Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

It's Thursday! YEA! The wind is blowing here and it's gonna be a hot one (for those of you outside the US). Maybe you're in a place that's cooler, but not so here. And the 10 day forecast shows no rain. I can deal with the heat, but minus the water the drought becomes ominous to me. It's like it hovers over the land and sucks the life out of the earth and nothing stops it. Sometimes after days of no rain, I just begin to feel cheated. Any sight of a rain drop brings a skip to my step. I wonder if our bodies feel the same way about the water we drink daily. As our bodies are 75% water, why wouldn't they crave it??? However, the longer we go without saturating our bodies, the more our natural desire dwindles. It's a bad cycle. However, once we start to hydrate again - our natural thirst returns. That's SO LIKE GOD! It really is like the water cycle. After long periods of drought, there is no evaporated fluids coming from the ground - so no moisture to reach the clouds and provoke rain. HOWEVER, a system can move in from the gulf or out west and bring heavy rain to the dry soil and within hours sometimes, LIFE emerges. Not only does the ground respond, the flowers respond, the trees respond, but water from the ground can then start the cycle of RAIN over the area again. It's amazing how God shows us pictures in the natural realm of his instituted principles for our lives. Our daily water consumption prompts our organs to remain soft and active. In turn, certain organs cause our body to grab toxins that threaten their existence, pull the toxins from the organs and eliminate them from our bodies. It's like when we don't hydrate, our organs go into drought and beg for any ounce of water to give them hope of functioning well. While our organs perform various functions, they do have in common the basic need of water. AND, they cannot give themselves water. My husband informed me recently of a woman who died and her husband conveyed that she lived off 2 liters of coke daily and her cigarettes. Can you imagine what her organs were doing? Get a picture. They were FIGHTING for their lives and trying to preserve hers. Eventually they lost their fight for life and could no longer fight for her life. I am a picture girl and that really impacted me. Hopefully as we drink our water today, we can smile and pat any place on our body that has an organ (THEY ALL NEED A DRINK) and know that we are contributing to THEIR life and compliment them for functioning TO THEIR BEST to sustain our life. Toasting your drinking today (wink), PK

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