Thursday, October 17, 2013

"I'll Do It My Way"

As you know, we are studying Henry Blackaby on Wednesday night's now. This morning as I was reading a devotional from Oswald Chambers, I saw a common thread between the two. The life of Moses has always been one of my favorite stories. I see myself in his journey in so many ways. This morning, let's focus on taking matters into our own hands. How many of you know that often we can feel in our heart, through simple discernment or prayer, that God desires for us to be used in a certain manner and place? Then, out of our own zeal, we can jump ahead of God's best timing. Moses killed a man and while I could so see myself doing that to "come to the aid of my people," this displayed HIS effort outside of God's plan. What did THAT produce? DEATH! God, who loves us more than we can ever articulate or imagine, then decides Moses needs a season to come to an understanding of who God really is and what it means to lead people - not manage a palace. That's powerful. So Moses is sent to leadership school in the desert with mountains and the sheep. The only problem is this leadership training is quite different from the training he received in the palace. The objective of this school of leadership: learn who God is, learn to obey above your excuses, and learn to love and care for sheep who have a BUNCH of needs. Here God begins to reveal things to Moses that will affect the course of a nation. Here the man of God is developed and equipped. Here the leader, the shepherd, learns compassion and care. Here Moses becomes the vessel God needed all along for HIS purpose. As you examine your circumstances within this day, perhaps they are not lined up as you feel they should be. Or perhaps you are not placed where you desire. Could this be your season in the desert to be calibrated and sculpted for the purposes of God? I wish I could answer that for you. I am asking myself those questions. And, I wish I could tell you the time table. I am certain 40 years of leadership training in the desert felt like eternity to Moses. But some of the palace training had to be torn down and God's plan established. Sometimes that occurs quickly. Often the training in the desert is lengthy. But Moses emerged and accomplished God's plan. That's my heart. How about you? While patience is not my best virtue, commitment to the task is. I am on the cusp of 3 years of being healthy. Has that been easy? NO, but God taught me things in this journey about trust and community and sacrificial commitment that are keeping me to the task daily. As these things are deepening in me, God is allowing me to reach my hand toward others and offer hope. Turn and find someone today who needs hope and look them in the eyes and remind them God is faithful even in the desert. Praying for God's best for you today, PK Let me know if you are coming November 3rd. This will be our Thanksgiving Dinner recipe share.

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