMessurier for being a man who had the courage to say, "I've got a problem; I made the problem; let's fix the problem." You may be at that point where you realize your life is like that flawed building. Although by all appearances you are strong and successful and together, you know you have points of weakness that make you vulnerable to collapse. What do you do? ****** I added this to the story******** Wrong health choices can corrode the very foundation of our lives. How do we respond? Make the hard choice to restructure our lives and fortify it with correct daily choices, or turn our heads and face the destruction of our "building" later in life? We ALL know the benefits of a fabulous health journey - let's fix the problem.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012 - The Wishing Well

Yes, it's Wednesday and we are approaching the half-way mark - YEA! Two days of back to back water aerobics and I am really feeling the effects. I LOVE not sweating and getting such a GREAT workout. I'm just saying - the water resistance kicks my boo-tee. :) I am purchasing my own equipment to use at the pool in our complex as well as a group of us from work will also meet at a friend's house 1-2 days a week and challenge each other in the water. And, it's great fun too! Who knew water noodles could be such a useful tool??? :) For those of you who do not know me well, from another state or country (yes, we have people in our family from around the world now) I hear so many people "wishing" they could lose weight or get healthy. And, I so understand! For such a long time, I blamed my unhealthy life style and 65 extra pounds on everyone and anyone other than myself. YES I DID! And then, so as to not take responsibility, I could always make a joke and proclaim, "I WISH I could lose some weight." I laughed and confessed for years, but was never serious enough to really look at my health plan and realize I MADE ALL THE DECISIONS - I COOKED ALL THE FOOD - I LIVED FROM ONE MEAL TO THE NEXT. But, I continued to "stop by the wishing well" WHEN I needed my pants to zip, WHEN I went for a doctor's visit, WHEN everyone was getting in the pool and I was embarrassed. And how about was never MY fault. Childhood eating of cooking......................having "no other" vices in my life as I was a Christian. The wishing well never seemed to free me from the cell of obesity in which I was locked. But one day, I came face to face with the truth that the "wishing well" was just a myth and if I didn't turn my life around - I would eventually eat my way into a disease-filled death. NO, NO, AND NO! I had to determine the truth and stare it in the face and be more determined to live than okay with obesity. My doctors continued to say, "if you could lose just 5-10 pounds..........." Ever heard that? And I would visit the wishing well. They would say, "you can back off some of the meds if you could lose just FIVE pounds." And I would visit the wishing well. When we are younger, we MAY get away with some extra weight, but all that fat inside our veins DOES TAKE IT'S TOLL and we never see it. That's why heart disease is sometimes called the "silent killer." I don't know about you - but I don't want some "silent killer" pushing me to the LIE, which is the wishing well. I want to walk in the TRUTH and LIGHT and live as long as God has planned for me in great health serving him with this body at optimal performance level! Preach, sista! Stop visiting the wishing well and throwing your pennies into the water. Instead, make the LIFE DETERMINATION to choose health and fight everyday, as I and others do, together, to never visit the wishing well again. You can do it! We can do it together. Believing God for each of us! PK PS - Crissy said she went to Red Robin the other day to eat with her husband and they wrapped her hamburger in a huge lettuce leaf. YEA!!!! I stopped going because of the french fries that sucked me in (they are fabbbbb) - but with a lettuce leaf and apples instead of fries - freedom again!!!! That's what I'm taking about. :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, 2012 - The Lilies of the Field

