I love the morning - there's something about being refreshed and calm as opposed to tired and wound up. I have been reading over and over a passage I memorized as a child as I am walking through a tough experience now and I'm telling you, nothing comforts me like God's Word. The voice of a Father and someone who chose me - picked me out of the crowd - picked me over his own boy - HIS VOICE brings comfort to my soul. How many of you know that the battle rages in our mind??? Yes, we war against our flesh that always wants to win, but the real turmoil - FOR ME - is always in my mind.
Sometimes I get to a place where my mind seemingly won't "stop playing." It's one scene after another. If I tried to get dressed and my pants were WAY tight or wouldn't zip - the scene started. And all day long, that SCENE of myself in front of the mirror played. Every time I went by the mirror, I checked to see if I was wrong. I promised I "would never eat again." I sucked in my stomach and by 11:00 am was starving - only to cave in, eat a messy amount of food to COMFORT my raging mind and PROMISE tomorrow to do better. That scene occurred more than I can tell you. My life was consumed with the extra weight I carried and it's control over me.
Daniel 7:25 gives a vivid description of a vision the prophet Daniel received regarding the last days: "And he 'shall wear out the saints of the Most High'" (AMP). I don't know about you - but this was absolutely TRUE in my life, and still is. It seems that the circumstances of my journey are not always easy. It seems that the fight for my health is most of the time a battle. But I tell you - it is a strategic plan designed to distract each of us and cause us to give up on the Father who never gives up on us! Our health matters to us, our families and God! We were created in His image and designed to show forth fruit that indicate we are his. In my broken physical and mental health, all I displayed was defeat. I was WORN out from trying to climb the mountain for so many years.
Let me encourage each of us today - climb the mountain to a healthy you (it may not be easy, but make yourself stay on the path) and when you reach the top - PLAN TO STAY THERE! I spoke with a woman yesterday who really wanted to do something to get her weight off. I looked at her and said, "this plan is as all others - you will drop the weight, but if you RETURN to your past, you will gain weight again and re-enter the cycle." She just kinda shook her head. But really, it's the truth.
I would encourage you to determine if being healthy is going to be your life long path, or are you "trying the healthy path AGAIN in the "hopes" this may work THIS TIME?" A real change requires a REAL change. Amen! I didn't change my eating habits to get past being worn out only to give up the fight and be worn out again. NO!
Let's move forward and destroy the path off the mountain. Love you, PK
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