Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Got a few shout-outs from the family today. YEA! Wendi has now lost 150 pounds and is HALF the person she was a year ago. She feels great and is loving her new health. And, here's Cheryl's testimony: I am doing really great - really feeling my new weight and very happy with it. Another 15lbs before I reach 100lbs. But I have truly reached my goal because I feel and look wonderful. It's like a miracle I was thinking this morning ... who knew I had this within me. I stand in awe of God and say ...All this for me!!! ******Now how cool is all that? Don't you love sharing in the success of others? I do! I sent out the blog yesterday about the benefits of coconut products (especially with thyroids) and have been reading a lot about it. There is a good amount of research but not everything has been FDA verified........so, we take everything at face value and try it. It can't hurt. Most of my research shows adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to something you're cooking twice a day can really be of great benefit. I have decided to try it. :) PS - and in other countries they use it for many ailments internally and externally. Here is the link Cheryl shared months ago and I sent it out. I found it to be every beneficial and I wanted to share it again. :) http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/ I know that we are all looking at ways to enjoy our journey on earth, but sometimes we must remind ourselves this is a small season. Having to change our eating plan and add some movement does require extra "work" but when we see our bodies responding with health and we have more energy, it doesn't seem to be such an issue. That's why I like HCG - you lose quickly and are "rewarded" for the effort. But how many of you know that staying to the path can sometimes be the hardest part. Why? Because it's the LONGEST part and if we're not careful can become boring. It is for that very reason that I spend time EACH week and MOST days looking at new recipes to be modified, or playing in the kitchen with some new ingredients, or reading articles about coconut oil or other healthy, natural remedies. I know ME - I need to keep it REAL, keep it FRESH, and keep it MOVING or I may look back (as Lot's wife did) and have a BAD experience. My encouragement to each of you this day - never settle! Let each day be the start of something new and exciting. Boredom can be a trap if we're not careful. I am fighting again for my water - sometimes I have a hard time getting in my 12 cups. So, I am using a stevia tea with no caffeine and counting that as some of my daily portion. Trying to be creative and stay on protocol after 18 months. :) Keep loving life and eating to live - PK

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