Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012 - The RIGHT Fuel in My Engine

The heat is on! WOW......I cannot imagine what August will bring and the drought too. My husband who loves our yard and various plants has chosen to plant nothing this year due to the drought. It took us sometimes 2 hours (several days a week) last year to water everything thoroughly. SO.....my yard is in "maintenance mode" with the drought coming, no need to spend the money on high-maintenance items. UGH! Water aerobics starts back tonight and I am so excited! Hopefully they have the pool heated as the dome has been removed. YIKES! If you're near the Kedron area, come to the aquatic center and join us tonight at 7. It's a hard workout, but fun. Also, all the new LIfe Groups at NCC are being promoted for the next two weekends - so my new Healthy Eating one will launch the 1st Sunday in June. People are gathering at my home ONE Sunday night a month for a healthy share-a-dish, laughter and prayer for our health issues. This is not just for NCC folks, so if you wanna attend - you can! My house - each 1st Sunday - 6pm-8pm - bring a healthy food item to share AND COPIES OF YOUR RECIPE. YUM! The scripture in Romans 6:16 says, "Don't you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?" Paul is really encouraging the new believers to stop giving into their own desires and temptations as our emotions are so powerful. They really are. Let's take our journey - we are clipping along and following the plan and little by little we begin to excuse the things we know to do. For me, maybe I eat nuts instead of getting in my veggies as they are quick and easy. But just that became a trap for me. I realized by last week that I wan't cooking as I should and I was okay with nuts and an apple a couple of times a day. STOP. I had to readjust my attitude this weekend. I got myself back on the plan and already my spirit is lifted. My cells cannot live off nuts and fruit - even if "I don't feel like cooking." I hit a "bump in the road" in my personal life and instead of eating sugar or starch, I just quit following the plan and started grabbing what was easy. That DOES NOT fuel my cells, or give me energy. I noticed by last week I was so tired and sluggish, and I felt like I was in a rut. Sorry - gotta be honest. This accountability helps me. :) So Saturday and Sunday I started back with eating meats, veggies, and fruits in their right balance with the healthy fats and by yesterday I could so tell a difference. The moral of this: get your veggies and fruits in each day - vary the color and kind - and don't substitute nuts as a veggie. Nuts are great in moderation but our veggies have those vitamins and fiber we need! Try eating some of them raw and some cooked daily. My flesh that LOVES nuts is not the BOSS of me. I had gotten to a place of carrying nuts in my purse and not taking my lunch. NO! So, I am choosing to obey the plan and REWARDING myself with some nuts when my veggies and water have been consumed. I will be a "slave" to the plan of God for my life which is to fill HIS TEMPLE with the good things he created as fuel for me. It's like going to a pump and getting bad gas - my car is going to run poorly. Same concept. I choose to obey the rules of right eating and give my body every chance to live a long, productive life. How about you? Are you on plan and refueling well? If so - FABULOSO! If not, pack your lunch with a lean protein and fruit. Let's chain ourselves to life-giving foods. YUM! Have an awesome Tuesday - God is BIG enough! PK

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