Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31, 2013 - Real Peace!

GM and I pray this morning finds you well and smiling. My major encouragement today is margins. No rushing, driving fast, being in a hurry. Lots going on today - slow down. :) Also, we have LIFE GROUP this Sunday at 6:00. Please confirm if you are coming. Lots of treats to share, and recipes also, to ensure your Thanksgiving is filled with great taste but life-giving health. Right? I was reading this morning and would like to quote Fenelon, the arch bishop of Cambrai, 17th century: "Haven't you yet learned that the strivings of the human mind not only impair the health of your body, but also bring dryness to the soul? You can actually consume yourself by too much inner striving. And to no purpose at all! Your peace and inner sweetness can be destroyed by a restless mind." I don't know if you ever find yourself with a restless mind, but I do. Sometimes I find that I allow that restless mind to spin and twist and then give birth to strife and confusion. I know the enemy of our soul brings confusion as a guest to introduce throughout our day, but we choose to shake hands. Let me say, sometimes I do that. The Lord has really been speaking to me about trust and peace and I see so clearly how they fit together intricately. Without a sincere and deep trust in WHO God is and His promises to me, my peace can become simply a word that I speak as opposed to a life that I live. Have you ever been around someone that always seems to fret? I must admit - I have been that person at times. But Fenelon reminds us that our "inner sweetness" can be destroyed by a restless mind. I find that in these times, I have started looking toward and relying upon my own abilities and ways as opposed to God's plan. I am taking a hard look at the components of my life, including my health, and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any of them in which I am trusting in Kathy. This is a hard season. Humility means death, but death to self means life in Christ. Let me close today with this passage from Psalms: Psalm 116 (MSG) 116 1-6 I love God because he listened to me, listened as I begged for mercy. He listened so intently as I laid out my case before him. Death stared me in the face, hell was hard on my heels. Up against it, I didn’t know which way to turn; then I called out to God for help: “Please, God!” I cried out. “Save my life!” God is gracious—it is he who makes things right, our most compassionate God. God takes the side of the helpless; when I was at the end of my rope, he saved me. 7-8 I said to myself, “Relax and rest. God has showered you with blessings. Soul, you’ve been rescued from death; Eye, you’ve been rescued from tears; And you, Foot, were kept from stumbling.” I tell you - I feel many in this hour need an infusion of returning to the confidence that God is our stabilizer and our plans and lives are nothing outside of Him. God makes things right - in that I relax and rest, which actually is one of the Greek renderings for the word PEACE. So today amid the flurry of activities, let us pause and humbly ask, "where do I need to have my heart set at rest AGAIN?" Peace be with each of you this day and be encouraged that God takes the side of the helpless. We'll talk again tomorrow, PK

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Mess To Message"

GM to you all, Genesis 50 (the conclusion to the story of Joseph) reminds us this morning that God is able to take our mess and create a message. God is able to take our desperation and give someone else hope. I know that sounds like a cliche, but I can so identify with each statement. My health was a mess and I found that desperation to live was the final state that propelled a life-long change in me. I always wanted to be thin, but I never wanted to be healthy. I felt like healthy people had their own prison of cardboard food and denial. How WRONG I was! Joseph commented to his brothers that what they had intended for evil, God intended for GOOD. (Gen 50:20-21) What a powerful insight after suffering many years. And I am especially drawn to the fact that he spoke KINDLY when he had every right, in my small mind, to speak sharply. LOVE IT! As we journey though the next several days, we need to remind ourselves that Satan wants to discourage and trap each of us. He can use the BIG things in our lives or the simple things like candy, Halloween cupcakes, and issues that may serve to "seemingly" place us in a pocket of hopelessness. I can't even imagine what being betrayed by your family and left to die really feels like. But Joseph not only escaped the entrapment, he went on to help others escape entrapment. Let's make that pledge. I remember the YEARS of eating so much sugar on Halloween that I would be literally sick by the end of the night and wanting to hit myself in the stomach in order to throw up. UGH! (true confession this morning) So many through the rest of this week, will be on a "sugar high" only to crash, look in the mirror, and confess failure AGAIN. My heart hurts when I think of the prison I endured for years - and others as well. Maybe you are thinking, "really - not that serious." However, sugar is so addictive and so hard to overcome. It seems that weekly I am hearing testimonies of people with chronic illnesses, like cancer, who are being told by their doctors to delete sugar and all other white stuff from their diets immediately. YIKES! Planning is critical to successful health; I am convinced. As we approach a candy holiday, I am having to prepare for several days of endurance. Making almond flour muffins and baking apple cobbler is a great substitute to filling my body with tons of sugar and vowing to never do it again while winking in the mirror. God is taking the mess of my past and giving me creative energy in the kitchen as HIS tool to help rescue me. And guess what, He'll do that for you as well. I promise. Joseph endured and then conquered. That is going to be our testimony. Can I encourage you the remainder of this week? NO candy or sweets. It may be hard, but you'll thank me. Make a pledge with me - NO Halloween sweets - not one bite. We can do it. :) PK REMEMBER - Life Group at 6:00 this Sunday. Come for Thanksgiving dishes and start planning your healthy, Thanksgiving luncheon this Sunday with us! Need to hear from you if you're planning ti attend.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"The Changing of Seasons"

