Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012 - So Many Questions about Sweetners

What is Truvia® natural sweetener? Truvia® natural sweetener is a zero-calorie sweetener made with the best tasting part of the stevia plant. What is stevia? Stevia is a plant (specifically, a member of the chrysanthemum family) native to portions of northeastern Paraguay. It has been used to sweeten foods and beverages for more than 200 years. What are the ingredients in Truvia® natural sweetener? Truvia® natural sweetener is made from Truvia® stevia leaf extract, the best tasting part of the stevia leaf, erythritol and natural flavors. See our ingredients page for more detailed information. Can Truvia® natural sweetener be used in cooking and baking? In a word, yes. See our recipe section for our chef-created and chef-tested recipes, as well as a Truvia® conversion chart. Currently there is no bulk-baking product available, but watch for it at your local store! What is erythritol? Erythritol is an all-natural, non-caloric sweetener, used as an ingredient that provides bulk for the tabletop form of Truvia® stevia leaf extract. Bulking agents are additives that increase the bulk and contribute to the texture of a food. Erythritol has been part of the human diet for thousands of years as it is present in fruits such as pears, melons and grapes, as well as foods such as mushrooms and fermentation-derived foods such as wine, soy sauce and cheese. It is added to foods and beverages to provide sweetness, as well as to enhance taste and texture. Is this product safe for diabetics to use? Yes, Truvia® natural sweetener is safe for people with diabetes. It has no effect on the glycemic index. Is Truvia® natural sweetener gluten-free? Yes, Truvia® natural sweetener is gluten-free. Good morning, So many of you ask me about the Truvia sweetener that I so highly recommend. To me, the stevia drops can be bitter, but the Truvia packets are so yummy. I do not like the container of the bulk Truvia for cooking - TO ME, again, it makes my foods bitter. I prefer to bake with pure xylitol in all my recipes. The packets, however, contain zero calories and taste really good, they do dissolve in cold drinks (faster in hot) and each packet has the sweetness of one tsp of real sugar (although the box says 2 tsp, but I don't find it's that sweet). The ONLY problem is the product is VERY expensive, but after my research I know why. It's the BEST part of the stevia plant. I go through a large box a week between my husband and I and it is over $6. Anyone know where to find them cheap? Please share. Okay all - hope this answers your questions. I love finding the answers. (the teacher in me) Choose great foods today to make your organs happy and give you LIFE. PK

Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012 - Walk Into The Wind

Praise God it's Friday! Just an update......starting this week, I have decided to not blog on Saturday or Sunday. Saturday is my day with my husband and Sunday is my rest and celebration day with my church family. So, I will blog faithfully Monday-Friday to keep our family moving forward and take the weekends off. Therefore, this is the last blog for this week. Hope that's ok. :) As I walked last night in the strong wind, it presented itself as a force of opposition. I was walking and meditating about things in our health journey that present themselves as forces of opposition: our attitudes our ability to move the boundaries our ability to make excuses to cheat our families and friends who are "scared" we're not eating enough the television various reports of the latest "diet" fads our schedules/events being unprepared not seeing our health as we should and "rolling the dice" cost of eating healthy going out to eat HUNGER our past diet cycles ETC, ETC, ETC (from the King and I) :) But listen, we can allow the force of the "wind" to deter us OR we walk INTO the winds of opposition and realize THAT SOMETIMES the opposition causes us to exert more energy, use more muscles and enhance our health journey. There are two choices but both have to do with the way we SEE things. Is the opposition strong enough to push you off course or even cause you to stop, or is it a challenge and you love the victory of pushing it back??? The wind was strong last night, and my muscles sore this morning but I smile because I OUTLASTED the opposition! We can do this fam! Outlasting our opposition and our past is critical to our long-term health. Yes it is! Choose life and eat to live, PK

