Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"The Changing of Seasons"

Good Tuesday morning and what a great time to be alive. The change of the seasons gives proof that death cannot contain life. Did you hear that? What a profound truth. Can you imagine viewing the fall colors and connecting with the symbolism of death and yet never embracing that fact that spring is coming? It would appear that time stops. But it does not. I LOVE fall, and the colors displayed speak volumes to me - I think we have talked about that before. But ONE of the things that inspires me is the fact that I use this season to remind myself that life has seasons where it appears the closing of one avenue or another is the end. And often, the closing of one journey is the simple beginning of another. The spring will return. However, we must wait and enjoy the season of dormancy that winter brings. Hard isn't it? You know that without the deep cold, several things are affected when spring arrives. This is a principle that God often uses in our daily lives. Think on a spirit-level right here: without a certain number of days below freezing the peach crops suffer, the mosquitos arrive by the millions, and certain vegetation that need a time of complete rest are cheated. Sometimes, we detest winter seasons and forget that God has a plan even in this. But spring is coming. No one interrupts that flow. God cycles us through the seasons to teach us lessons and renew our commitment to trust Him in them all and seek the GOOD in each. Jesus' death is critical to our eternal destination. Let's call that a season. However, his resurrection (another season) is the basis of our eternal hope. Our faith resonates with the fact that we too will overcome death and spend an eternity in Heaven with God and our eternal family. This becomes our eternal spring season. Yes? If you are walking through a season where things are closing around you, ask God to show you His plan in this time. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your strength to see the journey in which we all travel. 1 Corinthians 15:13-14 (AMP) 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not risen; 14 And if Christ has not risen, then our preaching is in vain [it amounts to nothing] and your faith is devoid of truth and is fruitless (without effect, empty, imaginary, and unfounded). Our risen savior gives us the HOPE that we too will conquer our winter seasons. Let's embrace the "where we are in life moments" and hold fast to the "our promised future eternity moments." Can you imagine if the Gospel had no resurrection message? The good news is that Jesus died and rose. Let's live in that truth. Have a great day, PK

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