Good Tuesday morning and what a great time to be alive. The change of the seasons gives proof that death cannot contain life. Did you hear that? What a profound truth. Can you imagine viewing the fall colors and connecting with the symbolism of death and yet never embracing that fact that spring is coming? It would appear that time stops. But it does not. I LOVE fall, and the colors displayed speak volumes to me - I think we have talked about that before. But ONE of the things that inspires me is the fact that I use this season to remind myself that life has seasons where it appears the closing of one avenue or another is the end. And often, the closing of one journey is the simple beginning of another. The spring will return. However, we must wait and enjoy the season of dormancy that winter brings. Hard isn't it? You know that without the deep cold, several things are affected when spring arrives. This is a principle that God often uses in our daily lives. Think on a spirit-level right here: without a certain number of days below freezing the peach crops suffer, the mosquitos arrive by the millions, and certain vegetation that need a time of complete rest are cheated. Sometimes, we detest winter seasons and forget that God has a plan even in this. But spring is coming. No one interrupts that flow. God cycles us through the seasons to teach us lessons and renew our commitment to trust Him in them all and seek the GOOD in each. Jesus' death is critical to our eternal destination. Let's call that a season. However, his resurrection (another season) is the basis of our eternal hope. Our faith resonates with the fact that we too will overcome death and spend an eternity in Heaven with God and our eternal family. This becomes our eternal spring season. Yes? If you are walking through a season where things are closing around you, ask God to show you His plan in this time. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your strength to see the journey in which we all travel. 1 Corinthians 15:13-14 (AMP) 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not risen; 14 And if Christ has not risen, then our preaching is in vain [it amounts to nothing] and your faith is devoid of truth and is fruitless (without effect, empty, imaginary, and unfounded). Our risen savior gives us the HOPE that we too will conquer our winter seasons. Let's embrace the "where we are in life moments" and hold fast to the "our promised future eternity moments." Can you imagine if the Gospel had no resurrection message? The good news is that Jesus died and rose. Let's live in that truth. Have a great day, PK

Monday, October 28, 2013

"Pressing Forward"

Of all the weeks in the year, I would call this one "The Candy Week." I smiled when a lady in the store last week, as I was buying candy for church, laughed and commented that she had been eating Halloween candy since it arrived on the shelf and she still had a week to go. OMGoodness - I would SO be sick. But then the guy in the line chimed in and supported his fixation with candy week. Well, truth be told, I used to select the neighborhoods that gave the best candy and walk my legs off so my child could have the best treats. REALLY? This select journey had nothing to do with Teree and everything to do with feeding my sugar addiction. So as I looked back and remembered my own journey, I started laughing as well. Three grown candy addicts (well, one ex-candy addict) running through our favorite candies and stories around trick or treating. Not much has changed in 30 years except the wrappers. Big kids still love candy too. Isn't it fun to look back sometimes? Some of my greatest memories are when my family is passing around the photo albums and remembering the special moments often attached to specific photos. We don't do it often, but occasionally the albums emerge and it seems we always pick the same photos and tell the same stories. I guess we are creating a historical record for our children to convey for their children. I fear this tradition will soon be lost as photos are not printed as frequently and everything is digital. Maybe now instead of passing the albums, we pass the laptop? :( But none of us still use horse and buggies, do we? PREACH! Looking back, in some instances though, can be a snare. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Phillipians 3:13-14 that, "13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us." Here, Paul gives an encouragement that moving forward and pressing into victory is better than remembering the past. I realize the past does have an influence on our journey. But we cannot change one moment of the past. No matter how devastating or difficult - we cannot undo it. However, we can make changes TODAY that impact our future journey and potentially create a life that is less tangled with regrets. My past is a picture and holds evidence of things which inspire me - to repeat or delete. When my kids and grandkids and great-grands look at my laptop, may they see the evidence (fruit) of a life NOW filled with health, laughter, and memories much different than those captured while I was trapped in the prison on obesity. Enjoy your Monday, PK

Friday, October 25, 2013

"Unopened Gifts"

Thanks to those who have followed up on our Healthy4You Life Group for NEXT Sunday. Remember, if you're coming, please let me know. I want all of us to have plenty to eat - we always do though. :) As I read this morning from John 6, I was reminded that God really initiates the relationship between himself and each one of us. In fact, Jesus commented, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." I have used this verse pastorally for years to continue to pray for people who have not accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I have prayed, "Holy Spirit, call their name again and again tomorrow and again for as many days as it takes for them to turn and respond." But today I smiled as I envisioned the God of the universe being mindful of this little girl from Atlanta and calling MY name. I am grateful that God never gave up on me and that He allows me to "walk in the cool of the evening with Him" as He did with Adam and Eve. Have you connected with THAT picture lately? God, the eternal one who existed before creation and no man can adequately describe, desires to be our walking partner tonight. Really? Isn't the story in Genesis simply a story? I don't believe God exaggerates. I believe that He actually had a time of visitation where He went to the garden to visit with Adam because He wanted to fellowship with him. The Bible is laced with story after story pointing to God's attempt to connect with His creation. That's great, but dial that to simply YOU. Let's consider that God looks for times during the day to sit and have coffee with us, chat for a moment about a situation, reach out and secure our racing thoughts. God reaches out for each of us. Can you dwell on that today and look for the places where you know He's present. I felt God spoke to me the other night and said, "I present unopened gifts throughout the day for you. You need to stop and recognize the gift is for YOU; stop and take the time to OPEN the gift I've placed for YOU; and receive the gift from me." Then, as I pondered, I was blown away and began to ask for God to open my eyes. I need His vision to see these God Gifts and stop my busyness to respond. I feel that could be an encouraging word for many of us today. I always thought it was me wanting to spend time with God. But 100 times beyond that is the FACT THAT HE WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH ME- YOU. Even as I type, I shake my head in amazement. Does that amaze you? Pause today and remember the plethora of Bible stories that prove that God reaches for us first. Then stop and respond to God's initiation. Can He be your walking partner tonight? Talk again on Monday, PK