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

It's Thursday! YEA! The wind is blowing here and it's gonna be a hot one (for those of you outside the US). Maybe you're in a place that's cooler, but not so here. And the 10 day forecast shows no rain. I can deal with the heat, but minus the water the drought becomes ominous to me. It's like it hovers over the land and sucks the life out of the earth and nothing stops it. Sometimes after days of no rain, I just begin to feel cheated. Any sight of a rain drop brings a skip to my step. I wonder if our bodies feel the same way about the water we drink daily. As our bodies are 75% water, why wouldn't they crave it??? However, the longer we go without saturating our bodies, the more our natural desire dwindles. It's a bad cycle. However, once we start to hydrate again - our natural thirst returns. That's SO LIKE GOD! It really is like the water cycle. After long periods of drought, there is no evaporated fluids coming from the ground - so no moisture to reach the clouds and provoke rain. HOWEVER, a system can move in from the gulf or out west and bring heavy rain to the dry soil and within hours sometimes, LIFE emerges. Not only does the ground respond, the flowers respond, the trees respond, but water from the ground can then start the cycle of RAIN over the area again. It's amazing how God shows us pictures in the natural realm of his instituted principles for our lives. Our daily water consumption prompts our organs to remain soft and active. In turn, certain organs cause our body to grab toxins that threaten their existence, pull the toxins from the organs and eliminate them from our bodies. It's like when we don't hydrate, our organs go into drought and beg for any ounce of water to give them hope of functioning well. While our organs perform various functions, they do have in common the basic need of water. AND, they cannot give themselves water. My husband informed me recently of a woman who died and her husband conveyed that she lived off 2 liters of coke daily and her cigarettes. Can you imagine what her organs were doing? Get a picture. They were FIGHTING for their lives and trying to preserve hers. Eventually they lost their fight for life and could no longer fight for her life. I am a picture girl and that really impacted me. Hopefully as we drink our water today, we can smile and pat any place on our body that has an organ (THEY ALL NEED A DRINK) and know that we are contributing to THEIR life and compliment them for functioning TO THEIR BEST to sustain our life. Toasting your drinking today (wink), PK

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

Ephesians 3:17-19 WEB 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; to the end that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. I like the way that reads - "that I may be filled with the fullness of God." I don't know about you, but I am a big eater. I hate to admit that - I used to joke and say, "I can eat with the best of the men." While I was laughing on the outside, I was dying on the inside. I was taught in Weight Watchers to eat slowly, eat small bites, put your fork down, eat only until I was full - all the good stuff, you know. The only problem is that I only had 20 minutes for lunch at school (once i arrived and got the kids through the line) and all I did was cram as much food as I could into my mouth, as fast as I could, and hardly breathe. I learned some bad habits. However, there REALLY is something to be said for eating smaller portions and eating slowly. Most studies say that it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to notify your brain it's full. Really? I can consume a lot in 20 minutes. :( SOOO.......I have to portion my food out and make myself eat and not inhale. I am still practicing that. I find when I do that, I really am less hungry and I do consume less food. The moral of this story - stay away from all you can eat buffets. :) I LIVED for those trips because I knew I PLANNED to overeat. I knew that I would stuff myself until I was miserable, feel bad about myself, stare at myself in the mirror and shake my head at my fat and then promise myself, "I'll fast tomorrow." The problem was by 10 am after 3 cups of coffee with Italian Cream and whipped cream on the top I was starving and couldn't wait to find the crackers in my drawer. What a vicious cycle. I had to make some changes. The more I denied my flesh, the more I filled myself with the knowledge that God had a better plan and that he provided a journey out of prison, but I had to keep walking. I couldn't cheat, look back or dwell on the past. I had to fill HIS TEMPLE with good things that give life and keep walking. Some days I do battle being more hungry than others but cheating is not an option. (it used to be however - I would declare, "I've had a good week, I've exercised and eaten okay, tonight I will eat ALL I WANT and start again tomorrow." Have you ever said or done that? I was nuts! All that did was put me on the yo-yo of obesity and poor health. Now, if I "cheat," I have a 3rd piece of fruit, or an extra 2 oz of protein, or a handful of lightly salted or raw nuts. I am not perfect, but I cannot allow ONE cheat to drag me off the course. Momentum is what momentum is. While you're moving - keep moving! Stopping for a cheat session only means TWICE the energy to move again and sometimes the journey seems too difficult and defeat is all we know. Absolutely not! If you're reading this there's still HOPE! Fill yourself with the fullness of God, eat on plan, drink your fluids, SLOW down, stay within your portion size and don't allow yourself to cheat. NO CHEATING. Delete that option from your vocabulary. You can do this. I believe in you! PK

