We made it half way through the week and praise God for an extra day off next week. I am holding at yesterday's weight. How is everyone doing with your weight? I love your stories of new life changes and all the benefits with that.
As you know - I am the "sugar nazi" and have known for years that sugar (101 names for it - check your HCG Made Simple book) that is not metabolized is stored as fat. I found out why on Monday while I was in the doctor's office waiting and reading a medical journal:
"Fruit is the most healthful way to eat sugars and satisfy the natural craving for sweets. In addition to sugars, fruits also contain: 1) Vitamins and minerals that facilitate the metabolism of sugar - converting it into energy. 2) Fiber, which slows the absorption of sugars. For this reason, less insulin is required when eating fruit than when eating sugar alone or sugar refined products lacking fiber. The less insulin secreted, the less fat is produced, as one of insulin's effects is the synthesis of lipids or fats in the body."
Several things to see here: 1) eating sugar and sugared products - with no fruit - slows the metabolism of sugar and it STORES as fat. I never ate much fruit growing up. Only Kentucky Chocolate Cake. :) 2) High insulin secretion (from high sugar ingestion) = high fat content stored in the body. And, as we get older, we are generally less active, less activity means the "stove" isn't turned up as high and year after year we continue to add fat to our bodies.
Those are the scientific facts - plain and simple. Can you look at your frig, cabinets, fast food orders and ask if these foods taken in are storing life or fat? How about your lunch today? Eating, whole natural fruits (with the skins for fiber) are giving more benefits than just taste. Grab an apple today. :)
Choose life and eat to live,
(more on sugar-related diseases tomorrow)