Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18, 2012

Good morning and happy Saturday!

I wanted to take a moment and comment on so many of us that are trying to decipher about the "gluten free" buzz. Some have said that gluten makes us gain weight - others not. Well, according to my research - those with a gluten intolerance or sensitivity (celiac disease) loose weight and not gain. Here is a portion of an article that may help us really just stick to lean proteins, veggies, low-sugar fruits and limited healthy fats. Read carefully about the starch provoking an insulin spike and how the additional insulin causes sugar to store as fat.

Margaret Floyd answered:
There's a lot of misinformation out there about gluten and gluten-free diets. Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and many other grains. Gluten in and of itself does not cause weight gain in healthy individuals who can tolerate it.

Some individuals have a gluten-intolerance, which ranges from severe (i.e., celiac disease) to mild (i.e., mild digestive discomfort and symptoms of grogginess, headaches, and fuzzy head), and in these cases consumption of gluten can lead to bloating and eventual weight gain. If you aren't sensitive to gluten, however, eating a small to moderate amounts of gluten-containing grains shouldn't contribute to weight gain.

That said, the overconsumption of starches and grains (whether they contain gluten or not) can contribute to weight gain. Starchy foods (particularly refined grains, sugars, excess fruit, and potatoes) cause a spike in blood sugar and an associated spike in insulin, which stores that extra sugar as fat. So in this way, gluten (and non-gluten) grains can all contribute to weight gain.

I know we can get bombarded with so much information that it's overwhelming. I vote we keep it simple. I am a simple girl - give me a grill, some steamed veggies, a hunk of watermelon, and a tall water with some strawberries and truvia mixed in and I am IN HEAVEN! Will send a new recipe next week for clam sauce which is WAY YUMMY over your spaghetti squash. Spring is coming and our fruit selections and fresh veggies will be abundant. YEA (I never thought I'd say that.)

Choose life and eat to live - PK
I am off to a play day with friends. Preaching at church in the morning - would love your prayers! :)

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