Good morning to you all, Recently, I have experienced some dramatic changes in my personal life where the cares of life seem to be so heavy and I sometimes I can find myself "worrying" about so many things! (being honest here) You know we always talk about making a plan and I totally believe in planning; but how many know that sometimes we can look at our lives and wonder if we can sustain the plan we "thought" we made. :) Like I said yesterday, it costs extra to eat healthy and stay on plan, sometimes, and with the rising cost of EVERYTHING, we all have to weigh where our food costs and all other costs line up. I gotta be honest - sometimes I get a little rumbled. My friend at Publix, Peter, when I commented about the cost of my groceries, said "if I had a place to grow my own food, I would. The cost of food continues to rise. I would put my money in seeds." Well, for those of us "non-farmer girls," that won't help. :) AND.....neither will worrying about how I will continue to eat healthy when it costs more. Even my sweet husband, from time to time, has to be reminded that my health journey is non-negotiable as far as our income. :) I have heard from several that you find it difficult to stay with a healthy protocol due to the cost of food or the limited choices of meals at restaurants (as their families eat out a lot) and I totally understand. I find myself making choices at the store differently and with more consideration than this time last year, but there are times when our situations change. However, our plan to be healthy cannot be the first place we cut corners. Processed foods are cheaper, but again, in the long run (in terms of our health), they can be more costly. I said all that to say this - we cannot worry about where the money will come to provide for a healthy life style. Our choices may have to look a little different and we may have to trade in some different areas, but God provides for our needs! He will take care of us and he knows that we are being good stewards of the body he created, gave to us, and he dwells within. If you are struggling with worry in any area of your life this morning, maybe this will encourage you. I LOVE God's word - it stabilizes me when nothing else can. PK Matthew 6:25-34 25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? 28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing,29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of Godt above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. 34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012 - Processed or Natural - does it really matter?

Great Monday morning to you, In my journey over the last couple of years, God has really pointed out certain things to me and the following info is in that group. I KNOW that we are all busy, and I KNOW it's takes extra time to eat mostly unprocessed foods, but I KNOW we are worth the effort. Living this life style requires more shopping time (as the food doesn't last as long), more time cooking and exploring with herbs as opposed to extra salt and sugar, and often more money as whole foods can be expensive due to their short shelf life. But again - what price can be placed on living a long, healthy life? The cost of less medications alone help me with extra food costs, as does the fact that I don't eat out as much. That's the other "processed" food that no one considers. I was speaking to a chef at a funeral on Friday asking which foods contained sugar. Out of a LONG table, all but 2 items had "additional" sugar (and some were veggies). Her reply upon being questioned, "the sugar helps to enhance the work of the salt. It really brings out the flavor in the food." YIKES! We have to be SO careful. She said that most everyone adds sugar to push the salt to maximum flavor action. Yikes X2. Anyway - it's BEST when we cook/season our own foods, cook often, fill our body with real foods that have REAL abilities to bring REAL health to our lives. I love the article below. Hope you enjoy - PK People who eat healthy, mostly unprocessed foods, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (lentils, dry beans and peas), and limited amounts of lean animal protein (reduced-fat dairy, fish, chicken, and lean cuts of other meats), often find that they can eat as much as they want without gaining weight. If they are switching from a diet containing lots of processed foods, they find that they can eat more yet consume fewer calories -- and they lose weight. Because natural fruits, vegetables and whole grains are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, they are absorbed slowly and satisfy our feelings of hunger. Heavily processed foods, on the other hand, are not only low in nutritional value, but they don't make us feel satisfied so we eat more of them. They are made from refined ingredients that are so tasteless they require large amounts of salt, sugar, fat, and high-priced advertising to make them attractive. Perhaps our biggest nutritional mistake has been turning away from foods in their natural state. We have replaced them with processed foods that have been modified to last longer, be easier to manufacture and distribute, and be more convenient to store and use. Take apple juice as an example. Even the simple act of removing the pulp to make apple juice detracts from its value for both health and weight loss. A medium size apple contains just 72 calories, and over 3 grams of fiber, while 8 fl oz of apple juice contains 120 calories and no fiber at all. And we're just talking about pure, "healthy" apple juice. Natural foods are nutritious and contain much of what is good for us, including vitamins and minerals, fiber, the cancer-fighting antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, and the sustained energy provided by whole grains and complex carbohydrates. They reduce our risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Because of their nutrient and fiber content, natural foods are healthy for us and help keep us slim. Heavily processed foods are substantially less nutritious and contain much of what is not good for us, including sodium, preservatives, sugars, saturated fats and trans fats. The most nutritious part of whole grains is the outer cover, the part that is removed to make white flour and white rice. Because of their lack of nutrient and fiber content, and all their additives, heavily processed foods can be unhealthy for us and help us gain weight.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11, 2012 - The Curse Of Comparison

