Our church is going through a big change right now as we are changing our name - GREAT - but there is a lot of work involved in making that happen. I am on brain overload. Could NOT sleep last night due to details, details.
Let me personally invite you - prayer and worship is being held at my house tonight for our upcoming RAIN Women's Conference (October 20-22). Everyone is invited to prayer (tonight) and the conference (in October). This is the last weekend to register at the early bird rate - grab a friend and register. The Lord told me that whatever "spiritual" container women brought, he would fill. I felt like he was saying that the size of the container (spiritually brought to the conference) would be an indication of the faith level of the woman. Bring a "cup sized container" to capture the Rain of the Holy Spirit - it will be filled. Bring a "bucket" it will be filled - bring a "tractor trailer" it will be filled. God is going to visit us. What spiritual container will you use to capture the RAIN?
Tina Hopper was completely healed of suicidal depression when Pastor Giselle ministered several years back and sang over her. Years of pain and medication BROKE as the song of the Lord brought healing. POWERFUL! Set aside time to come, capture, and embrace. That's why prayer at my house tonight is critical - we are setting the platform. Let me know if you can come.
Down .2 this morning - so YEA!
I do want to bring up something - I feel awkward sometimes when I see some of you and I feel a disconnect and then you come and "confess." That's not what our family or friendship is about. We ARE here to help each other and to be accountable one to another - but your "staying on protocol" or "cheating" in NO WAY affects my love for you. I'm not disappointed - I have walked this ROAD many times and am very aware of the intense battle. I am praying for OUR freedom, OUR transformation, OUR journey. Please don't feel awkward and don't shy away from me. This plan is not for everyone. If you want to remain on the blog list and do something else - cool! If you want to be removed - I am cool with that too. NO hard feelings. What is difficult for me is when I feel you withdrawing and I know that condemnation brings that. NO WAY! Our relationship to one another is greater than our relationship to food. Hands down!
Choose life and eat to live,