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Got a few shout-outs from the family today. YEA! Wendi has now lost 150 pounds and is HALF the person she was a year ago. She feels great and is loving her new health. And, here's Cheryl's testimony: I am doing really great - really feeling my new weight and very happy with it. Another 15lbs before I reach 100lbs. But I have truly reached my goal because I feel and look wonderful. It's like a miracle I was thinking this morning ... who knew I had this within me. I stand in awe of God and say ...All this for me!!! ******Now how cool is all that? Don't you love sharing in the success of others? I do! I sent out the blog yesterday about the benefits of coconut products (especially with thyroids) and have been reading a lot about it. There is a good amount of research but not everything has been FDA, we take everything at face value and try it. It can't hurt. Most of my research shows adding a tablespoon of coconut oil to something you're cooking twice a day can really be of great benefit. I have decided to try it. :) PS - and in other countries they use it for many ailments internally and externally. Here is the link Cheryl shared months ago and I sent it out. I found it to be every beneficial and I wanted to share it again. :) I know that we are all looking at ways to enjoy our journey on earth, but sometimes we must remind ourselves this is a small season. Having to change our eating plan and add some movement does require extra "work" but when we see our bodies responding with health and we have more energy, it doesn't seem to be such an issue. That's why I like HCG - you lose quickly and are "rewarded" for the effort. But how many of you know that staying to the path can sometimes be the hardest part. Why? Because it's the LONGEST part and if we're not careful can become boring. It is for that very reason that I spend time EACH week and MOST days looking at new recipes to be modified, or playing in the kitchen with some new ingredients, or reading articles about coconut oil or other healthy, natural remedies. I know ME - I need to keep it REAL, keep it FRESH, and keep it MOVING or I may look back (as Lot's wife did) and have a BAD experience. My encouragement to each of you this day - never settle! Let each day be the start of something new and exciting. Boredom can be a trap if we're not careful. I am fighting again for my water - sometimes I have a hard time getting in my 12 cups. So, I am using a stevia tea with no caffeine and counting that as some of my daily portion. Trying to be creative and stay on protocol after 18 months. :) Keep loving life and eating to live - PK

Monday, April 23, 2012

April, 23, 2012

Good morning to all, I continue to explore natural ways in which to combat our health issues. I know that some of you deal with thyroid issues and coconut oil is a good, natural agent of help. I sent a link several months back on the benefits of coconut oil - WAY impressive, but I found this on Saturday and thought I would share it also. Coming from a long line of educators, information is critical to me. I have also been doing some research on xylitol and it's medicinal assistance. Good stuff. I had a great time at mom's, ate really good foods and shopped for a ridiculous amount of time. After paying taxes there wasn't a lot of SHOP MONEY, but we played and walked and laughed. How many know that's a GOOD thing? For about 6 hours I went into another place in my head. It was very restful. :) We finished the journey with a "quick" stop at Fresh Market in Columbus. They carried ALL kinds of the Zevia drinks - 2/$7. GREAT price. I found some of the usual, although I rarely find the lemon lime, but they also carry a Dr. Zevia that Terry and I really enjoyed. They should have the dome removed so that we can begin water aerobics again this week. Hopeful! Hope you enjoy reading this article on the thyroid and the benefits of coconut oil. PK (Cheryl, do you still have the link you sent for that article on the health benefits of coconut/coconut oil?) Many Americans suffer from symptoms such as cold hands and feet, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, a feeling of always being chilled, headaches, insomnia, dry skin, puffy eyes, hair loss, brittle nails, joint aches, constipation, mental dullness, fatigue, frequent infections, hoarse voice, ringing in the ears, dizziness, loss of libido, and weight gain, which is sometimes uncontrollable. Approximately 65 percent of the U. S. population is overweight; 30 percent is clinically obese. Research is pointing to the fact that an under active thyroid might be the number one cause of weight problems, especially among women, in the US today. Many dietary oils can negatively affect thyroid health. We cook with them almost every day and they are plentiful in commercially prepared foods. It is possible they are among the worst offenders when it comes to the thyroid. They are known as vegetable oils or polyunsaturated oils. The most common source of these oils used in commercially prepared foods is the soybean. Unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulatory system, and the response of tissues to the hormone. When the thyroid hormone is deficient, the body is generally exposed to increased levels of estrogen. The thyroid hormone is essential for making the ‘protective hormones’ progesterone and pregnenolone, so these hormones are lowered when anything interferes with the function of the thyroid. The thyroid hormone is required for using and eliminating cholesterol, so cholesterol is likely to be raised by anything which blocks the thyroid function. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is a saturated fat made up primarily of medium chain fatty acids. Also known as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), medium chain fatty acids are known to increase metabolism and promote weight loss. Coconut oil can also raise basal body temperatures while increasing metabolism. This is good news for people who suffer with low thyroid function.

