Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11, 2013 "Come To Jesus Meeting"

GMA, I'm home. WOW - it feels like 2 years since I've connected with you. Amazing how long 10 days can seem sometimes. I know many of you prayed and sent messages along the way. That act of kindness really encouraged me on this journey. Great news..God manifested His love and power throughout the journey in ways I don't have time to share. I do have to be at work in a wee bit. (wink) But I would love to drink my coffee and chat. Mom's shoulder replacement was TOUGH the first couple of days, but she had the 21 staples removed yesterday and the surgeon said, "she should be the poster child for shoulder replacement." I reminded her that I was her nurse for the first 3 days. We laughed. Summer Camp with the youth was amazing. Nothing like being around young people to charge your batteries. And my trip to New Hampshire - OMGoodness! What an amazing church family and a whole flock of new sisters! We saw salvation, deliverance, healing, repentance, and joy - just to start the list. I had MANY struggles arriving at my destination on Thursday, BUT GOD! I have many new friends and for those who know me well, that makes me smile. I have missed you! I miss our healthy, Life Group too. We may have to have a group meeting soon, even though I know we are taking the summer off. Sudi taught me how to sprout almonds and toast them. YUM x16. I pray you are doing well and sticking to the plan. Your health has to be at the top of your list of things to fight for. My encouragement this morning comes from Matthew 11:28. I don't know about where you live, but sometimes in Georgia when we need an attitude adjustment we might say, "we need a come to Jesus meeting." Ever been to one of those? YIKES! Unfortunately I have. This morning let's embrace having the meeting as well as the attitude adjustment, but with a smile that brings a release. Amen? Let's consider the following verse: Matthew 11:28 New International Version (NIV) 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. There are several wonderful truths here: 1) all - that means everyone who wants to and especially those who are tired and weighted down with life's issues. 2) This is an invitation not a demand. I don't know about you, but let me be at the first of the line. 3) If we come to Jesus for a meeting we get something awesome - rest. Now rest doesn't mean we can stopping doing what we know to do on our health journey. Absolutely not. But it DOES mean that we can stop striving about the details. Pastor Sudi and I spoke about the food costs that accompany healthy eating and that is a concern to me. While shopping yesterday, I found my tension rising as it seems food costs have risen yet again. I had to have a "come to Jesus meeting" in the store. Just as I love to feed my family and provide meals for all of them, God more than feels that way about providing for us. That realization brings REST to my soul! I have several options to off-set the food costs; but since I don't grow my own food, I think my shirts from last summer are looking just fine. No striving - God will help us navigate the waters. Jesus is inviting us to come and have a meeting with him. You ready? Love and kisses, PK

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