Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 2012

Good morning to all,
Did any of you happen to see the recent Doctor OZ show on HCG? Boy, has he changed his tune! I am more convinced now than ever that we were right about the FDA trying to grab HCG in order to stop the success of this plan. Dr Oz said he is "fascinated" by the fact that science cannot prove why something works when humans show that it does. He shook his head. He questioned a doctor who uses it with her patients and said that a HUGE number of patients are very successful and have amazing results. The lady doctor said obesity is such a growing and out of control problem and this is a REAL solution. She told doctor OZ that obese people need to see some hope "quickly" and this plan offers it. He said, "well at least it teaches people portion controls - shocks them into the reality" that we can LIVE OFF smaller amounts of food. To that I add and we can LIVE WITHOUT foods we used to love and CHERISH.

Chip and I talked about the Dr Oz program yesterday and really went back through some of the things we have locked in our minds after a year of loosing and keeping our weight off:
1. Weighing every day is critical. Chip said it's a MUST for him. He accounts for every pound. He said if he expands his portions one day - it shows up on the scale. He pulls back tight until that is gone. Reminder: you can gain up to 10 pounds, quickly I might add, without noticing much in your clothes except a little snugness in the waist. 10 POUNDS IS A LOT HARDER TO LOOSE THAN GAIN.
2. Water is critical to weight loss. I can make a "guaranteed bet" that on the days I get 12 cups of WATER (whatever fluids are not water count on top of this) I loose something. Not enough WATER - stay the same or gain. Reminder: as we are loosing fat that is stored (it's being pulled and reconstituted) it must be flushed out by the kidneys in order for us to loose weight. If we do not FLUSH that out - fat reconstitutes AS FAT every 24 hours.
3. Chip and I are totally in agreement that sugar and starch are the keys and the lock to prison for us - including starchy vegetables and high sugar fruits. Chip and I neither one, in over a year, eat bananas, grapes or pineapple. We use a glycemic index table to help us determine which veggies and fruits are "safe" for us. Reminder: sugar that isn't converted QUICKLY into energy is STORED AS FAT. Our bodies can process moderate amounts of healthy fats MUCH better than small amounts of sugar. (there are 101 names for sugar in your HCG Made Simple book. Review them often)
4. Calories are calories. While we need calories to activate our bodies and fuel us - we have a choice to eat or drink our calories. Smoothies, even all natural, are packed with lots of calories - as are coffees and lattes. (I sent a list last month of calories) Be mindful, too, that while you may make the fudge recipe I sent yesterday - you MUST portion it out. Calories are calories. Here's how I help control that - instead of stuffing as quickly as I can, I stop, think, remind myself "there will be more tomorrow or I can make more after these are gone" and then I eat ONE square. That may seem elementary to you, but it helps me THINK and make a plan. Sometimes I would eat so quickly and would stop to breathe ONLY after consuming 6 pieces. Healthy foods DO have calories. We cannot swing in the opposite direction and say, "eating healthy means eating as much of the right stuff as I want." That is still an undisciplined life. Reminder: food is no longer our pleasure center - it's simply a tool to refuel our cells and help them reproduce healthy cells so we live a LONG time. Our bodies are "NOT THE BOSS" of us. Amen?

These are just a few TRUTHS that all of us must continue to rehearse as we continue to walk in health and wholeness. I would love to hear from some of you as to the truths that have come alive to you during your journey. When you send those, let me know if they are okay to share and we will blog on those this week.

Choose LIFE and eat to LIVE. PK

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