Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 15, 2011

Good morning all - better day today on tap - my husband wants to take me on a golf cart ride, spend the day outside, grill a steak, build a fire and watch the Georgia game.   I think I will take him up on this and let my brain rest.   As the Lord leads, please continue to pray for the conference as it opens this Thursday.  This conference will produce breakthrough testimonies and we all know - I am all about that.   Someone sent Ezekiel 34:25-end of that chapter as a picture of what God is doing.  What a great scripture of breakthrough in many areas!   

I applaud all of you who continue to fight ONE day at a time for your health.   That's all I ask.  At the close of each day, no excuses.  Don't cheat and say, "well, tomorrow I'll start over."    I lived that way for years and gained weight steadily.  NO, if you had a bad day - really stop and ask the Lord to show you where you went off track and annihilate any excuse.   Life DOES throw things our way (RAIN conference, etc) that get us off track, but I cannot stay camped there.  I still did badly with my routine yesterday, although my weight was the same this morning.  I got the water in, but only one meal.  Now you would think NOT eating would cause us to loose weight - but when I am too busy to fuel my cells - I gain.   I am home all day and will EAT all I am supposed to WHEN I am supposed to.   That's what I mean - we can't fix yesterday, but we can CHOOSE to not repeat it.  That choice becomes life over flesh.   While my flesh would love a pumpkin muffin from Dunkin Donuts - that one muffin weakens my resolve to see LIFE as the bigger choice.  SOOOOO, I choose life and let someone else who can eat pumpkin muffins have mine.   :)    Yes, I do.  

Love testimonies from the fam!   Here is one you'll love from Jackie:

This HCG journey has had a fantastic impact on me. 

First: I went to the doctor today and he said I don't have to take metformin anymore! My A1c was 4.5 (down form 6.7). He said whatever I am doing - keep doing it!

Second - I want to share some information that is helping me to take the process slowly and let God complete the work He has begun in me.

I have always researched healthy food choices and tried to feed my family with foods for life. Of course, sugar and refined carbs still made their way into our diets. Yet God continues to shed light on changes that will help us. 

Some years ago, I purchased "The Healing Power of Whole Foods" and I pulled it out again as I plan my meals for phases 3 and 4.  Here is a passage from the book that speaks to avoiding damage that can be done by not completing this process properly.

"Test to Determine If You Are Ready to Liberalize Your Diet.
Eat one bite of something containing just a little refined carbohydrate-for example, whole wheat bread sweetened with honey or molasses-just one bite! If you have a return of a previous symptom or simply don't feel well after the test, you know that you are not ready to liberalize. If you mistakenly eat something containing a refined carbohydrate and are not ready to liberalize, you will get the same reaction. "

It goes on to say
"In most cases, your body becomes super sensitive to refined foods when you first totally eliminate them from your diet-so sensitive that if you do eat a small amount of sugar, refined complex carbohydrate, alcohol or caffeine, you are likely to have a return of one or more of your symptoms. After you have been on the perfect diet for 3-6 months, the sensitivity will disappear. Your health will have improved so that you are able to eat refined foods occasionally without provoking symptoms. Since re-contact with refined foods during the sensitivity period slows progress it is important to be patient and remain on the  perfect diet long enough."     (The Healing Power of Whole Foods, Beth Loiselle,pg. 35)

Thanks for the many wonderful recipes I can use as I make changes for a healthy lifestyle! 

Thanks Jackie and we are proud of you!  I encourage all the fam to continue to have your blood checked and stay on your meds until released by your doctors.   Our bodies can heal themselves BUT we must feed our cells the foods that bring LIFE to them and they, in turn, will bring LIFE to us.  It's not always easy (like going to Carraba's and watching my husband and daughter eat the warm bread with dipping oil.  I used to eat an entire loaf MYSELF each time I went - yes, I did - but I had to keep telling myself as I was eating my Caprise salad, "I CHOOSE Life!") 

I pray that God strengthen each of us today and give us all a renewed vision that the choice is ours.

Choose life and eat to live, PK

PS - need to order your Almond Flour (Honeyville blanched almond flour - 5 lb bag $30 - on line) and xylitol for the holiday baking.   The flour took over a week to get to me this time.  And Xylitol is getting very popular and may be harder to find as we get closer.  Peachtree Natural Foods has a 2 pound bag of the xylitol for right at $13.   That's a DEAL!

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