Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10, 2012

Good morning to all,

Romans 8 is ALL about living by the Spirit. You should read the entire chapter again. Powerful! A couple of things from there: 1) I so adore the fact that there is therefore now NO condemnation in Christ Jesus. Love it! But that cannot become our excuse for an undisciplined life. Right? "Well, I just can't feel guilty about these cookies - no condemnation. Right? I had three good days, two pretty good days, and two bad days, but it's ok - no condemnation." YES! NO CONDEMNATION HERE. That is not the issue - the issue is long term health. We are not making correct food choices, when McDonalds would be easier, to please men (others - our families). NO - we do this to be healthy and little compromises chip away at that. Really - they do. If you are needing a cookie fix - make something with almond flour and xylitol. I made that carrot cake and brownies with an all natural peanut butter and chocolate chunk topping for Easter. My family loved it and the kids knew no different.

If you read the rest of the chapter it addresses the death of the flesh and LIFE in the Spirit. (which I've been really contemplating lately) Jesus came to give us life - abundant life. (that's what His word teaches) That abundant life has a lot to do with our attitudes I feel. The way we see ourselves and our lives. Some teach it's about prosperity but in MY MIND prosperity is not about money sometimes. Amen??? Being prosperous and rich in my thinking and having peace in my soul that I am not trapped in obesity is abundant life, to me. :) This is ONE way of seeing abundant life for those who have been trapped in bodies that were imprisoned for a long time as I was.

Remember - as a man/woman thinks.....so they are. See yourself as free, your body healthy and embrace the power God gave us to say YES to abundant life by saying YES to healthy choices. :)

Have a fab day and hug three people - PK

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