Thursday, June 27, 2013

June 27, 2013 - Live What You Believe

The abundant rain in Georgia has really given us a boost of color and health this summer. It has been a couple of years since I have seen green grass in June and land that doesn't looked baked and fried. I am holding my breath waiting to see what next month brings but celebrating that June has been green and lush. I had an interesting experience at lunch yesterday that I would like to share. I joined a group at a restaurant and was first shocked that the menu was very limited in what it offered for lunch. (I did check the menu before going but could not pronounce some of the words, so I determined I could simply ask for a salad) There was nothing simple about the experience. I think probably the owner was our waitress and you gotta give the girl props, she KNEW the menu. Mindful, there were limited items listed, but she knew exactly what was being offered. When someone asked, "can I simply get a salad with some grilled chicken added?" The response was, "no." At first I was like, "what?" But the "no's" didn't stop there. The waitress was calm, not overly friendly, and certainly well within the control zone of the ordering phase. She quickly discerned that none of had experienced such a unique menu before and with effortless, often unemotional responses, she continued to direct us to how she felt the menu was best enjoyed. Her composure was one of which I wasn't certain I wanted to "mess" with. Not fear - just she's in control - OK. I want to report that while my lunch was simple - it was very tasty! But I did look at her determination in the face of what "she knew was right" and had to applaud her quietly. The choices she suggested were VERY healthy and when a sandwich was listed, she commented, "the crab is best served on a bed of lettuce and not bread." No playful gesture, no second guessing. She repeated the statement in such a way that we got the crab on a bed of lettuce simply our of her deep conviction. Again, I wasn't certain how to take her, but driving away I thought, "she lives what she believes and she is not dissuaded by others' feelings." It was evident that she felt deeply about how the food was prepared and served. (mostly organic and again, things I could not pronounce) I began to reflect on my own journey along this health path. I am hopeful that during times of "lunch" meetings and social gatherings it could be said of me "she lives what she believes." Can that be said of us today? Do our families and friends see that our health is one of our most critical belief systems? We DON'T need a t-shirt and we DON'T need to speak loudly at every gathering, but we do need to "live what we believe," as this gives hope to so many. The lady yesterday was void of personality but steeped in conviction. I could see totally that she believed that people should be healthy. I do toooooo, but am trying to convey that with a little more humor and grace. (wink) Eat well this day, share your fruits and veggies and "live what you believe!" PK

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013 - The Fly Flap

I promised you a laugh this morning; let's do it. As a child, we had no air conditioning therefore our windows were open often. Open windows equaled open opportunities for flying critters. Some of you in your fifties can say, "amen" right here. And while I hate mosquitos, they always seemed to come and go. But NOT flies. Flies seemed to have this mentality that once inside, they owned the joint. Now for those of you who like order and everyone following directions, screaming at the flies to leave the same way they came never worked for me. You? So, my nanny taught us the art of popping them with the "fly flap." Did you catch that...the art? I discovered from my nanny that there is a rhythm and technique to successfully using the fly flap (swatter) and while none of the other children took this seriously, it became my personal challenge to embrace the philosophy of NO ESCAPEES. If fact, as soon as I made eye contact with one entering the window, I snarled, "you're dead, sucker!" From using the fly flap, I graduated to watching their movement so closely I could snatch them in mid air with my hand. Before some of you gag, you have to admit that's pretty good. Can I be honest, even at my age I can still grab one in mid-air........ah, the success of victory. (LOL) Some of you do this too - you know you do. But today, let's link the attack and destruction of bothersome flies to those little issues and challenges that seem to always arrive when we don't want or need them. For example, sometimes our body holds fluid, especially in this heat, and our shoes won't feel the same. Something that small can cause a distraction for hours if we allow the fly (thought that you've tried everything and nothing works for you) to invade your peace. Isn't it amazing how quickly we give our emotions to the negative. Or, if we weigh and discover we're up a pound (which could again be fluid in this heat) and we allow the fly to torment and distract. Life is too short! Grab the fly flap or your hand and send that distraction to heaven! Make your best effort to be healthy in all areas, everyday, and never allow a moment to ruin the remainder of your God-filled day. Can I give you a fly flap today? As you read the verse below, many of these can be seen as a fly experience and each has the potential to be HUGE distractions. But God never intends for us to be pulled from our posts (health in all area) by fly distractions. Use God's Word and His response tactics as your BEST fly flap. The verse says, "The day you needed me, I was there to help." Smile. PK 2 Corinthians 6:4 The Message (MSG) Staying at Our Post 6 1-10 Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please don’t squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us. God reminds us, I heard your call in the nick of time; The day you needed me, I was there to help. Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t frustrate God’s work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we’re doing. Our work as God’s servants gets validated—or not—in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . . . in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we’re beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we’re telling the truth, and when God’s showing his power; when we’re doing our best setting things right; when we’re praised, and when we’re blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013 - Thanks For My Freedom

