Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 2012 - Put It In The Ground

Good and HAPPY Friday - I am so excited to have my grandbabies coming on Monday for a swim with Nina, a birthday cookie (my oldest grandson and my son both have birthdays in one week), and a grilled dinner that brings a HUGE smile to my face! Hope you're planning to have a fun-filled and yet restful holiday. Consequences are not always what we want them to be, are they? But.......there are few of us who escape them. So many in the generation in which we live, where money can change so many things, don't really count the cost as they should. Maybe none of us REALLY do. Why is that? Perhaps because we can't see into the future and REALLY capture what our actions will precipitate??? Maybe we feel that time will place enough distance between what we do and the consequences of our actions???? Maybe we can escape consequences "this time?" I'm not certain that is wise nor am I certain it is true. And yes, the consequences of our actions are sometimes unfortunate. The Bible teaches WHAT..SO..EVER a person sows - that also will they reap. UGH! Does that mean only money??? Unfortunately, we all know the answer to that! My actions, attitudes, responses, etc......can all be sown. AND, reaping is the consequence. If I am always angry, I sow anger; guess what I get to reap? If I am always fearful and worrying around my children and grandchildren, I sow fear; then, I find myself having a difficult time TRUSTING God. And, if I constantly make excuses for an undisciplined lifestyle, I sow a "compromised" attitude toward life and I VERY POSSIBLY could reap negative consequences in many areas - health, my attitude toward life, my marriage......bunches of areas! For example......people who don't floss find that eventually their gums bear the consequence of bad habits. At that point - it may be a long journey to health, if at all. Flossing takes less than a minute but the benefits are great. Low-impact exercise, LIKE water aerobics (which is KICKIN my boooooteeeee and really toning my body after loosing so much weight) only takes a couple of hours weekly, has great benefits, but the consequences of NEVER moving our muscles and/or never allowing our weight-bearing joints to be challenged, may prove to be detrimental in OUR LATER life. OR.........if I start allowing small "cheats" to my health plan - those "babies" (THAT I SOWED) grow up and eventually I find myself bearing the ugly consequence of obesity and horrible self-esteem AGAIN! My prayer is that each of us could honestly examine our lives and have the courage to say, "that one little "cheat" has the potential to compromise my entire journey." Now while I am speaking of food, I felt the Holy Spirit remind me that could apply to ALL areas of our lives. NO CHEATING - if we sow cheating - I can promise the consequences won't be pleasant! Flip side - SOW fabulous hydration into your body - reap beautiful skin, great elasticity, lack of water retention - SOW beautifully colored veggies and reap happy cells who make your organs smile - SOW limited portions and reap the benefits of smaller clothes - SOW a smile and reap smiles all around. So, put the good stuff "in the soil of your flesh" and REAP the positive consequences and benefits of sowing WELL. Much love to all, PK PS - A dear friend that I taught school with, Rocky, sent me this recipe for grilled veggies. I have never tried this, but look forward to adding this to the grill on Monday: Zucchini, summer squash, asparagus Season to taste with garlic or onion powder and maybe your favorite Italian seasoning. Grill with a little olive oil if you like just until tender. I like a little crunch in mine. Thanks, Rocky! How about you? Do you have a planned yummy that you could share with the fam so Monday is a victory dance for us all? :)

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