Thursday, October 24, 2013

"He Loved Me First"

Made the simple mistake of taking Mucinex DM last night to help thin some congestion in my head. YIKES. I had the same reaction as when I take benadryl. So, after a night of no sleep, itching, and racing in my chest I apologize if our talk time today is a little random. However as I lay awake, warm, nestled, and trying not to scratch my head the Lord reminded me of how easily we toss out the phrase "I love......" Perhaps you're not as demonstrative as I or verbally expressive, but "I love everything." I thought about how I love crab legs and line dancing and spa waters. I thought about how seriously I love my children and grand children, as well as my job. Then I thought, and "I LOVE God." In that moment I wondered just how that communicates to God. I know He knows how limited my human expressions can be and sees deeply into my heart. I am certain God knows the value ABOVE love, for me, that I cannot explain. As I pondered this, I was reminded of the passage in 1 John 4:9-10 "9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." And for a few moments I was smitten to remember that God loved me first. And then I recited the verse and thought, "God certainly expressed LOVE for me in a much deeper capacity than I can ever return." However, everyday is filled with opportunities to demonstrate - through sacrificial obedience and loving others as we have been loved - that we LOVE God. I don't feel bad to say how much I love crab legs or that I love being healthy. Those are expressions. But I am on a path of expressing love to God and others experientially as I believe God has done to me. I have to admit, for a moment as I recited the verse, even in my sleeplessness, I felt a sting in my heart. NOPE - there is no condemnation fro those in Christ Jesus. And I just closed my eyes and began to sing. Worship is a great way to communicate LOVE to God throughout this day. So is being sacrificially kind and loving to others, even when that is a challenge. If you read that entire chapter, it will serve as a reminder of ways that God receives our heart of love for him. Saying "I love you, God" touches His heart. But there's more. Smile as you digest that God loved you first, gave his only son as the exchange so He could LOVE you forever, and then find someone to extend that same LOVE to. I am working on that in my own life. love your apple too and digest that. (wink) PK PS - new apple at Publix. YUM! It's called a Sweetango apple.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"What Do Others See?"

Good morning and thanks for having coffee with me. Don't forget we have Life Group NEXT Sunday at 6PM at my house. It's our Thanksgiving meal. I will make a small turkey breast and some starch free dressing (yum!) for the evening. What can you bring to offer a healthy choice for your family feast? Remember, if you can bring your recipes as that is part of our evening. Bring your prayer requests also. 2 Corinthians 5:18 The Message (MSG) 16-20 Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you. I love the above passage. As I read it this morning again in the MSG translation, I was reminded of Paul's explanation and admonition to the body of believers at Corinth. None of us can look upon the outward appearance of a person to determine if they are connected with God. That connection happens in the heart WITH God. It's an internal event that produces an external "display." I do totally believe that those who have had that salvation experience live their lives differently. Some after that experience have even looked different, outwardly, to me. For some, their countenance changed immediately. However, we cannot view the internal nor evaluate the external to determine something only God knows. I was thinking this morning about the passage describing the connection with God, the new start, and the encouragement to tell everyone what God did for us. God uses our availability to make connections. I really began to think, "is my life helping others make a connection to God?" Sometimes we struggle with "preaching" and have a difficult time even feeling we can follow this edict. However, our lives preach plenty. As a healthy adult, your conviction and connection to a changed life speaks loudly. Yes, it does. And for us, being in right relationship with God through Jesus makes a bold statement as well. I am different than I was without Jesus. You? I am different as a healthy adult. You? And who knows, our fight for health when coupled with the assistance we got from God could be an opening for someone to connect with God. When people can see that your changed outward appearance followed by your confession of God's grace to stand firm (Galatians 5:1) is real and not another fad, it could allow someone with a closed mind as to God's desire to do life with us daily to be softened. Some have never connected with God's LOVE in such a way that He would desire to be included in every facet of our lives - even our health. I certainly have and what a revelation that was. I applaud you for allowing your life to bring HOPE to others. PK

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Give Yourself A Gift"

Good morning everyone, I love the fact that we are all moving on the same path toward an end with rewards. I'm going somewhere with this. Promise. Do you like gifts? I do! If you have ever taken the love language test, you know to what I am referring. My two highest scores fall between gifts and acts of service. Side note: if you have never read the Five Love Language book, I strongly suggest you do sooner than later. Once I discovered the ways people give and receive love, it certainly opened my eyes in MANY areas. Again - this works across the board. And what's really cool is that God is all five and never struggles to love each of us in our specific love language. Anyway, I don't know any one of us who doesn't like gifts, but especially those that have been well planned and thought through. Can't you tell the birthday or Christmas gifts that were re-gifted? You smile and act cordial, but inside aren't you wondering which aunt the gift came from? YIKES! What gifts are ahead of us as we walk the path toward great health? Initially - more energy and a renewed sense of LIFE. Then we find confidence, often followed by change of size and weight which culminates in GREAT blood reports and longer life. These are all amazing gifts to me! Are these gifts unique? Nope! They seem to be what we all receive once we decide to terminate the longings of our flesh for unhealthy items. Bringing my fleshly appetites into a surrendered place is certainly not easy. But the way I feel after a successful encounter is a precious gift to me. Remember when we spoke a couple of weeks ago about exercise? Have you ever had a great workout and been bummed and commented, "I really wish I had never done that." I doubt it. I feel the same way about experiences of success with healthy choices. I don't recall a time when at the end of successful experience - I wish I had failed. That is like giving me a gift. Perhaps because I am also an acts of service girl, the feel of victory over an area of devastation is such a blessing. I failed so much of my life at being healthy that being able to succeed is more than simply winning. It's a gift I give myself. The nice thing about giving one's self a gift is that one's self usually selects the perfect gift (if the funds allow). Giving yourself a gift can be done in so many ways, but for me, in a life of failure, successful healthy choices is a precious gift. I hope you can follow my line of thinking this morning and allow this day of healthy choices to be a GIFT to you! PK