GM Fam, The blog this morning may be a wee bit more tender than other times, but I really want to share something personal that hit my heart. Most of you know, as we live in this world daily, that suffering does not discriminate. None of us is exempt from it's gripping claws. How well we know this. As the day wore on yesterday I thought to myself, "drinking all this water is torture to me. Sometimes I can barely swallow another thing. It's killing me." REALLY? Have you ever had that "thought" about something related to your health? I have! Another green bean????? UGH! As I was laying in bed last night, reviewing my day and speaking to God, my heart was drawn to a video I watched yesterday, Stella's Voice, about girls being trafficked in another country. As I listened to the stories from the girls, I heard such huge confessions of suffering. My chest ached as I allowed myself to walk with them for just a few moments. Suffering. But as I lay in bed reflecting, I was brought to my pitiful statement of consuming huge amounts of water and how that was "suffering." Just being honest. I awoke this morning with a new confession. I am thankful to be able to drink that water as a FREE person, not a suffering person. God help me to never "lightly" use the word suffering again as it relates to the grace and freedom extended to me as it relates to my health. Eating beets and 4 oz of lean protein isn't suffering - although I have "said" that many times. I know that sometimes I am kidding, but I want to be quick to thank God for his kindness to ALLOW me the freedom to choose health, my own food, have the availability to consume as much water and whenever I like, the freedom to shop for my healthy choices and on and on. Can you see this with me today? We are not suffering to be healthy. We may not get to eat everything we "want", but that is certainly not suffering. Right? Perhaps this makes you smile as you celebrate the freedoms we have on our journey. We CHOOSE health. Let's embrace all the goodness God extends to us and remember to bless God each time we consume another cup of water as opposed to equating that to suffering. This was a tweak to ME from the Holy Spirit. Maybe you can see some truth in this for you as well. Tomorrow we will laugh as we talk. PK

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013 - Baking Soda

As you know I love outdoor revelation concerning indoor insight. What that really means is I use the pictures God shows me in the realm of nature to speak to my spirit. As I am a visual learner, I appreciate the fact God allows me to see what I might be "a wee bit slow" to understand. Let's talk today about neutralization. Most of you know from basic science that a pH of 7 is at neutral standing with the range falling between 0 and 14. While we may all understand that too much acid is extremely harmful, so is too much base (extreme neutralization). God has a perfect plan for our bodies and the more we follow His plan closely, the more our bodies smile as they remain in that area hovering around the pH of 7. Let me stop and comment that 7 is the number of completion and perfection and that God is in control of scientists and how they assign numbers. Yes, he is! We can see from this diagram the wide range of things we ingest in our bodies and where they fall on the scale. What's critical is that our blood has a "close to perfect" pH of 7.4 and when THAT range is exceeded, above or below, the consequences are often fatal. I am reminded that the LIFE is in the blood. A couple of days ago, my husband "remembered" he read that baking soda would "sweeten" the soil of our plants if added to them. What we discovered was something totally different. On every plant without fail, where he simply poured the plain, un-dissolved baking soda, the plant is dying. Although baking soda is a weak base, it does neutralize both acids and bases and can disrupt the natural flow of either. What am I saying? Let's be mindful of simply adding anything new to our bodies without really checking them out. I selected a bottle of water the other day at the store with "natural flavors" only to discover that I could not pronounce any of them. Furthermore, I really had no clue as to what they do inside the body. SO......I put it back. I chose to go home and make a gallon of natural tea and add some mint, that I grew, and fill my body with that. We must be careful to not assume that all water is the same. While baking soda is LOVELY in my almond flour muffins and is a WEAK base, my plants responded in an UNHAPPY manner. I walked and looked at the plants yesterday that are dying and reminded myself that not all substances can we used as we wish. I again felt the "check of the Holy Spirit" that keeping a close watch on my blood is critical and what I put in my mouth absolutely affects the LIFE of my BLOOD. There you have it family - watch what goes in your mouth and remember it could affect your internal organs differently than your pan of muffins. (wink)

Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21, 2013 - Take Your Medicine

Happy Friday! I am off today and that accounts for the late blog. I have been reading, drinking coffee and smiling at the sunshine. How many of you know that sometimes we can become WAY too serious. Life has a way of wanting us to feel burdened, isolated, forgotten, abandoned, a failure. Have you ever felt those? Maybe you have a trick to make you smile when these enemies are encamped around you. Some people use alcohol, some people use food, and others simple spiral to places of darkness. I want to tell you today - walk outside, lift up your face, close your eyes, and let God's warmth touch your skin for 60 seconds. Did that make your frown? I doubt it! God never promised a journey FREE of suffering or obstacles, but He promised victory at the end. I'll take it. At another phase of my life when experiencing the above-mentioned emotions, I must confess I have run to all three non-fulfilling solutions. The problem was the following day the issue was never resolved and I felt more like a failure than ever. Would you like my NEW weapon of choice and best kept secret? Find a joyful Psalm and read it, then read again OUT LOUD, even march yourself outside into the sunshine and read it out loud. Then, note what happens in your spirit. Remind yourself also, THE ONE who measures the universe in the span of His hand, knows every thought before you speak it and every hair on your head CHOSE you to be in HIM before the world began. No matter what "truth" life tries to shove down your throat - let THAT TRUTH make you smile right now! I feel that many times reading God's Word to confront yucky feelings is better than most B-12 shots (although I take B-12 daily) and can I say, "reading God's Word is FREE." I have selected a passage today that made me smile. I am about to read it again with you and may we smile together. Concentrate on the section that promises that God will help us. Let joy fill your house today and realize that God chose you in spite of you. He has plans to do good by each of us. I think I'll go get in the pool, smile at the sunshine, and remind myself that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - including picking all the correct food items for the next three days. (wink) Read the Word, get outside, smile, allow truth to remind your heart you are loved, read God's Word again and then say, "that's good medicine." Right? Here's an encouragement from Psalm 68 today: 33Sing to the one who rides across the ancient heavens, his mighty voice thundering from the sky. 34Tell everyone about God’s power. His majesty shines down on Israel; his strength is mighty in the heavens. 35God is awesome in his sanctuary. The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20, 2013 - The Open Trap

