Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012 - So Many Questions about Sweetners

What is Truvia® natural sweetener? Truvia® natural sweetener is a zero-calorie sweetener made with the best tasting part of the stevia plant. What is stevia? Stevia is a plant (specifically, a member of the chrysanthemum family) native to portions of northeastern Paraguay. It has been used to sweeten foods and beverages for more than 200 years. What are the ingredients in Truvia® natural sweetener? Truvia® natural sweetener is made from Truvia® stevia leaf extract, the best tasting part of the stevia leaf, erythritol and natural flavors. See our ingredients page for more detailed information. Can Truvia® natural sweetener be used in cooking and baking? In a word, yes. See our recipe section for our chef-created and chef-tested recipes, as well as a Truvia® conversion chart. Currently there is no bulk-baking product available, but watch for it at your local store! What is erythritol? Erythritol is an all-natural, non-caloric sweetener, used as an ingredient that provides bulk for the tabletop form of Truvia® stevia leaf extract. Bulking agents are additives that increase the bulk and contribute to the texture of a food. Erythritol has been part of the human diet for thousands of years as it is present in fruits such as pears, melons and grapes, as well as foods such as mushrooms and fermentation-derived foods such as wine, soy sauce and cheese. It is added to foods and beverages to provide sweetness, as well as to enhance taste and texture. Is this product safe for diabetics to use? Yes, Truvia® natural sweetener is safe for people with diabetes. It has no effect on the glycemic index. Is Truvia® natural sweetener gluten-free? Yes, Truvia® natural sweetener is gluten-free. Good morning, So many of you ask me about the Truvia sweetener that I so highly recommend. To me, the stevia drops can be bitter, but the Truvia packets are so yummy. I do not like the container of the bulk Truvia for cooking - TO ME, again, it makes my foods bitter. I prefer to bake with pure xylitol in all my recipes. The packets, however, contain zero calories and taste really good, they do dissolve in cold drinks (faster in hot) and each packet has the sweetness of one tsp of real sugar (although the box says 2 tsp, but I don't find it's that sweet). The ONLY problem is the product is VERY expensive, but after my research I know why. It's the BEST part of the stevia plant. I go through a large box a week between my husband and I and it is over $6. Anyone know where to find them cheap? Please share. Okay all - hope this answers your questions. I love finding the answers. (the teacher in me) Choose great foods today to make your organs happy and give you LIFE. PK

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