Monday, October 21, 2013

"Some Trust in Chariots"

Good morning to you all, Sorry about last Friday - I went to NC to see my husband who is working there currently (and we had no service on the mountain) and I know this is late, but Mondays I work from home and usually find my morning begins with emails to be answered from the weekend. I pray your cool, fall weekend was filled with fun as pumpkins were carved and carnivals attended. I love the visual changes of this season and the smell of firewood burning. One of my favorite things to do is drink coffee by a fire. That is so dear to my heart..... Psalm 20:7 reads, "Some trust in chariots and some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord." Trust - the dictionary reads, "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something," and the synonyms are confidence, belief, faith, certainty,assurance, conviction, credence; reliance." The Message translation of this passage speaks of grooming horses who will eventually no longer be able to complete their assignments and polishing chariots who will eventually rot and fall apart. However, our confidence and assurance is based upon the TRUTH of God's Word. His Word will never grow old, faint, need to be restored, falter, or pull up lame. What promises from God's Word are you holding steadfast to in this season? My encouragement - don't let go. Years may pass as God develops our character and lives, but our years are as days to Him. Being able to stand confidently in the fact that God's best plan is for each of us to be healthy, as Moses was, in order that we may accomplish His will in the earth and in the land which He has given us takes conviction. Doesn't it? Without conviction and a firm belief in the truth, the doubts and blame become daggers aimed for our destruction. That is true! Let's not polish old mindsets and try to stabilize our patterns of rationalization. Let us boldly declare our health and fight for our freedom as GOD polishes our lives for all to see. Our healthy bodies make a bold statement as would a groomed chariot and horse. However, we cannot simply rely upon our own strength. Sometimes our daily fight for health is not applauded or recognized. Sometimes our daily fight can be drudgery and no stardom. God has a plan it that as well. Proud of your commitment to be as healthy as possible! PK

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"I'll Do It My Way"

As you know, we are studying Henry Blackaby on Wednesday night's now. This morning as I was reading a devotional from Oswald Chambers, I saw a common thread between the two. The life of Moses has always been one of my favorite stories. I see myself in his journey in so many ways. This morning, let's focus on taking matters into our own hands. How many of you know that often we can feel in our heart, through simple discernment or prayer, that God desires for us to be used in a certain manner and place? Then, out of our own zeal, we can jump ahead of God's best timing. Moses killed a man and while I could so see myself doing that to "come to the aid of my people," this displayed HIS effort outside of God's plan. What did THAT produce? DEATH! God, who loves us more than we can ever articulate or imagine, then decides Moses needs a season to come to an understanding of who God really is and what it means to lead people - not manage a palace. That's powerful. So Moses is sent to leadership school in the desert with mountains and the sheep. The only problem is this leadership training is quite different from the training he received in the palace. The objective of this school of leadership: learn who God is, learn to obey above your excuses, and learn to love and care for sheep who have a BUNCH of needs. Here God begins to reveal things to Moses that will affect the course of a nation. Here the man of God is developed and equipped. Here the leader, the shepherd, learns compassion and care. Here Moses becomes the vessel God needed all along for HIS purpose. As you examine your circumstances within this day, perhaps they are not lined up as you feel they should be. Or perhaps you are not placed where you desire. Could this be your season in the desert to be calibrated and sculpted for the purposes of God? I wish I could answer that for you. I am asking myself those questions. And, I wish I could tell you the time table. I am certain 40 years of leadership training in the desert felt like eternity to Moses. But some of the palace training had to be torn down and God's plan established. Sometimes that occurs quickly. Often the training in the desert is lengthy. But Moses emerged and accomplished God's plan. That's my heart. How about you? While patience is not my best virtue, commitment to the task is. I am on the cusp of 3 years of being healthy. Has that been easy? NO, but God taught me things in this journey about trust and community and sacrificial commitment that are keeping me to the task daily. As these things are deepening in me, God is allowing me to reach my hand toward others and offer hope. Turn and find someone today who needs hope and look them in the eyes and remind them God is faithful even in the desert. Praying for God's best for you today, PK Let me know if you are coming November 3rd. This will be our Thanksgiving Dinner recipe share.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Serving God

