Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 2012 - Did God Really Say?

Good morning all, I think some people feel it's "easier" to fight cancer than obesity. UGH! We have to remember this promise found in Matthew 8:17: So God’s promise came true, just as the prophet Isaiah had said, “He healed our diseases and made us well.” That is a promise - and God doesn't lie. Now for us - it's not just a one time healing and it's done - hear me out. Our healing manifests in our MIND - our CHOICES - the WILL to make the CORRECT choices and KEEP MAKING THEM. It's not like cancer where it is removed forever and one goes into remission. This is a journey of daily choices BUT GOD HEALED US and GUIDES US to make the right ones. AND - we have to not allow LIFE to cause us to return to our past. I know that's hard. But some of us"self medicate with food" and that strikes a chord of compassion with me. I lived there for so mangy years! I do take medication when I need it - but self-medicating with food only seems to lead to crash and burn rapidly! YIKES! That's why our family is so important to me and realizing that Jesus TOOK obesity like a sack upon his body FOR ME helps me to see that God made a plan BUT I cannot "SELF" do MY plan. Let's thank God for these things today: 1. We are healed according to Matthew 8:17. 2. Our mind is healed and will make the correct choices to maintain that healing 3. Food is FUEL for our body and NOT COMFORT for our soul 4. We will not allow our wants (for various kinds of food) to bring compromise into our daily choices 5. God has given us abundant life through Jesus Christ - we choose to accept and FIGHT for that abundance Self-medicating with food is like playing Truth or Dare with satan. I can hear him whispering, "Did God really say............" YES, MATTHEW 8:17 DOES SAY!!!! If you are looking back and slowly gaining - look forward, look up, get on the scale daily, and ask God to RENEW in you the truth His Word. He made us well - let's live life as well people and refuse to allow the things of our past to place sickness on us again. Amen? Choose life and eat to live, PK

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