Sometimes we need to stop and rethink our responses to certain situations. We watched a very powerful and riveting movie last night on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficing, "Stop The Candy Shop" at our Wednesday night service. I was moved to tears over and over to even consider that ONE child, woman, boy is being forced to live in that world for whatever reasons. Someone said, "a lot of that is by their own choosing." REALLY? After my trip to Thailand, I can assure you MOST of the industry has nothing to do with choosing, unless by choosing one means you commit the act. MOST of those I have worked with have had to "choose" out of fear and circumstances many of us can only imagine. I totally understand perhaps there were other options, but often deception and manipulation are wicked forces that even the strong wrestle with. I said all that to bring us here, in the movie the young girls went into a candy shop and "became" candy for the men to select and enjoy. (Filmed well and family friendly - but still very vivid) Many of them were lured and then trapped in something much bigger than they expected. That scenario can be played out again and again in various areas of our lives, as our instructor said, due to the variables of life. Each of us needs a solid base of truth to use as a ball bat when deception and manipulation try to entice us into a situation containing the trap. Hunters never leave traps in the open with signs displayed which read, "place your foot in the box below and become someone's evening meal." Do they? Life never asked if we are prepared for the next set of circumstances. Does it? But let me applaud you today for fighting for the truth, standing on truth, recognizing that the "The Candy Shop" signals danger - whatever that means for you. The Candy Shop for me is not just sugar and starch. There are many deceptions that I have had to stand against and dig my heels deep into the pavement to keep from being lured inside. Might I suggest a "few" Candy Shops could range from gossip to lying to the sex industry (which is big business) and stretching across to manipulation. Our weaknesses can always seem like truth if we are not certain what the truth is! Having someone to "confess your faults to and receive prayer" is critical just as spending time reading and meditating on God's Word. Today, if you are being dragged into the "grab and vow" Candy Shop (blog from last week) or any other place that takes your innocence and mutilates it - beware! What lures each of toward patterns of sin and destruction? The answer is different for each of us. Stop today and confess the Word of God over your circumstances which says, Psalm 34:19 New Living Translation (NLT) 19 The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. We applauded the efforts of one young man to rescue those being trafficked last night in the movie........God does the same for each of us in OUR movie. He promises. Thank you, Father!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19, 2013 - Watermelon Lessons Again?

Good morning, I am hopeful today will be filled with sunshine as my happy self needs some light. My old, unhappy self would have made brownies or gotten a candy bar, but the new me simply needs some sunshine and a walk through the flowers. I did however get a quick run to the rose bed last night only to smile and shake my head at those silly, watermelon plants. Some of you have been following my posts for a couple of years and know that I am addicted to watermelon. In fact, last season I planted seeds in the hope of feeding my addiction FREE of charge, but to no avail. If you remember from the blogs we hit several bumps. This year I turned the soil over where they were and started beautiful rose beds only to discover one side of the bed is growing watermelon vines. As I examined them last night, they are bountiful and hearty! I can only reason that the heavy rain this season has encouraged and nurtured them, as I did every "rain dance" known to mankind with no success last summer. But this year, they have taken off and are multiplying rapidly with strong tentacles reaching beyond their assigned container trying to find a place to ground themselves and fight for life. LOVE this! John 12:24 The Message (MSG) 24-25 “Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal. As I consider this passage this morning, I want each of us to remember, that our concept (seed) to be healthy must often endure hard seasons and dark soil. It happens. Perhaps you think being healthy is what you "should do," but dying to yourself and your way of thinking (this could be hard; the 4th of July is coming and I PLAN to eat what I want; I am not going to live the rest of my life on some strict diet!) is critical if you are planning to be successful. Our journey is not a seasonal fad following which we have plans to grab the next candy bar as soon as swimsuit weather is over. That will simply send a WRONG tether into WRONG soil. Read the passage again........if the seed falls into the ground and DIES (becomes dead to the world's way of thinking) it can THEN sprout (burst open from its hard shell) and reproduce many times over. YEA! Can you give a quick look at your health and determine if your old mindset about health is dead and your new, changed determination to FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE has gone deep into the soil of your heart, sprouted, is emerging and tethering to good soil? As it does, your family, friends, and co-workers are given the opportunity to celebrate life with you and PERHAPS decide to follow your journey. That's the perpetuation of LIFE. It's so cool to see the watermelon plants fight for life without my nurturing and cheerleading this time. Everyone of us has to decide we choose death to our wrong thinking FOREVER in order to LIVE in our healthy life FOREVER! I choose life! Have an amazing Wednesday. PK

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18, 2013 - Rebellious, Wireless Printers