Well, well...we are half way though October and I love hearing from you about the fairs, the crafts, the apples. Please, always feel free to share. One of my best buds let me know he's riding his bike daily and has lost a ton of weight. The cardio really boosts our "thinning out" journey. I do strength training as well, but mostly concentrate on moving this body. I miss being in the pool, but am still getting some form of cardio in about 4-5 days a week. I haven't decided if I am joining the pool near me, but maybe. :) I must confess I was really tired last night as I am standing in health against this cold that seems to be going around - but my throat is very sore - and I had to get my apple in. Hurt to swallow but brought a smile to my face as I repeated the saying, "an apple a day....." We are doing the Henry Blackaby series, "Experiencing God" at church this trimester. I am really being challenged to examine his tag line, "Understanding what God is about to do where you are is more important than telling God what you want him to do." This resonates to me. I recently had someone tell me that the "reason so many prayers are unanswered is because God wants us to specifically as him for things. If we want a red car, be specific with the details." At first that can stir one's flesh a wee bit. But as I settled down, I realized I really don't want to pray like that. I would LOVE a new car (mine has 250K miles on it - BUT, it's paid for) but more than anything I would LOVE to know that God has used my life for HIS purpose throughout the day. I am reading a book called Circle Maker and buddy, that's the way I like to pray. Extravagant prayers - but God-centered prayers. If I can find the promise - I can pray huge within it. Finding God in an area takes intentionality. I get it. But God is everywhere and the Holy Spirit is always looking for opportunities to connect us. At this season of my life I LONG to serve God daily. I LONG to feel that connection. I don't want to waste time and energy. I am not "doing" because I have to earn anything from God. Please don't hear that. But I want to "do" something significant for God because I owe Him my life literally. Let me find the area where God is working and join His strategy there. Yep - sounds good Mr. Blackaby. Praying for you this morning and asking God for my next assignments to advance His purposes within the Kingdom. Love you, PK

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Apples of Gold, Pt. 2

How many of you ate an apple yesterday? Can you believe all that cool stuff? God has such an amazing plan for healing and health for his children. I was at the store late today and discovered a few new types of apples, one of which is a candy apple. (not candied - candy) I haven't tried it yet - maybe for lunch today. Have you found some yummy apples? My favorites are still Honey Crisp but they are so expensive. I am hoping the Candy Apple will be my new favorite, as it's a dollar a pound cheaper. I will keep you posted. As I ended yesterday I told you we would explore the two metals referenced in Proverbs 25:11, which are gold and silver . Let's examine this passage from several translations. The Message The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry, and a wise friend’s timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger. New International Version - Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a ruling rightly given. Amplified - A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Contemporary English Version - The right word at the right time is like precious gold set in silver. No matter how I read this passage, it really hits me concerning the power of our words. The metal gold speaks of deity and kingship while silver speaks of redemption. As I read this, I want us to consider that God's timing is everything. A right word at a wrong time can yield a wrong response. Amen? Have you ever tried to speak about health or some other critical issue only to find that the words fell on rocky soil. I have. Does that mean the words were bad? Maybe not, it could have been the timing. I have found that people have to be ready to grab the message and truth that their health is REALLY controlled by them...I buy my groceries; I drive my car to the fast food establishment; I open my OWN mouth. But sometimes our need to blame-shift keeps scales on our eyes. Like Saul's conversion to Paul. After the scales were removed, he submitted and was baptized. Then completely followed God's plan. A word about health (or other issues) in the right time seasoned with HOPE (redemption - silver) is so life-giving. And let me remind each os us - constant nagging to embrace health NEVER works. God instituted choice within us all and unless someone is ready, those words are meaningless. That's why the scripture says "due season, right time." Sometimes the best words come in the form of living a healthy life AND SAYING NOTHING. I couldn't stand to hear all the "diet people" singing their songs at lunch. It irritated the snot out of me. However, when I became desperate to live and joined them, those words became life (redemption - silver) to me. Truth (gold) and redemption (silver) are critically attached to our successful journey. This is true in the realm of nature as we eat our apple each day and it is so true with our spoken words. Let us always speak WHEN GOD SPEAKS AND IN A MANNER THAT GOD WOULD SPEAK. Then, and only then, do the words become "a custom-made piece of jewelry." Choose life and give life today, PK

Monday, October 14, 2013

Apples of Gold

Can you believe we are only a couple of months away from Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and 2014? Can we all say WOW. I am reminded again that time waits for no one. The fall season is absolutely my favorite. The colors, the smells, the festivals, the football games, the mountain fairs - keep listing. But one of the most definite THINGS about fall to me is apples. I know they are simple a fruit, but boy do they pack a punch. Let's look first at the natural benefits of apples: (These are found in a magazine entitled "Best Health, live better - feel great. You can find the entire article at 1. Get whiter, healthier teeth An apple won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. 2. Avoid Alzheimer’s A new study performed on mice shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Mice in the study that were fed an apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet. 3. Protect against Parkinson’s Research has shown that people who eat fruits and other high-fibre foods gain a certain amount of protection against Parkinson’s, a disease characterized by a breakdown of the brain’s dopamine-producing nerve cells. Scientists have linked this to the free radical-fighting power of the antioxidants contained therein. 4. Curb all sorts of cancers Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research, among others, agree thatthe consumption of flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23 per cent. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds—triterpenoids—in apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast. Their earlier research found that extracts from whole apples can reduce the number and size of mammary tumours in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. has recommended a high fibre intake to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. 5. Decrease your risk of diabetes Top 20 flat tummy foods Our best healthy apple recipes 6 reasons to eat more apples Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don’t eat apples. Apples are loaded with soluble fibre, the key to blunting blood sugar swings. 6. Reduce cholesterol The soluble fibre found in apples binds with fats in the intestine, which translates intolower cholesterol levels and a healthier you. 7. Get a healthier heart An extensive body of research has linked high soluble fibre intake with a slower buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in your arteries. The phenolic compound found in apple skins also prevents the cholesterol that gets into your system from solidifying on your artery walls. When plaque builds inside your arteries, it reduces blood flow to your heart, leading to coronary artery disease. 8. Prevent gallstones Gallstones form when there’s too much cholesterol in your bile for it to remain as a liquid, so it solidifies. They are particularly prevalent in the obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fibre to help you control your weight and cholesterol levels. 9. Beat diarrhea and constipation Whether you can’t go to the bathroom or you just can’t stop, fibre found in apples can help. Fibre can either pull water out of your colon to keep things moving along when you’re backed up, or absorb excess water from your stool to slow your bowels down. 10. Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain and bloating. To control these symptoms doctors recommend staying away from dairy and fatty foods while including a high intake of fibre in your diet. 11. Avert hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are a swollen vein in the anal canal and while not life threatening, these veins can be very painful. They are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas. Part and parcel with controlling constipation, fibre can prevent you from straining too much when going to the bathroom and thereby help alleviate hemorrhoids. 12. Control your weight Many health problems are associated with being overweight, among them heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. To manage your weight and improve your overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fibre. Foods high in fibre will fill you up without costing you too many calories. 13. Detoxify your liver We’re constantly consuming toxins, whether it is from drinks or food, and your liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. Many doctors are skeptical of fad detox diets, saying they have the potential to do more harm than good. Luckily, one of the best—and easiest—things you can eat to help detoxify your liver is fruits—like apples. 14. Boost your immune system Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have found thatquercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you're stressed out. 15. Prevent cataracts Though past studies have been divided on the issue, recent long-term studies suggest that people who have a diet rich in fruits that contain antioxidants—like apples—are 10 to 15 per cent less likely to develop cataracts. And while apples are packed with GREAT things for us, the Bible also refers to apples. Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. I love that! Could we consider that our words, fitly chosen and delivered, are like apples of GOLD? WOW - tomorrow we will look at what gold and silver represent in the Bible. Join me in the morning for Pt. 2. Today - offer some apples of gold to someone around you. PK