Good morning - if you don't go to New City Church, please pray for us. Today we bury, at noon, our third family member in 8 weeks. But I must say, what a spectacular day for a home-going service. It's absolutely beautiful here. But of course, Mr. Jim opened his eyes and saw God early last Saturday morning. This service is about honor and saying good-bye. Thanks for your prayers. This has been three months of really tough pastoral issues for me, including the three deaths. I think one of the things we do from a young age is compare. I think our parents instilled that in us........."you're big sister played varsity ball; you're brother makes all A's; if you could crawl as fast as others." I don't think we realize the curse of comparison. In my life I was always looking at others and "wishing" I could look like them, act like them, BE THEM. I have battled MY ENTIRE life with wanting to be someone else. Maybe you see yourself in that? Let me remind us all from Psalm 139 that God wonderfully created us and breathed life into us. His stamp of approval is upon us. He sketched our face in His book before he implanted us in the womb of our mothers. He KNOWS and HE LOVES us for who HE created us to be..........not who WE covet to be. OUCH! When we take our eyes and place them on what God "seemingly" has done for others - money, body, marriage, etc - we basically say, "Thanks, God.....but what you did for me (or are doing) is really not good enough." That is SO not true! Instead, we must realize that God has plans to do good by us and give us a good hope and a good future regardless of what our circumstances say AT THIS MOMENT! I heard Jentzen Franklin say one time, "if any two of us are identical, then one of us is unnecessary." Preach that! Always coveting what others have or what THEY look like can REALLY be a curse in our lives. I tell you - it's a major distraction. Now, I really believe we need to look the best we can, work as hard as we can, and enjoy life to the best of our abilities! That means eating well, working hard, resting well, and laughing a lot! We were created to be US -- the BEST US WE CAN BE - but we were not created to be someone else. I think comparing ourselves and "wishing" we were different never communicates to God how GRATEFUL we are that He chose to be our Father and adopt us. Remember, he looked out, saw each of us, and brought us unto himself. And, he didn't do this because we are ROCK STARS. Come on, let's kill the comparison curse and learn to love ourselves and appreciate who we are. can never look in two directions at one time. You cannot look at others and compare AND look at God at the same time and say THANKS. If we are looking at others all the time, we cannot look up as we need to. And our help comes from above! Lift up your eyes today. Comparison only drags our eyes in a wrong direction! PK