How frustrating is life when things work sometimes and then the next time you expect them to work they choose to say "no." Like objects get to "no," right? I have this wireless printer that when first purchased was GOLD to me. I could sit beside the waterfall in the swing and send commands to this guy and walk inside to find it had obeyed and my copies were right on time. However, over the past year, this beautifully crafted printer has decided to take human form and gain its own manner of thinking. For those of you who know me well, you know that when I need a copy - I NEED a copy. I am a focused "time is time" person and have a difficult time wasting time. (wow, that's a tongue twister) To me, waiting for copies to emerge, coaxing the machine, turning it off and on, and praying for patience take TOO MUCH TIME when dealing with a wireless printer. JUST PRINT, right?. Time is not a commodity I have a lot of - so, when I need things to work - I need them to work! I am not an over-abusive copy person nor do I slap my copier and speak in degrading tones while it is being temperamental. But after trying a multitude of solutions, I have decided the printer needs to "go to heaven." I have basically decided my frustration is not worth the effort and I need something dependable. So last night, I started researching new printers. The only problem is that all printers are mechanical and I can count on them eventually having issues. I thought about how often we encounter "issues" while fighting for our health. I thought about how many of us have started out on a plan and had a really great beginning only to find mechanical problems - like forgetting there was no fruit at home or going to an event empty handed - and decided to TRY another plan. Often, when we first begin a health journey, we are 100% committed and totally dedicated - like my wireless printer. But time and issues WILL FIND themselves on our path. The challenge becomes to either deal with the issues and stick with the plan or let the issues overcome us and go find the next "right plan." Can I be honest? NO matter what plan you choose, the honeymoon phase will eventually fade and the reality of acceptance to fight for your health will have to take root. While each of us love the honeymoon phase (for obvious reasons) the long-term partnership must become our goal. New printers, new relationships, new fad diets, new cars all are fabulous - but the newness always wears off and then we are left with a choice. Replacing things that get old is the pattern - EXCEPT when it comes to our health. I can get a new printer today, but I cannot get a new body today. I cannot be fooled by thinking that starting a NEW PLAN is finally going to be the answer.....that only works with printers and cars. The answer comes in the form of dedication and commitment.....period. I am afraid that anything less will have each of us scrambling for a new plan annually, just like a new printer. The only problem with a new plan is that we are the common denominator. Let's ponder that thought today. Drink your water and hug five people, PK

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013 - Looking For The Small Things

It's a new week with multitudes of new possibilities. Someone needs to receive that today. That's good for about you? I pray your weekend was amazing, your stayed on plan and enjoyed your Father's Day celebrations. Good planning often yields GREAT results. July 4th is coming and I am already planning to make some more BBQ sauce for my grilled chicken and my red, white and blue trifle. Start the planning now and see if the fireworks are brighter colored as you conclude the day with a victory celebration. I bet they will be. (wink) This morning I want to speak about the drudgery of following a solid plan (not a diet) day after day, month after month. Are any of you like me and get bored easily? Sometimes the journey becomes such a routine that my eyes could begin to wander and that, for me, spells trouble. However, doing the routine things that keep me within the boundaries is NOT a bad thing. I want to remind you that Jesus, the King of Kings came as a simple human baby. He could absolutely have come in a different fashion but I, we, needed to see someone in the natural who could give us hope that the simple routine of life can be accomplished for greater purposes. I wonder if you and I really understand that the victories of a huge, "spangled" weight loss can be less important than the simple obedience and "drudgery" of following the plan, without deviation, day after day and month after month? The greatest "display" of our health is really apparent when after 6 months, one year, two years, 2 and a half years, we are still following the simplicity of the plan and making our health vitally important. THEN, others can often see that health can be long-term and not simply a quick fix with no future. People are truly living longer and I don't know about you, but I plan to be healthy as long as possible. That is accomplished by the routine and not by the quick fix solutions. Be "star struck" by someone who has gone the distance, not simply someone who has apparently lost a lot of weight with no intention to be healthy. Put the magazine with the air-brushed models who want to share "the 10 steps to loosing 6 dress sizes in 6 weeks" down and embrace the LONG_TERM JOURNEY of health. Health is what we celebrate. Right? This quote from Oswald Chambers got my attention this morning and influenced my quiet time. I leave you with this. "We are not meant to be seen as God’s perfect, bright-shining examples, but to be seen as the everyday essence of ordinary life exhibiting the miracle of His grace. Drudgery is the test of genuine character. The greatest hindrance in our spiritual life is that we will only look for big things to do. Yet, “Jesus . . . took a towel and . . . began to wash the disciples’ feet . . .”