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20, 2012

Good morning to ALL the fam, Another week has come and gone - it's amazing that the end of April is close and it was JUST Christmas. :) Time waits for no one, right? It's amazing to me how many weight loss "plans" people try and get so consumed with. I am here with my mom in Warm Springs today and she is now trying this "revised cabbage soup" diet that we did when I was coming along. Now it has protein and additional veggies added to it, but it is still the same premise: eat as much soup as you can and lose weight. I just smiled when she tried to convince me that this is the NEXT greatest thing and YOU CAN LOSE 8 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS. She tried really hard to get me to "buy in" because the article reports "stars and important" people have had success with this plan and "YOU CAN TOO!' Cracks me up! I really want to write an article about ALL OF YOU who have taken a simple food plan and made it a way of life and are lasting beyond the two weeks. YOU GUYS are the REAL STARS in this. Eating healthy cannot be about a two week denial of things that got us to the place we found ourself and then bringing all that back into our lives and being shocked that we look as we did before. That's basic science. Yes? I know people think they can lose 8 pounds and that starts the cycle, but if you don't change the "day to day" REAL food choices - those 8 pounds "somehow" often re-appear and bring a few friends. (wink) Diet fads don't work - they just don't. I have a MILLION t-shirts to prove that. I am not saying the cabbage soup recipe is bad - it's not. It's WAY HCG friendly, but the variety of healthy food choices on our journey gives us the best promise of long-term success. I'd rather eat what I want as long as it falls into a lean protein, fruit, vegetable, or healthy fat category, as that creates A LOT of choices, than use a two weeks "fad" to loose weight. At the grocery store the other day 3 different magazines had three different plans. How's a girl to choose??? :) Maybe the movie star with the MOST popularity and the BEST body is the plan we chooooooosssssseeeeee????? I'm kidding. Whatever you guys are doing is what I want to do. You're the winners, you're the stars, you're the success stories, you're the trend setters. YES YOU ARE! I wanna be like you. Have an amazing day! PK

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

Good morning to all,

Listen - I know that we all go in and out of seasons where we fight for our very sanity and living a healthy lifestyle either happens or it doesn't. I get that! BUT - sometimes when life is intense and hard hitting, we need to sit down, slow down, lift our eyes up from our circumstances and realize the trap worry and depression are and embrace the healing power of laughter. We REALLY can't take ourselves too seriously, or sometimes we get consumed with our human frailty. I was reading about the value of laughter and thought I would share it with you. Maybe you're laughing a lot during this season, but in some seasons we will be walking through the valley of the shadow of death and finding time to grab a quick laugh helps us stay on the paths that we know are best. It brings LIGHT to our eyes and helps us realize that while LIFE can be a challenge, we are CITIZENS of another place and someday we will fight no longer - never worry again - never cry - never feel like "weighing the correct amount" is sooooo difficult - NO! Someday our new body will be embraced and all will be well. :)

BUT.......UNTIL then - let's laugh more. :) PK

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.
Laughter is strong medicine for mind and body
“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.”

~ Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health.

Laughter is good for your health
Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

Hey all,

I am teaching again tonight on the fruit of the Spirit and while I love these lessons, they continue to point out areas in my life where the Holy Spirit's work is not manifesting as it should. I realized yesterday when I created the Fruit Evaluation Examine for tonight's class........I still have a LOT of flesh displaying on my tree. UGH! I would love to blame all my flaws on someone else or my attitude and circumstances. BUT.....change always begins with ME. I have to realize that the fruit of my life indicates which SEED is producing the qualities I display. Are my words and actions saying Holy Spirit or are they saying FLESH?

I used to laugh and tell people "if I don't eat, I get mean." Several things are wrong with that: 1) it's a negative confession, 2) it announces that my flesh is stronger than my spirit and 3) It encourages weakness and making excuses. I started 2011 asking myself, "what does a size 10 look like?" I wrote it out, I proclaimed it, I told people, I made a positive confession, I stopped making excuses..........I stopped watering and fertilizing the wrong seed and began to nurture the right seed. BOTH seeds are in us, as we are born with a sin nature. The kicker is WE TEND to the seed in our hearts. And, while I WANTED the good seed to always be evident, my frustration and depression about my weight often influenced the seed that brought forth the evidence. UGH!

NOW.....I'm not blaming my bad fruit on my weight, but I am saying that it's much easier for me to be patient and exercise self control on this side of good health. :) I'm just saying - being consumed and frustrated about being trapped in my body after trying EVERYTHING often caused me to snap on folks. Being really real here! It's amazing how LOVE and SELF-CONTROL are the first and last fruit of the Spirit listed and LOVE covers all and self-control helps us LOVE ourselves and others bringing us to the top of the list again. Just thinking out loud this morning. :) Having my coffee with you and listening to the birds sing. :)

Examine your fruit today and ask yourself which fruit of Spirit in your life needs more attention. And above all remember God chose you before the foundation of the world to be IN HIM. PK

PS - several folks just starting phase 2 - got any recipes or tips, please post them. :) This is a family venture.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17, 2012

Good morning to all,

Here's some good reading. Well over HALF our family is battling diabetes - either type 1 or 2. My desire is that our life style prevent the rest from having to face this huge giant. PK

1. Put exercise first—and put television last. Regular exercise by itself can cut diabetes risk. That it also helps keep weight in check adds even more benefit. Choose things you enjoy and do them every day. Too much television-watching ups diabetes risk—an increase of 20 percent for every 2 hours you watch. So trade some of your sit-time for fit-time.

2. Try to keep weight in check. Being a healthy weight is the best thing you can do to lower your risk of diabetes. Need to lose weight? Getting active and eating a healthy diet, with smaller portions, are your best bets. Calories count! The formula: lean protein, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. That is protocol for us.

3. Choose healthy fats and proteins, and skip the red and processed meat. Sure, they’ve got long names, but a diet rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats can help lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Canola oil and olive oil are great choices, as are the fats in avocados, nuts, and seeds. For protein, replace the steaks, chops, hot dogs, and bacon with nuts, beans, poultry, or fish.

4. Focus on plant foods. A diet high inwhole grains can help lower the risk of diabetes and keep appetite in check. Choose a good variety of whole grain foods prepared in interesting ways, such as Mollie Katzen's recipe for couscous-quinoa tabouli. Ezekiel bread is a good source for those who need to grab something and run - try a whole, natural peanut butter and Ezekiel sandwich. Add some homemade jam with fruit and xylitol and you've got a winner,

5. Cut back on refined carbs and sugary drinks. White bread, white rice, white pasta and potatoes cause fast and furious increases in blood sugar, as do sugary soft drinks, fruit punch, and fruit juice. Over time, eating lots of these refined carbohydrates and sugar may increase your risk of type 2 diabetes. To lower your risk—switch to whole grains and skip the sugar, especially the sugary drinks. Drink water, coffee or tea instead.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

I can't remember when I have seen such a dry spring. I MISS the rain - I love LIFE and to me there's something special about the fragrance of the atmosphere after a rain. The rain brings life - cools the air - brings a clean smell - causes the plants to lift their hands. Water is so life giving! Even when we burn ourselves, we are never to pierce the blister. The blister keeps the fluid next to the skin while the new skin is regenerating. The fluid contains such healing properties. Sometimes I sit and wonder how long it took God to create such INTRICATE details for each of our lives! How long??? God actually thought about blisters and cared enough about our healing to make a plan EVEN IN THAT. Sometimes it is truly beyond my human heart how to express gratitude to a Father that cared about my boo-boos before he implanted me into the womb of my mother. :) We were not an after thought!

