Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9, 2012 - You're Not The Boss of Me

Hey gang, This was part of my devotional for Monday and it keeps coming back to my spirit: Life is no fun when we let our feelings run the show. Feelings change from day to day, hour to hour, even moment to moment. They often lie to us. In short, we cannot trust our feelings. But we can choose, as Christ followers, to ignore false emotions and live by truth and wisdom. Let me give you some examples. Perhaps you have found yourself in a crowd of people and felt as though everyone was talking about you. That doesn't mean they were. Maybe you feel that nobody understands you, but that doesn't mean they don't. You may feel misunderstood, unappreciated or even mistreated, but that doesn't mean you are. I want to tag off this and say - just because we feel hungry, doesn't mean we really are. Sometimes I have to really STOP and ask myself if this is really hunger or is my flesh desiring its WANTS???? That's critical to determine. Sometimes when I'm tired or frustrated my flesh still tries to drag me to my past. I have to remind myself that I ate an hour ago and have refueled properly and then I really have to listen. Is this hunger? If yes, and I just ate, water or fruit is a good choice. If I haven't eaten in awhile - I eat. There is that fine line that we must examine and ask God to give us wisdom. We cannot eat every time our flesh cries out.......sometimes it's really just a test! No more prison for us. Right? So listen well today and REALLY don't allow your flesh to dictate your future health. We would never allow a child "testing the waters" to control our lives. Tell that flesh, "you're not the boss of me!" wink PK

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