Well, dear friends, we are kicking that LIE to the curb. Are there still areas of freedom to be conquered, absolutely! I am doing a prayer journal that someone has asked me to complete and give them feedback as they would like to market it. And, it is exposing a couple of areas that I have also made excuses for most of my life that are on the chopping block as well. Freedom fighters......that's us. Warriors who tolerate NO sin areas and who have the courage to annihilate even the "infant" sins - whatever they may be. For me, the chain of my obesity kept me from having the strength to examine other areas that needed work. It's amazing to me how the removal of THAT chain has allowed other issues to surface. I NOW have the courage to turn and deal with them as well. Just speaking from my heart - may not be for you - but maybe???
My weight continues to be stable, PTL! Chip called yesterday to ask "what can we drink other than water and tea?" I could hear the frustration in his voice. (although kudos to him....he keeps loosing steady through maintenance as God is bringing his body to God's perfect weight for Chip) But Jenny shared Sunday night a very refreshing drink that she makes for she and her mom. It sounded great! (hope I relay it right. If not, Jenny hit reply all and send it back to us)
Iced Lemonade (can be used on all phases and gets that lemon in which helps with the detox of our cells):
1/2 cup reconstituted lemon juice (no sugar - but keeps you from squeezing a million lemons)
add to belnder
Add water to make 2/3 full
Add ice to complete remainder
Add stevia or truvia to taste
Blend and serve
And, she said if you have a strawberry or two left from the day, toss it in there as well. Jenny, can you please send your blogspot address so the fam can ck out the recipes? Mine is kathyshcgfamily.blogspot.com
I only have the blog I send you posted currently. I wanted to provide a place for other Christian friends, on whatever fight to weigh loss freedom they find themselves, a chance to be encouraged on a daily basis. I find that one of bondage links is the feeling of isolation. We are better together. :) Well, I am better with you. All of you inspire me. PK
PS - no blog tomorrow, only blogging to the Lover of My Soul - Jesus.
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