Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012

Hello, hello - can't talk long this morning - had a work issue to address early - so running a wee bit behind. I felt to share today that sometimes so many things push against us, from all directions and life seems to spiral. Sometimes eating is a response to that. I so understand - we ALL understand or we might not be in the fam. Right? Eating is NOT the enemy however - what we eat and how much we eat is the problem. AMEN!

Like last night - I was tired, frustrated, and hungry. I had several choices but I MADE myself eat an apple as it was ONE of the choices and the best choice. :) We REALLY have to fight to surround ourselves with only good choices in a moment where the issues of life are pushing us and we may be a bit weaker.

It's kinda like friendships - some give life and some can drain the life from you. Right? If we are being honest, we LOVE a lot of people, but BOY, those low-maintenance friends are life giving sometimes and we LOVE them for that. All of our relationships will run through seasons of taking more work - yes, they will! But when someone is always taking from you and draining you - sometimes it's easier to give in than deal with attitude and issues that manifest. Food can be the same way. Sometimes we cave in when we are weak and it is screaming, "you want me" only to realize it was unhealthy and something healthy was right there. But.......we gave in to the loudest voice because IT WAS ALSO RIGHT THERE. Does that make sense?????

Moral of the story - let's help ourselves by filling the fridge, cabinets, and kitchen counters with "friendly foods" who REALLY will be LIFE GIVERS.

Choose life and eat to live - PK

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