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 2012 - Watermelon Leaves

Good morning all and what a beautiful, crisp morning! I love the temps and the moisture on the ground. Many of you know I am a watermelon freak (eat some every day), so my precious husband has started growing some for me. I go outside every morning to watch the progress as the seeds have pushed through the ground and the leaves are getting strong. Of the 10 seeds he planted, only 3 are coming up - but those three are LOOKIN good. I am amazed that the leaves look JUST LIKE the skin of a watermelon. Everyday God shows me something different and I LOVE IT! This morning I want to encourage us all to look for God even in the tiniest parts of our days. I'm telling you - watching these watermelon seeds come out of the ground and LOOK like watermelons even as leaves has once again reminded me that God SO cares about the tiny details of our lives. He created our bodies to respond to food and water in certain ways. Water - SIMPLE - but LIFE GIVING! As our bodies are 75% water - we need MANY cups of water on a daily basis for our organs to work properly. And, as that is difficult for me, I honestly confess that sometimes I have to make myself hydrate. But it is the law that governs my body, as simple and plain as water is. Just because I am not REALLY fond of water doesn't mean I get to skip it. NO,NO. If I do, my skin, bowels, heart - etc. pay the penalty. Our heart uses electrical current to keep it in rhythm. Water is a great conductor of electricity. When we hydrate, our heart and brain work MUCH BETTER! And, our feet are not swollen, our eyes not puffy, the fat being burned inside our body can be eliminated properly........and on, and on, and on. God created our bodies so intricately, as he did that watermelon plant, because he is INTO THE DETAILS, and then He uses something SO simple to keep it running at maximum capacity. I would imagine he did that because he KNOWS each of us so well. Water is easily accessible, cheap, easy to transport, doesn't require any cooking, see where I'm going? How simple and yet so critical. The above paragraph is true - so what are some tips to help get that PURE water into our body so that it functions the best it can? 1. I use two 1.5 liter containers daily. I get one out early morning and sit it on the counter and start. 2. I drink 2 cups with my vitamins each morning - I hate it - but I make myself do it. 3. Some days I WON'T allow myself to consume anything EXTRA until I have my water in. 4. After my water is in - I will allow myself a Zevia. 5. I DO sometimes use stevia tea - herbal, green tea with no caffeine and no sugar, to count as some of my water portion. ONLY sometimes when I am tired of plain water and need a TEMPORARY pass. Those are a few of my tips. Do you have some to share with the fam? I wish I could tell you there was another way - but there is not. In the long run - water is at the top of the list as far as our heart and brain health. And in my book - the older I get, the more important water gets. Think about that watermelon seed today and remember, God uses the simple things to confound the wise. DRINK your water! PK

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9, 2012 - You're Not The Boss of Me

Hey gang, This was part of my devotional for Monday and it keeps coming back to my spirit: Life is no fun when we let our feelings run the show. Feelings change from day to day, hour to hour, even moment to moment. They often lie to us. In short, we cannot trust our feelings. But we can choose, as Christ followers, to ignore false emotions and live by truth and wisdom. Let me give you some examples. Perhaps you have found yourself in a crowd of people and felt as though everyone was talking about you. That doesn't mean they were. Maybe you feel that nobody understands you, but that doesn't mean they don't. You may feel misunderstood, unappreciated or even mistreated, but that doesn't mean you are. I want to tag off this and say - just because we feel hungry, doesn't mean we really are. Sometimes I have to really STOP and ask myself if this is really hunger or is my flesh desiring its WANTS???? That's critical to determine. Sometimes when I'm tired or frustrated my flesh still tries to drag me to my past. I have to remind myself that I ate an hour ago and have refueled properly and then I really have to listen. Is this hunger? If yes, and I just ate, water or fruit is a good choice. If I haven't eaten in awhile - I eat. There is that fine line that we must examine and ask God to give us wisdom. We cannot eat every time our flesh cries out.......sometimes it's really just a test! No more prison for us. Right? So listen well today and REALLY don't allow your flesh to dictate your future health. We would never allow a child "testing the waters" to control our lives. Tell that flesh, "you're not the boss of me!" wink PK

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 2012 - Did God Really Say?

