Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012 - The Freedom Yoke

What a fabulous day to celebrate the greatness of our military people who give themselves openly for our protection and security. I am proud to be an American! And, to the greatest fallen warrior of them all, who died FOR me and whose life GIVES me freedom - Jesus Christ! I am proud to be a disciple and to know that his fallen life and his residence in my heart places me on the journey of love, joy and peace IN SPITE of anything this world brings my way. How fitting today that our family scripture describes Jesus' love of freedom (Gal 5:1). "It is for FREEDOM'S SAKE" means that Jesus knows, understands, and values freedom SO HIGHLY that the thought of us in prison prompted him to give his life for MY FREEDOM - OUR FREEDOM! His value of freedom and his love for each of us is the reason we fight to MAINTAIN that freedom. Now I certainly understand that fighting to maintain our salvation is a questionable phrase - so let me just say it this way - we are saved by grace through faith but everyday is a struggle and fight against the sins of our flesh that so easily entangle and whose purpose is to cause us to turn and walk away from God. The Bible speaks of a time when our ears could be "tickled" by things other than the truth and even the elect "could be" deceived. We fight for truth on MANY LEVELS, but the truth that applies to our family journey today is undeniable - extra weight places our body, organs, cells, and mind in a place of weakness and fear. Obesity is imprisoning us and our children and robbing us/them of long life due to food-related illnesses. Side note - I was taught as a young child to love foods that were high in fat and laden with sugar - obesity freedom, for our children, is teaching them the truth about food choices as early as we teach them to read. (wink) Jesus cares about the little things that we care about, so I KNOW he cares that we struggle to maintain and lose (for those still on the journey downward) and that it is a consuming journey sometimes. I think the hardest thing to reconcile, FOR ME on my personal journey, is that I KNOW Jesus COULD heal the hunger/food addiction so that I could EAT everything and anything I want without bother - HE COULD! But, he has not yet. I have been totally healed of certain things, but not others. Sometimes I just wanna know why....... God spoke to my heart two weeks ago and said "I could tell you the why - but it would NOT change the circumstances. Just trust me." SO, I fight! Okay then - I go back to Galatians 5:1: Jesus loves freedom and values it enough that he died for it I must make a stand for that freedom that Jesus values enough to die for I have a responsibility to NOT GO BACK and PICK UP the issues of my past that placed me in the cell of obesity or make excuses today to satisfy my flesh, which often is not lead by the Spirit Slavery is a yoke and Jesus said, "take MY YOKE - for it is easy......." I choose HIS YOKE today, tomorrow, and for all eternity. Gotta get myself running, the kids and grand kids are headed my way! I am firing up the grill and making yummy foods that fit within the FREEDOM YOKE that Jesus gave me. Thanks be to my Lord, Jesus Christ who freely gave......... PK

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