Friday, October 11, 2013

A God Hug

Good morning to all, This is the beginning of our Women's Conference - RAIN. So excited! Time to get soaked. Yeehaw! I sat last night on my back patio and looked at the stars and marveled that God knows each one by name. (Psalm 147:4) If he knows the stars, how much more does he know each one of us? If you need some reassurance that God knows EVERY detail of your life and NOTHING goes unnoticed, read Psalm 139. As I lifted my head and opened my eyes, I smiled. I simply paused and smiled. If you haven't done that in a while, try it. Stand and look at the vastness of the heaven and let the truth of God's knowledge of every detail of your life bring a smile to you. Again, try it. I doubt you could go outside and look up, frown and think, "God doesn't care or doesn't understand." It's like exercising. People rarely exercise and then say, "I wish I had not done that." Life comes to all of us in a fast and furious motion and often we react to the events of our day. But intentionality counts. Sometimes, like last night, I was on point with the task list but felt the Spirit of the Lord hit my pause button. Pull out the chair and look up. WOW! I passed the seat a couple of times as I watched the clock, but God needed me to INTENTIONALLY stop and allow him to hug me. (for all my guys - I know that sounds like a total girl statement - but men love to be hugged too) Hugging, in the natural, releases endorphins that calm the brain and produce almost an analgesic effect. This slows down rapid breathing and helps with pain. The relieving of pain and anxiety often produces an "ahhhhh." TRY THAT TOO. It really works. Hugging produces a physiological response. I feel the same way about looking up and allowing God's word to remind me that He knows every star and placed them all - how much more each one of us? I smiled. Praying today that you are reminded, no matter where you are, that God adores you and chose you. Yes, he did! Talk on Monday? PK

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9, 2013 - The Seed of Abraham

I have been studying the Fathers of our faith in preparation for our Women's Conference this Friday and Saturday. I want us to consider what it must have felt like for Abraham to begin the journey to complete God's command to sacrifice Isaac. First of all, Abraham was the father of generations to come. That was the promise. BUT, did God really say to sacrifice something so precious? The seed which would fulfill the promise? Could God have said something so absurd? How could God fulfill His word IF this was really God? Can you imagine what faith this took? I am not sure how I would have responded. That's why I am not Father Abraham. But the journey began.........and from what I read there was not a time when Abraham whimpered or stammered. He had full confidence in God's promise to him and no matter what , he was going to walk through the storm TO SEE that promise fulfilled. We never read where he questioned God, was angry with God, or tried to dissuade God. That blows me away. I cannot imagine a three day journey with Isaac at my side knowing my intentions. Did Abraham ever release his hand while walking - I might not. Did Abraham sleep as close as he could - I might have. Did Abraham shed a tear while preparing the altar and the fire - I might have acted like a crazy person. But Father Abraham appears to walk this journey with full confidence. But he was also human and with great emotions. We read this in other passages - but for this portion of scripture we see firm faith. That encourages me! You know the rest of the story - God delivered and the seed of Abraham germinated and generations to come (including us) would stand on the covenant promised to him. I have experienced great times and seasons of testing and difficulty in my life. I have experienced death to "things" I thought were God and suffered in my heart. How about you? But I can also declare that God has been faithful to me. I don't know that I have ever responded to my "death experiences" as Abraham did. I wish I could say that I had, but not really. However, I learned things about obedience, sacrifice and the faithfulness of God that have held me to my course. I felt today to bring a word of hope to someone who feels that God has not rescued them as they felt He should or even cares. GOD CARES. Sometimes our journeys are difficult, but God is greater than any challenge or difficulty. God won't let go of your hand - I know it. God is close while you sleep - I am confident in this. And God deeply cares about every moment of your day. Reread the first 7 verses of Psalm 139 today. AMAZING! Have an awesome Wednesday! PK