Good morning all, I think some people feel it's "easier" to fight cancer than obesity. UGH! We have to remember this promise found in Matthew 8:17: So God’s promise came true, just as the prophet Isaiah had said, “He healed our diseases and made us well.” That is a promise - and God doesn't lie. Now for us - it's not just a one time healing and it's done - hear me out. Our healing manifests in our MIND - our CHOICES - the WILL to make the CORRECT choices and KEEP MAKING THEM. It's not like cancer where it is removed forever and one goes into remission. This is a journey of daily choices BUT GOD HEALED US and GUIDES US to make the right ones. AND - we have to not allow LIFE to cause us to return to our past. I know that's hard. But some of us"self medicate with food" and that strikes a chord of compassion with me. I lived there for so mangy years! I do take medication when I need it - but self-medicating with food only seems to lead to crash and burn rapidly! YIKES! That's why our family is so important to me and realizing that Jesus TOOK obesity like a sack upon his body FOR ME helps me to see that God made a plan BUT I cannot "SELF" do MY plan. Let's thank God for these things today: 1. We are healed according to Matthew 8:17. 2. Our mind is healed and will make the correct choices to maintain that healing 3. Food is FUEL for our body and NOT COMFORT for our soul 4. We will not allow our wants (for various kinds of food) to bring compromise into our daily choices 5. God has given us abundant life through Jesus Christ - we choose to accept and FIGHT for that abundance Self-medicating with food is like playing Truth or Dare with satan. I can hear him whispering, "Did God really say............" YES, MATTHEW 8:17 DOES SAY!!!! If you are looking back and slowly gaining - look forward, look up, get on the scale daily, and ask God to RENEW in you the truth His Word. He made us well - let's live life as well people and refuse to allow the things of our past to place sickness on us again. Amen? Choose life and eat to live, PK

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

Good morning - what an absolutely beautiful morning! It stormed last night and the air is so fresh and cool. It's amazing how that happens. I so love mornings like this where I can drink coffee, talk to ya'll, read the Word, and just bask in the beauty of God. Congrats this morning to Jenny Vaughn who did her FIRST 5 K run! You go girl - so proud of you and to Wendi P for getting underneath her next weight goal AND getting a house. We celebrate with those who are celebrating. Yes!!! And a BIG thanks to all of you who prayed for my trip. All I can say is God did amazing things from start to finish. I had a few obstacles to overcome but God had His way and spoke to His girls. I preached for about 40 minutes and then women waited in line for up to 90 minutes for prayer. My heart was so touched at so many who are suffering and then I received an email last night for someone that felt she was supposed to come for prayer but didn't really go to the church and wasn't sure she could but needs a touch from God desperately. She contacted the leadership at the Tabernacle for my email address and reached out. PTL! SO many are trapped and have suffered so long they have NO JOY. It breaks my heart. I especially want you to join me in prayer for a young lady (maybe 10 or 11 years old), who waited about 30 minutes for me to pray for her, who asked me to pray that her daddy would get saved. While I prayed she cried, I cried, and all around cried. The daddy's name is Lance and I am asking God to do a quick work and bring that family to wholeness. The pastor's wife says she comes EVERY week to the altar to pray for her daddy's salvation. He name is Mackenzie. Mother's Day is this weekend and I know this is a BIG "go out to eat" weekend. We CAN do this - check everything. I went to lunch last week with my pastor's wife and there was a jalapeƱo ranch offered with the grilled chicken salad. I was very careful to have the waiter check to see if the ranch was made with sugar. When he checked, it was not. So, ranch on the side, stick the fork in the ranch, and grab a lot of salad - next bite no dressing. At some places they bring 2-3 containers of ranch - I never even use a whole one any more - too many calories. Also, be mindful that when they say grilled - it is often "grilled" with butter and steamed means butter added. I have learned to be very specific. SOOOOO - let your family bless you- go anywhere you want - eat a healthy, balanced meal and make a dessert that you can enjoy with everyone following your meal. What a perfect plan! Love you guys more than you know - start planning today for your weekend celebration. "We plan to fail when we fail to plan." PK