Knowing that God cares about a blister on my hand deepens my understanding and appreciation that he cares about the health of my entire body. We are the only beings that God created in his own image. Psalm 139 reflects God's intimate knowledge of each one of us. And, he created certain things on the earth to help us be the best we can be. It's like the two trees in the garden. One of them was forbidden because God knew what it would produce in Adam and Eve. God is not ignorant of the food choices presented to us each day. He, and so do the manufacturers, understand that processed foods MUST contain all these chemicals to give the foods "shelf life." That's why, as often as possible, I like to eat non-processed foods that are whole foods! That's our best bet. And, when we need to make a cake or a casserole - WE control the variables.

Eating spaghetti is still in my food plan - but it is spaghetti squash, homemade sauce, and fresh grated cheese. YUM! Pizza is still in the food plan - but it's cauliflower pizza (SOOO good) or I make the crust with almond flour (soooo good, too!). Lasagna is still in the food plan, but I make it with zucchini as the noodles, homemade sauce and fresh grated cheeses. YUM! Guacamole is in the plan - but I control the ingredients - the list goes on! We CAN eat healthy without sacrificing taste! It takes more time and more money - but I remind my husband on a regular basis it's either invest time and money in this or I may be investing my time and money in fighting some disease that my body was not supposed to be attacked with. I always say - RIGHT fuel! Cars filled with the wrong fuel eventually break down. Us too!

Wanna leave you with this - for those close by the Sharpsburg area, I am starting a Life Group through my church the FIRST Sunday of each month (beginning in May) at my house at 6:00. It will be a healthy share-a-dish Life Group. All those coming will be asked to bring a dish that doesn't contain starch or sugar and a recipe to share. We are going to learn to do HEALTHY life together. :) We will end every meal with prayer for total healing in our bodies and creativity as we create food dishes that promote a healthy lifestyle in an unhealthy world. YEA! If you are interested in coming - let me know. :) 12 times a year we will gather.

Have a fabulous day and thank God for the multitude of food choices He provides for us daily. PK

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14, 2012

I love the morning - there's something about being refreshed and calm as opposed to tired and wound up. I have been reading over and over a passage I memorized as a child as I am walking through a tough experience now and I'm telling you, nothing comforts me like God's Word. The voice of a Father and someone who chose me - picked me out of the crowd - picked me over his own boy - HIS VOICE brings comfort to my soul. How many of you know that the battle rages in our mind??? Yes, we war against our flesh that always wants to win, but the real turmoil - FOR ME - is always in my mind.

Sometimes I get to a place where my mind seemingly won't "stop playing." It's one scene after another. If I tried to get dressed and my pants were WAY tight or wouldn't zip - the scene started. And all day long, that SCENE of myself in front of the mirror played. Every time I went by the mirror, I checked to see if I was wrong. I promised I "would never eat again." I sucked in my stomach and by 11:00 am was starving - only to cave in, eat a messy amount of food to COMFORT my raging mind and PROMISE tomorrow to do better. That scene occurred more than I can tell you. My life was consumed with the extra weight I carried and it's control over me.

Daniel 7:25 gives a vivid description of a vision the prophet Daniel received regarding the last days: "And he 'shall wear out the saints of the Most High'" (AMP). I don't know about you - but this was absolutely TRUE in my life, and still is. It seems that the circumstances of my journey are not always easy. It seems that the fight for my health is most of the time a battle. But I tell you - it is a strategic plan designed to distract each of us and cause us to give up on the Father who never gives up on us! Our health matters to us, our families and God! We were created in His image and designed to show forth fruit that indicate we are his. In my broken physical and mental health, all I displayed was defeat. I was WORN out from trying to climb the mountain for so many years.

