Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16, 2012

Good morning all,

Hope you are enjoying being on THIS SIDE of a chocolate holiday. I had so many people say they had no power to say "no" to chocolate. I wondered about that - what type of inanimate object has that much control over us??? Have you every thought about it? Now I used to say that chocolate was "calling my name, and I could not resist." Yes, I said it in fun, but after this past holiday with ALL the comments about the power of chocolate ---- I really shook my head. Does chocolate really have that strong a voice? NO, not the object, but the TASTE.

Taste triggers our mind into feeling a sense of pleasure - like we are being treated to something pleasurable. Remember, sugar sedates and comforts. So chocolate candy is a three-fold bomb - sedates, comforts, and tastes great. YIKES - what a deadly combo.

The problem is that chocolate tastes good "for a season" but it quickly settles on our belly and thighs. Then, we feel bad and opt for more chocolate to comfort us - only to repeat the process. It's a viscous cycle! We have to decide we want off! Once we have made a tough decision to never return to the sugar wheel, often every issue in life lines up in our house and our mind says, "YOU NEED SUGAR!" "THAT'S THE ONLY WAY TO ENDURE THIS ISSUE." "NO ONE IS WATCHING - IT'S OK." The only problem with that is it ISN'T the TRUTH. The Bible says knowing the truth sets us free. And, while we know chocolate is not good for us, we rationalize with all our friends that "everything in moderation is ok." How about a drop of poison??? Are you willing to place that in the pot of soup of the stove?

When we continue to rationalize truth and make excuses for our weaknesses - we weaken the boundaries of success. Slowly we return to the old way of thinking, even though we KNOW the truth. You see the Bible, speaking of truth, should actually read - "the truth you know INTIMATELY sets you free." Why? Because when another voice speaks to lure us from the truth we are able to say, "that voice brings life - that one brings death," and we are able to decide without confusion. I don't do well with confusion. How about you? There are many options to chocolate and some are very healthy. Maybe they don't sedate and comfort - but a massage does and it doesn't deposit belly fat. :) "YES," you say - "but there is a BIG cost difference between chocolate and a massage." Absolutely - but we are WORTH it.

Loving you this day - choose life and eat to live - PK

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