Friday, May 4, 2012

May 4, 2012 - God's Table is Prepared

PRAISE's raining. It's been almost three weeks here with no water. I thought about going outside and standing in the water and just laughing out loud. Thanks Wendi girl for helping declare RAIN. On Monday when I sent out that blog - we had been weeks with no rain and another 10 day spread with no rain. I started calling the water out of the skies and reminding God that we were desperate - I WAS DESPERATE - for him to rain on the earth and in my heart. To ME......the rain brings peace and hope and life! I have both doors open now and the sound simply calms my spirit. I am leaving this morning for Sarasota, Florida to speak at a spring, women's event in the morning. Please pray as I am believing for healing in several areas as I share my testimony. I KNOW God protected my marriage, mind, finances, integrity, etc. during the darkest of days so he could use my journey to pull the captives from prison and receive SO MUCH STINKIN GLORY THAT IT BLINDS PEOPLE. God is NO respecter of persons and he is MORE than able to do the same thing in all our lives! My husband's journey and my daughter's health have placed things in me I would NEVER have gotten anywhere else and for that I am grateful. Now I turn and proclaim - "even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will FEAR NO EVIL, for the rod and staff of OUR GOD will COMFORT us - He prepares a table before us in the PRESENCE of our enemies." I could shout! Obesity is an enemy and yet God's table is prepared right in FRONT of my problem. I chose to eat from the King's table and not the fast food line at McDonald's. :) Gotta run - finishing my final notes for my message. PK PS - the new life group based around healthy eating doesn't start this Sunday, but 1st Sunday of June if you wanna attend. Kisses!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3, 2012 - Speak God's Word To The Mountain

Good morning, I heard from some that you are a wee bit tired or discouraged. One of my readings this morning from Joyce Meyer does a great job of encouraging us to KEEP SPEAKING to our situation. Sometimes our situations are so consuming we comfort ourselves with food and then get discouraged. Maybe this will encourage you today. It SO did me. I leave for Sarasota in the morning to speak at a women's event Saturday morning. I would love for you to pray for the women to whom I will minister and for me that they will "see" me and "HEAR" God. I'm just the vessel. PK Speak God's Word to the Mountain When Jesus said that we are to speak to the mountain, commanding it to be lifted up and thrown into the sea, He was making a radical statement. See, we usually talk about the "mountains," or challenges, in our lives, but God's Word instructs us to talk to them. And when we do, we must respond to them with the Word of God. In Luke 4, when Satan was trying to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, the Lord responded to every trial by speaking Scripture. He repeatedly quoted verses that met the lies and deceptions of the devil head-on. We have a tendency to try this for awhile, but when we do not see quick results, we stop speaking the Word to our problems and begin once again to speak our feelings. Persistence is a vital link to obtaining victory. Constantly speaking the Word is powerful and absolutely necessary in overcoming any problem or negative situation. Know what you believe and be determined to stick with it to the end. ******this is ONE key to the success of our life's journey. PK Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, remind me daily to speak the Word to the mountains in my life. Every time I give in to complaining or despair, fill me with Your peace and boldness and prompt me to speak Your will and move mountains!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May 2, 2012 - Sir Isaac Newton

Good morning to all, I like water aerobics without the dome - lots of green trees, etc. It was a really good workout. :) I was thinking last night how difficult it is sometimes to move from a place of just "holding still" (in all areas of life) to moving AGAIN. Sometimes the initial outlay of energy just "doesn't" seem worth the effort. Moving the heavy weights through the water was tough, but the toughest part was in my mind. I KNEW from past classes how tough it was going to be to maneuver them through the resistance BUT ONCE I GOT GOING - it was easier. That's true about a lot of things. We remember in our minds (and in our stomachs) how hard it is to stay on plan........we have family functions coming up, graduations, it's difficult to get the water in while working, on the weekends our spouses want to go out to eat, we have to cook and plan ahead of time.........etc, etc, etc. BUT......once our minds have started it's sometimes easier to stay in motion. It really is. Issac Newton had three laws (basically) that really relate to motion. One of those states that an object IN MOTION will remain IN MOTION until energy from an outside force is exerted against it. It is HARD to start but once started you stay in motion until something gets in the way. THEN, we can slow down or even stop. AND, it takes a great amount of energy to start again. I know for myself it is hard for me to restart something. I have done that so many times - so this time I have purposed to not restart, but continue. The basic laws of physics really do apply to our health journey as well. We purpose in our minds to never stop or slow down and then we FIGHT against all odds or objects that would challenge our resolve. I know it's hard to make such a stand against obesity when we cannot see the future, but we REALLY can. We know that heart disease is REAL and stems from unhealthy eating in most cases; we know diabetes can be controlled with healthy eating and effects of "staying in motion." These are just two - start naming things that doctors are now linking obesity to and the picture is not pretty. We have a chance to start IN MOTION towards a healthy future or we can sit still and "hope" the statistics and facts concerning the future of those following an unhealthy food plan are not true. I'd rather not roll the dice. I'd rather get in motion and stay in motion. Starting and re-starting is HARD work and I am afraid I will eventually decide starting again is not worth the effort and accept my fate. NO.....NO......NO! Let's get in motion with our food, with our exercise, and with our attitudes and then.......let's STAY IN MOTION. Loving you today, PK