Let me encourage each of us today - climb the mountain to a healthy you (it may not be easy, but make yourself stay on the path) and when you reach the top - PLAN TO STAY THERE! I spoke with a woman yesterday who really wanted to do something to get her weight off. I looked at her and said, "this plan is as all others - you will drop the weight, but if you RETURN to your past, you will gain weight again and re-enter the cycle." She just kinda shook her head. But really, it's the truth.

I would encourage you to determine if being healthy is going to be your life long path, or are you "trying the healthy path AGAIN in the "hopes" this may work THIS TIME?" A real change requires a REAL change. Amen! I didn't change my eating habits to get past being worn out only to give up the fight and be worn out again. NO!

Let's move forward and destroy the path off the mountain. Love you, PK

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12, 2012

Good morning and happy Thursday - I am so excited to see Friday around the corner. I do love the cooler temps but am SO missing the spring rains. What about the saying I learned as a child, "April showers bring May flowers." Does "no April showers" mean the May flowers get cheated???? Well, there is always the water hose. :) I am not sure what summer will bring this year, but I am thankful to not dread it as I have for the majority of my life. And, as Crissy said yesterday, to approach summer without the dread of shorts or swimsuits is a great thing! Crissy also told me her new weight is allowing her to do projects around the house and in the yard that she had put off due to her decreased energy from being overweight. LOVE THOSE TESTIMONIES!

Matt 6:34 instructs us to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worries of it's own. Preach that! For me, I have to make a plan and purchase my foods; I plan what I can eat if I go out; and I plan how to "navigate" a party/family gathering. We should all make a plan that reaches beyond today, HOWEVER, worrying about your vacation and how much weight you're going to gain PRONOUNCES that you have NO plan EXCEPT to be defeated. Don't worry about things beyond today. Teach yourself to strive for victory TODAY and your body/mind will begin to WALK in victory. If you are worrying about the next office party, or worrying about how long you can maintain your goal weight, or worrying about being embarrassed to take special foods to your office for lunch - you are releasing a stress hormone called cortisol and there is a good chance it is increasing your waist line. BUT beyond that - you are already admitting defeat.

Let's be trend setters! If tomorrow throws me a twist on my health journey, there is always a fruit or veggie or something to consume. I learned this in Germany for 2 weeks. People were confessing over me that I could not go and stay on protocol - that they would be worried about going. NO! I didn't eat as a normal tourist and I came back 2 lbs smaller, but I refused to WORRY about the journey. Let's live THIS DAY ON PLAN - and let's not seek trouble or interruptions for tomorrow. Let's PLAN to be successful again tomorrow. I learned even on phase 2 that if I got stuck having to eat out - I simply started explaining that I couldn't have starch, sugar or fat and asking the waiter for help. IT ALWAYS WORKED. Worrying is counter productive to our journey! People have said to me that I can never maintain this eating plan for the rest of my life. I can't worry about THEIR PROCLAMATIONS or worry with them. I simply get up every day and work the plan. AND, guess what? I have not withered away, been deprived, or felt cheated. I enjoy cooking what I know I can eat and I remain within the boundaries because MY LIFE MATTERS. So does YOURS.

Choose life this day and eat to live, PK
PS - and don't worry about tomorrow - celebrate this day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 15, 2012

Good morning all,

I had dinner with a long time fam member last night, Jennie Vaughn. She left this morning to return to Texas and is doing so good. She has lost 92 pounds and kept it off for almost a year now. I am so proud of her! And she promises to start getting recipes again to us soon. YUM!

Here's a quick, easy recipe for your summer veggies that keeps a couple of days in the fridge and is so yummy. Take cucumber slices, tomato wedges, sliced vidalia or sweet onions and place in a container. Cover with a blend of apple cider vinegar, water, and xylitol. Let stand over night and serve. TOOOOOO good! I use this ratio: 3/4 water, 1/4 vinegar and several teaspoons of xylitol. You will need to adjust it to suit your vinegar/sweet taste. It's really easy and really good!