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Noah's Ark

Good morning to all, Does anyone LOVE the cooler temps as much as I do? I ate dinner outside with my fam tonight - grilled meat - cool temps - NO BUGS - and lots of love. I am such as family girl. My daughter and grand daughters come every week for dinner. I always try to fix their favorites. It's our family dinner event where we talk about "whatever." I LOVE it! Do you have times with your family on a regular basis? I know the importance of feeling loved and laughing hard. All these endorphins stirring up make for a happy evening. As I was reading about Noah this morning I was reminded that God has always longed for a deep relationship with his people. Even though the Earth was filled with wickedness, to the point of destruction, God made a plan of escape for Noah and his family because Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. But Noah was an obedient man and some felt a non-rational man. Isn't it funny how the world can see us one way and God sees another? I am certain those standing around thought Noah had been smoking something funny or had lost his mind when he started crafting a vessel for something they'd never seen - RAIN. But Noah had heard God and followed closely what he knew was the truth. The longer each of us walks in health, the easier our "peace" comes. Sometimes! However, choosing to remain constant in difficult situations is not easy sometimes. Is it? The storm "of the holidays" sits in front of us with 9 million candy choices and full, family dinners. Noah had a plan and he followed the plan in the midst of the storm. We can too. I would encourage you to start now making a plan, building your boat, and letting truth settle in your heart that in January we will emerge from the ark confident and healthy. As we spoke Sunday night, the holidays are always the most difficult challenge in our yearly journey. If you have any recipes to share that would help us all, send them. I will forward to the family. We're all in this together. I encourage you to start gathering your healthy recipes, almond flour, xylitol, etc..... we are 10 weeks from Christmas. Can you believe it? Have a great Tuesday! PK

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Great Prescription

What an amazing trip to Texas! I know some of you were praying and I appreciate that more than you know. It was a precious time to meet new family in the Lord and impart Freedom Connection points. I am asking the Lord for my next assignments. I have a passion to birth Freedom Fighters all over the world. :) We had the MOST fun time at Life Group last night. The table was full of Freedom Fighters and great food. There was energy and lots of discussion. There was lots of laughter and encouragement. And, we also joined hands and asked the Lord for wisdom and courage and strength to remain healthy even as Moses was healthy. Moses' eyes and body never failed giving him the ability to complete all of the works purposed by God for him. We petitioned God for that type of health. We spoke of how disappointing to come to the end of our lives and realize we never fulfilled God's will because we couldn't keep our mouths shut. YIKES! It stirred and renewed that commitment to fight against all odds against the lust of the eyes which wants to overstep our spiritual wisdom and give a "yes" to unhealthy food choices. While traveling this past week, I was reading again about the correlation to rest and belly fat. However, this article defined some things for me. It reported that when we do not get our "8" hours at night, the hormone produced which fits the storing of body fat is compromised. Isn't that inteRESTing??? Get it? Stupid, huh? ANYWAY, I know we cannot take as truth what we read, but after so many articles about rest and health - just thought I would remind EACH of us - get your rest. Fight for that as well. Freedom fighters stand in many areas - spiritually, physically, emotionally. I want to see people walk in the freedom that was purchased for us. Bed at 10:00 - up early for prayer and meditation. Yep - that's a great prescription. :) Love ya, PK

Friday, October 4, 2013

Giving Up Freedom

I am safely here in Texas and boy is it warm! The flights yesterday afternoon were very good and the people kind. God has placed me in a home with a precious new sister who has only been saved 9 years and who has an amazing testimony. The joy that resides here is undeniable and in spite of her obstacles, Jesus is all over this place! Thanks for your prayers. I am speaking through 3 Freedom Connection Points this weekend. As I was flying yesterday, packed like a little fish in a can with no arm space, no choices, and nothing to drink (my water bottle was too heavy to carry off and on) I was reminded how much I value freedom on so many levels. I was free to choose my lunch (apples and nuts), free to choose my 4oz drink on board, free to choose my seat. Sometimes we have to definitely CHOOSE to celebrate our freedom. Then I came to the church last night and looked at some pictures of people in bondage and again this strong freedom stand came to me. But this morning as I sit here drinking coffee and pondering my messages, I thought, "I really want to be free in all areas, but I'm not free to quit living a healthy lifestyle." I hope you see this. I AM free, but I don't want to be. Sometimes solidifying that I cannot choose to return to my past patterns of abuse is freedom in itself. While denying certain foods is prison for some, it is freedom for me. I am okay to live within the "prison" of health as opposed to the prison of obesity. I am thankful for the help of the Holy Spirit to keep me chained to the good news that being healthy is best. Amen? Paul understood as he was chained for the Gospel. I understand that being chained to healthy choices offers me the best hope of a fabulous finish! Are you willing to give up your freedom to return to an unhealthy life style? I am! Much love, PK ... Kathy Hill Sent from my iPad

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Monster

Not a lot of time this morning as I am flying to Texas to speak at an event, but I did want to bring a quick word of encouragement and a smile. Recently I have been watching how people respond (including me) when they are hungry. Have you ever paid attention to the faces and attitudes? It's almost as if demons start to manifest sometimes. What's interesting though is I normally don't see this in guys as much. In fact, some men have to be reminded to eat and could care less about time. Others, eat constantly and don't care about what they eat AND they still wear the same size they wore on their wedding day. REALLY? Who determined this atrocity? Anyway, have you spent anytime observing we women folk? Sometimes I marvel at us. Sometimes I am not certain "who or what" has invaded my body when I am really hungry. I hear voices that don't sound like Kathy and my lips part ever so quaintly to reveal those teeth which are waiting to be satisfied. I have watched groups of people and listened and recently found myself laughing out loud and what "hunger" provokes in people. This morning I was reflecting on 3rd world countries to which I've traveled and I pondered on what real hunger looks like. I wonder if sometimes I say, "I get mean when I'm hungry," and my spirit hears that and responds. I wonder if I began to say, "Everytime I get hungry, I always pray," if the monster would morph? Just asking out loud this morning. Remember the power of your confession and perhaps consider prayer at the first sign of hunger pangs. Love you guys - off to Texas - see you Sunday night? PK