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012 - The RIGHT Fuel in My Engine

The heat is on! WOW......I cannot imagine what August will bring and the drought too. My husband who loves our yard and various plants has chosen to plant nothing this year due to the drought. It took us sometimes 2 hours (several days a week) last year to water everything thoroughly. yard is in "maintenance mode" with the drought coming, no need to spend the money on high-maintenance items. UGH! Water aerobics starts back tonight and I am so excited! Hopefully they have the pool heated as the dome has been removed. YIKES! If you're near the Kedron area, come to the aquatic center and join us tonight at 7. It's a hard workout, but fun. Also, all the new LIfe Groups at NCC are being promoted for the next two weekends - so my new Healthy Eating one will launch the 1st Sunday in June. People are gathering at my home ONE Sunday night a month for a healthy share-a-dish, laughter and prayer for our health issues. This is not just for NCC folks, so if you wanna attend - you can! My house - each 1st Sunday - 6pm-8pm - bring a healthy food item to share AND COPIES OF YOUR RECIPE. YUM! The scripture in Romans 6:16 says, "Don't you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?" Paul is really encouraging the new believers to stop giving into their own desires and temptations as our emotions are so powerful. They really are. Let's take our journey - we are clipping along and following the plan and little by little we begin to excuse the things we know to do. For me, maybe I eat nuts instead of getting in my veggies as they are quick and easy. But just that became a trap for me. I realized by last week that I wan't cooking as I should and I was okay with nuts and an apple a couple of times a day. STOP. I had to readjust my attitude this weekend. I got myself back on the plan and already my spirit is lifted. My cells cannot live off nuts and fruit - even if "I don't feel like cooking." I hit a "bump in the road" in my personal life and instead of eating sugar or starch, I just quit following the plan and started grabbing what was easy. That DOES NOT fuel my cells, or give me energy. I noticed by last week I was so tired and sluggish, and I felt like I was in a rut. Sorry - gotta be honest. This accountability helps me. :) So Saturday and Sunday I started back with eating meats, veggies, and fruits in their right balance with the healthy fats and by yesterday I could so tell a difference. The moral of this: get your veggies and fruits in each day - vary the color and kind - and don't substitute nuts as a veggie. Nuts are great in moderation but our veggies have those vitamins and fiber we need! Try eating some of them raw and some cooked daily. My flesh that LOVES nuts is not the BOSS of me. I had gotten to a place of carrying nuts in my purse and not taking my lunch. NO! So, I am choosing to obey the plan and REWARDING myself with some nuts when my veggies and water have been consumed. I will be a "slave" to the plan of God for my life which is to fill HIS TEMPLE with the good things he created as fuel for me. It's like going to a pump and getting bad gas - my car is going to run poorly. Same concept. I choose to obey the rules of right eating and give my body every chance to live a long, productive life. How about you? Are you on plan and refueling well? If so - FABULOSO! If not, pack your lunch with a lean protein and fruit. Let's chain ourselves to life-giving foods. YUM! Have an awesome Tuesday - God is BIG enough! PK