Friday, June 14, 2013

June 14, 2013 - The New Grab and Vow Health Plan

Colossians 3: 3-4 Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too—the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ. 5-8 And that means killing off everything connected with that way of death: sexual promiscuity, impurity, lust, doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy. That’s a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God. (MSG) Good Friday morning to you all, This scripture "grabbed" me this morning. (wink) I have often wondered just how quickly we make a random "excuse" to grab whatever attracts our fancy followed by a VOW to do better tomorrow. That's the NEW Grab and Vow Health Plan. (LOL) How many of you are laughing because you have done this more than you care to share? The problem happens when tomorrow allows for another "grab" based on our hurt feelings, or our angry spirit, or our unmet needs and the VOW soon becomes a lie. As you read above, that type of life is shaped by feelings instead of truth. And I don't know about you, but my feelings can lie. I often tell people that feelings make a great caboose, but a horrible engine! Our feelings are wonderful when we need to celebrate a victory or comfort a friend. Yes, they are. But allowing my feelings to PUSH me toward another donot, as if they were an animate object, is dangerous! I would love to tell you committing your health to God means He will do all the work and you can coast. That would be a lie also. We each have a responsibility to our health. God will come and HELP us, but He will not wire our jaws shut. (that sounds painful anyway) My part is to realize when I am being motivated by my feelings, then stop and ask the Holy Spirit, "is this truth?" "Am I really hungry or bored?" "Do I really want this piece of chocolate or am I lonely and needing to be comforted?" Just as I ask the correct questions while eating out, I have to stop and ask WHY am I about to grab and vow. Okay, so today instead of grabbing the cookie, GRAB the wisdom offered from the Holy Spirit and stop allowing your feelings to lead the train. Have a great weekend, PK

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Embrace God!

Romans 12:1 The Message (MSG) Place Your Life Before God 12 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. When reading this in the NIV, it uses the phrase living sacrifices and we are instructed to offer our bodies as such. But when I think of a living sacrifice sometimes I don't get a good picture in my mind. I have to switch the channel and not allow myself to see babies being given to gods that don't exist. I choose, on the other hand, to see myself approach God's throne of grace and smile as I connect with His eyes and embrace. (wow, that rhymes and I didn't try) I can see myself take my money, my pastoral responsibilities, my relationships and place them gently at the feet of the One who gave me everything, as on offering. Some of those need to be placed as sacrificial offerings. Amen! But can I honestly say that my health choices (food, hydration, rest) could be considered as an offering before the Lord? Honestly - some days yes and some days no. I cannot tell you how many people I have spoken with in the past couple of weeks who are too busy to hydrate, too busy to rest and too busy to plan healthy meals. That's TOO busy! Then I wonder, are we embracing God's best plan for us? I have embraced the concept that offerings are the best that we have to bring. Let's pause this morning and consider as we place our daily activities in the hands of our heavenly Father, can we honestly say they are an offering unto Him? That's a lot to consider. Embrace God this day! PK (yikes, rhyming again)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013 - Say Yes To The Dress