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Beauty of the Mountain

Good morning fam, Are you planning to come for LG Sunday evening? If so, can you let me know so that I know how much food to provide? We start at 6:00 and will be wrapping up around 8. Come and bring a friend! Let's consider today the beginning of any new health plan. Those first few weeks where we follow everything precisely and the scale is being "our best friend" can be euphoric. Yes? Sometimes we feel we have finally arrived and found something that "works for us." I have been here and said that more times than I can accurately count in my life-long battle against the bulge. That feeling is absolutely a mountain top experience and is really necessary those first several weeks when drastic boundaries are established. But LIFE happens. The boundaries get tested and the mountain soon becomes a valley with day-to-day challenges and obstacles. It happens to us all! I love reading Oswald Chambers because he's real. The valley walk, where we are tested in our health goals isn't just to teach us to say "no." Two year olds can say "no" without considering the consequences. I really believe in the valley the opportunities for teaching can be used greatly to shape our character. I have always been a closer - some start projects and never complete them. I work diligently to close what I start. But with my health, I could never remain steadfast to the plan because the plan was never adopted as my life. It was always a diet. However, as I allowed my character to develop and understanding to grow beyond being "tested" in the diet, I came to embrace the truth that stopping and starting with health goals was not teaching me anything except I was a failure. My character needed to be shaped so that I would quit looking for the easy way out, the quick fix solution, the "no work for Kathy" answer. My will and resolve needed to meld into a shaped commitment that shouted, "no matter the obstacles or the height of the journey, this is MY journey and will remain. I refuse to stop and start - embrace and abandon." This shift has kept me to my course for almost three years now. Where are you today? Mountain top of something new and exciting or living life in the valley and determined to remain steadfast? We can do this! PK "We are inclined to think that everything that happens is to be turned into useful teaching. In actual fact, it is to be turned into something even better than teaching, namely, character. The mountaintop is not meant to teach us anything, it is meant to make us something. There is a terrible trap in always asking, “What’s the use of this experience?” We can never measure spiritual matters in that way. The moments on the mountaintop are rare moments, and they are meant for something in God’s purpose. Our life lessons are learned in the valley. Jesus brought the disciples OFF the mountain to live their life. The valley is our day to day - the mountain for visitation." Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1, 2013 - Wanna Burn It?

This is a great read. I am constantly trying to find articles to help remind me how to keep my body fueled and running at top levels. I keep long hours, as you do, and sometimes need a little something when I get home at 9:00. I prefer to grab a few nuts or a teaspoon of natural peanut butter. The protein can actually help with sleep. One of our fam makes a smoothie every morning and adds a protein powder to it. It carries 16 g of protein. Great start! If you find cool articles, I'd love for you to share. Please send my way. I don't always DO what I read, but I love to challenge myself with, "could this enhance my health journey? Is there any part of this that could help me long term?" Have an amazing day! You deserve it, PK Raising Your Metabolism With Protein Everyone knows that a high metabolism helps to burn off and keep off unwanted pounds, as well as building strong muscles. Consuming protein has been shown to be a great step towards raising your metabolism. However, this does not mean starting a bacon and fried chicken diet, but rather adding more low-fat, nutrient rich, lean meats and legumes to your diet. WHAT PROTEINS DO Proteins control nearly all of the molecular processes of the body. Enzymes that are found in proteins are the catalysts of metabolism. Proteins are important in promoting repair, growth and maintenance of cells throughout the body, and they provide the amino acids human bodies cannot make naturally. All but a small percentage of the protein you take in is digested. Excess protein that is not used in cell repair or converted into amino acids is converted into sugars or fatty acids and can be burned as fuel. HIGH PROTEIN = HIGH METABOLISM For protein to be converted into amino acids or for it to repair and build cells requires a complex conversion,this conversion uses calories, up to 30% of the calories the protein contains, in fact. Example: one cup of white boneless chicken breast, without the skin, contains about 230 calories 175 of those from protein. Your body will use about 30% of the calories from protein to break it down just for use. That equates to about 50 calories burned just by taking in this high-protein food. The same is true for legumes and grains that are high in protein. Besides burning calories as the proteins are converted, they raise your metabolism by rebuilding muscle fibers faster. Muscles require more energy, or calories, to maintain themselves, even when you are not using them. The more calories your body burns, the higher your metabolism. FISH PULLS DOUBLE DUTY High protein often conjures images of red meat and bacon. Legumes, nuts, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, chicken, beans and fish are all great sources of protein. Fish, especially, packs a double punch in raising metabolic rates. Besides the high protein content, most fish contains omega-3 fat, which has been shown to help humans burn more calories. The more calories you burn, the higher your metabolism gets. TIMING IS IMPORTANT Eating protein in the morning is essential because it creates energy that outlasts carbohydrates. A boost of protein in the morning will help prevent your body from burning muscle fiber for energy. Breaking down muscle for energy actually slows the metabolism, so it is crucial that you prevent this from happening. Don't skip lunch or dinner, either, and make sure there's protein in both. Fish twice a week is recommended and it is a quick, easy dish for either your midday or evening meal. A steady supply of protein throughout the day is very important to increase your metabolism. If you are a late night snacker, try reaching for a high-protein nibble at night, like cheese or sliced, cooked turkey breast. You might find you sleep better and feel more satisfied with fewer night-time calories.