Thursday, October 24, 2013

"He Loved Me First"

Made the simple mistake of taking Mucinex DM last night to help thin some congestion in my head. YIKES. I had the same reaction as when I take benadryl. So, after a night of no sleep, itching, and racing in my chest I apologize if our talk time today is a little random. However as I lay awake, warm, nestled, and trying not to scratch my head the Lord reminded me of how easily we toss out the phrase "I love......" Perhaps you're not as demonstrative as I or verbally expressive, but "I love everything." I thought about how I love crab legs and line dancing and spa waters. I thought about how seriously I love my children and grand children, as well as my job. Then I thought, and "I LOVE God." In that moment I wondered just how that communicates to God. I know He knows how limited my human expressions can be and sees deeply into my heart. I am certain God knows the value ABOVE love, for me, that I cannot explain. As I pondered this, I was reminded of the passage in 1 John 4:9-10 "9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." And for a few moments I was smitten to remember that God loved me first. And then I recited the verse and thought, "God certainly expressed LOVE for me in a much deeper capacity than I can ever return." However, everyday is filled with opportunities to demonstrate - through sacrificial obedience and loving others as we have been loved - that we LOVE God. I don't feel bad to say how much I love crab legs or that I love being healthy. Those are expressions. But I am on a path of expressing love to God and others experientially as I believe God has done to me. I have to admit, for a moment as I recited the verse, even in my sleeplessness, I felt a sting in my heart. NOPE - there is no condemnation fro those in Christ Jesus. And I just closed my eyes and began to sing. Worship is a great way to communicate LOVE to God throughout this day. So is being sacrificially kind and loving to others, even when that is a challenge. If you read that entire chapter, it will serve as a reminder of ways that God receives our heart of love for him. Saying "I love you, God" touches His heart. But there's more. Smile as you digest that God loved you first, gave his only son as the exchange so He could LOVE you forever, and then find someone to extend that same LOVE to. I am working on that in my own life. love your apple too and digest that. (wink) PK PS - new apple at Publix. YUM! It's called a Sweetango apple.

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