Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012

Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day!

Sorry I didn't get your recipe ready, but sometimes it takes a while to tweak something so it works with almond flour and xylitol. I will get it to you soon. :)

Spent 90 minutes yesterday watching a biochemistry professor support his theory about the link between sugar and fructose AND obesity. Fabulous! He works in an obesity clinic for children and I was in Heaven. It was very informative if you like "those kinds" of lectures. (pretty scientific) But there were several strong points he made that I could really grab and make "mine." I want to share just a few:

He showed how drinking a beer and drinking a soda (sugar) or ANY drink that was high in fructose (even natural fruit juices, which are minus any fiber - GOTTA READ THE LABELS CAREFULLY for any form of sugar, sucrose, or fructose) are metabolized EXACTLY the same. He showed how they enter the liver and what happens between calorie consumption and storing of fat. (VERY detailed explanation of all the chemical reactions/exchanges and where they end up. Bottom line - ethanol (alcohol) and fructose (as well as sugar) start differently - but break down and convert similarly. He said while we know that consuming LOTS of beer gives someone a "beer gut," and we accept that as truth, ingesting sugar and fructose gives us a SUGAR GUT. He showed a picture of an adult with a beer gut and a child with a sugar gut who was very obese.

He said he only allows the kids in his clinic to drink water or milk - no juices, no sodas (not even diet), no gatorade. (long story about gatorade also)

He did also say that "calories ARE NOT calories." He explained why that is not true from a metabolic standpoint. So I won't say that again. :) And he also pointed out that while exercise is KEY to reducing stress, it is ineffective if our lives all consuming sugar and starch. It becomes a fun activity with none of the benefits. YIKES! He argues that our fat cells have a substance in them that knows when to tell us "you've eaten enough." HOWEVER, sugar "tricks" the fat cells to think they are starving and they CRY OUT for more food - especially sweets. OMGoodness!

Needless to say - while the 90 minutes was challenging at times to focus on - all the chemical reactions, etc. - I felt like I could SEE the truth in his illustrations on the powerpoint slides.

So here we are back at the choice level - I am praying today that you choose to hit the DELETE button on sugar, sucrose, fructose, etc for you and your families. No SUGAR GUTS for us. :) Praying this day is filled with LOVE, LOVE, AND LOVE for you. PK

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