I am so excited to announce that I am pitifully sore this morning. After months of sitting and writing, I entered the world of water aerobics again last night. Months of sitting had caused some of my giggly places to giggle a wee bit more and while I tried to convince myself that my eyes were tired - they were not. A lack of exercise after months of intense exercise allowed gravity to do ugly things. But praise be to God the second phase of my devotional cookbook has been uploaded and I am no longer a "self-imposed" couch potato. In my defense, I work long hours at church and when in a writing phase, sit hours at night writing as well. It can be torturous, BUT GOD! I have one of the sweetest young ladies in my life getting married in October and she so proudly announced to me yesterday, "I said yes to the dress." We all screamed and hugged and did the "girl thing" (sorry guys, give us a moment) I was so happy and elated for my precious one. When we find "the dress" all the world is happy. I am reminded of the scripture in James 1:17 that reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from above. Wedding gowns also. Now I have always joked and said, "Food is both GOOD and PERFECT and God gave it to me and I WANT all the GOOD and PERFECT GIFTS that come from the Father of Lights." Doesn't that sound holy? The only issue is that I was never speaking of green beans or jicama. I was confessing good gifts in the form of brownies and pizza. When I said the blessing over my meals, I think I pronounced it more vigorously when the pizza had triple cheese too. Am I the only one? "I thank you God for these most perfect beets." UGH, no way! God DOES consider our food a gift and I consider the ability to CHOOSE a gift as well. We are not robots and forced to eat things we hate. Our Father spread a table of healthy choices. Mankind has chosen to provide some "not so healthy" choices as well. In our weakness we may gravitate to bad choices, but God is proved strong in our weaknesses. We all know the ill benefits of poor, health choices and we must petition the Giver of GOOD GIFTS to grace us, again, with the ability to choose well daily. "Ask and it will be given to you." Matthew 7:7 a Then, when you ask - expect. When the healthy options present themselves say, "yes to the dress," or in this case the beets. LOL Make great choices today and smile as you conclude the day giving honor to your Heavenly Father who helped you. PK

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11, 2013 "Come To Jesus Meeting"

GMA, I'm home. WOW - it feels like 2 years since I've connected with you. Amazing how long 10 days can seem sometimes. I know many of you prayed and sent messages along the way. That act of kindness really encouraged me on this journey. Great news..God manifested His love and power throughout the journey in ways I don't have time to share. I do have to be at work in a wee bit. (wink) But I would love to drink my coffee and chat. Mom's shoulder replacement was TOUGH the first couple of days, but she had the 21 staples removed yesterday and the surgeon said, "she should be the poster child for shoulder replacement." I reminded her that I was her nurse for the first 3 days. We laughed. Summer Camp with the youth was amazing. Nothing like being around young people to charge your batteries. And my trip to New Hampshire - OMGoodness! What an amazing church family and a whole flock of new sisters! We saw salvation, deliverance, healing, repentance, and joy - just to start the list. I had MANY struggles arriving at my destination on Thursday, BUT GOD! I have many new friends and for those who know me well, that makes me smile. I have missed you! I miss our healthy, Life Group too. We may have to have a group meeting soon, even though I know we are taking the summer off. Sudi taught me how to sprout almonds and toast them. YUM x16. I pray you are doing well and sticking to the plan. Your health has to be at the top of your list of things to fight for. My encouragement this morning comes from Matthew 11:28. I don't know about where you live, but sometimes in Georgia when we need an attitude adjustment we might say, "we need a come to Jesus meeting." Ever been to one of those? YIKES! Unfortunately I have. This morning let's embrace having the meeting as well as the attitude adjustment, but with a smile that brings a release. Amen? Let's consider the following verse: Matthew 11:28 New International Version (NIV) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. There are several wonderful truths here: 1) all - that means everyone who wants to and especially those who are tired and weighted down with life's issues. 2) This is an invitation not a demand. I don't know about you, but let me be at the first of the line. 3) If we come to Jesus for a meeting we get something awesome - rest. Now rest doesn't mean we can stopping doing what we know to do on our health journey. Absolutely not. But it DOES mean that we can stop striving about the details. Pastor Sudi and I spoke about the food costs that accompany healthy eating and that is a concern to me. While shopping yesterday, I found my tension rising as it seems food costs have risen yet again. I had to have a "come to Jesus meeting" in the store. Just as I love to feed my family and provide meals for all of them, God more than feels that way about providing for us. That realization brings REST to my soul! I have several options to off-set the food costs; but since I don't grow my own food, I think my shirts from last summer are looking just fine. No striving - God will help us navigate the waters. Jesus is inviting us to come and have a meeting with him. You ready? Love and kisses, PK