Friday, October 25, 2013

"Unopened Gifts"

Thanks to those who have followed up on our Healthy4You Life Group for NEXT Sunday. Remember, if you're coming, please let me know. I want all of us to have plenty to eat - we always do though. :) As I read this morning from John 6, I was reminded that God really initiates the relationship between himself and each one of us. In fact, Jesus commented, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." I have used this verse pastorally for years to continue to pray for people who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I have prayed, "Holy Spirit, call their name again and again tomorrow and again for as many days as it takes for them to turn and respond." But today I smiled as I envisioned the God of the universe being mindful of this little girl from Atlanta and calling MY name. I am grateful that God never gave up on me and that He allows me to "walk in the cool of the evening with Him" as He did with Adam and Eve. Have you connected with THAT picture lately? God, the eternal one who existed before creation and no man can adequately describe, desires to be our walking partner tonight. Really? Isn't the story in Genesis simply a story? I don't believe God exaggerates. I believe that He actually had a time of visitation where He went to the garden to visit with Adam because He wanted to fellowship with him. The Bible is laced with story after story pointing to God's attempt to connect with His creation. That's great, but dial that to simply YOU. Let's consider that God looks for times during the day to sit and have coffee with us, chat for a moment about a situation, reach out and secure our racing thoughts. God reaches out for each of us. Can you dwell on that today and look for the places where you know He's present. I felt God spoke to me the other night and said, "I present unopened gifts throughout the day for you. You need to stop and recognize the gift is for YOU; stop and take the time to OPEN the gift I've placed for YOU; and receive the gift from me." Then, as I pondered, I was blown away and began to ask for God to open my eyes. I need His vision to see these God Gifts and stop my busyness to respond. I feel that could be an encouraging word for many of us today. I always thought it was me wanting to spend time with God. But 100 times beyond that is the FACT THAT HE WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH ME- YOU. Even as I type, I shake my head in amazement. Does that amaze you? Pause today and remember the plethora of Bible stories that prove that God reaches for us first. Then stop and respond to God's initiation. Can He be your walking partner tonight? Talk again on Monday, PK

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