I was studying this morning about fruit as I prepare to teach tonight. There is GOOD fruit and BAD fruit. The condition of the fruit is evidence of an internal core strength. On OUR journey, our fruit is healthy weight loss, good blood reports, increased energy, happy attitude, and many more. Yes? Those things reflect what we are submitting to our bodies on a daily basis. They are the outward evidence to us and others, that GOOD things are happening. But, when we choose to fill our inward parts (stomachs) with things that we know don't lead to great health - there is evidence of that as well. I think God set this system up as he knew how weak I would be. :) I need EVIDENCE to help keep me accountable. For me, the basics of being happy about my clothes fitting and not feeling as if I have to hide under layers of clothes is a real boost. I REFUSE to be fueled by comparing my size to others - but I am stoked by the fact that I no longer feel I need to hide. Layers of clothes for me was my way of concealing the "evidence" that I placed bad things in my body. Evidence is evidence unfortunately - confirming or denying.

Let's choose today to let the evidence SHINE BIG that we are making correct choices and choosing to live a long life to the GLORY of GOD!

You are well loved! PK

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10, 2012

Good morning to all,

Romans 8 is ALL about living by the Spirit. You should read the entire chapter again. Powerful! A couple of things from there: 1) I so adore the fact that there is therefore now NO condemnation in Christ Jesus. Love it! But that cannot become our excuse for an undisciplined life. Right? "Well, I just can't feel guilty about these cookies - no condemnation. Right? I had three good days, two pretty good days, and two bad days, but it's ok - no condemnation." YES! NO CONDEMNATION HERE. That is not the issue - the issue is long term health. We are not making correct food choices, when McDonalds would be easier, to please men (others - our families). NO - we do this to be healthy and little compromises chip away at that. Really - they do. If you are needing a cookie fix - make something with almond flour and xylitol. I made that carrot cake and brownies with an all natural peanut butter and chocolate chunk topping for Easter. My family loved it and the kids knew no different.

If you read the rest of the chapter it addresses the death of the flesh and LIFE in the Spirit. (which I've been really contemplating lately) Jesus came to give us life - abundant life. (that's what His word teaches) That abundant life has a lot to do with our attitudes I feel. The way we see ourselves and our lives. Some teach it's about prosperity but in MY MIND prosperity is not about money sometimes. Amen??? Being prosperous and rich in my thinking and having peace in my soul that I am not trapped in obesity is abundant life, to me. :) This is ONE way of seeing abundant life for those who have been trapped in bodies that were imprisoned for a long time as I was.

Remember - as a man/woman they are. See yourself as free, your body healthy and embrace the power God gave us to say YES to abundant life by saying YES to healthy choices. :)

Have a fab day and hug three people - PK

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7, 2012

Hey guys, here's my new favorite song. It's .99 on I Tunes. It's worth it! I encourage you to let this bring excitement to your soul today. The bridge talks about an army rising up that will break every chain due to the power in Jesus' name. Our HCG family is rising up to break chains of obesity and early death. YES??? Thanks for making the choice to stand again when it's easier sometimes to quit. Our flesh is so strong, but our spirit is STRONGER because of Jesus. "Greater is HE that is within ME and YOU than he within the world." Right?

"Break Every Chain" Will Reagan & the United Pursuit Band In the Night Season

As I said in an earlier blog, this Easter I am focusing on LIFE beyond the cross. Don't get me wrong - words can never express my gratitude for the sacrifice, but that sacrifice brings ABUNDANT life to each one of us. Are we living in that place? Each of us can - I am convinced - but it comes at the mortification of our flesh which wants it's own way and that way OFTEN leads to death. Yesterday I continued to quote the 23rd Psalm, and really focus on a certain part, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death - I won't be afraid - because you are with me. Your rod and staff they comfort me." I must have said that five times and each time I felt stronger.

God desires to walk with each of us daily and be as much a part of our lives as we will allow. (that's an upcoming blog) But especially in the toughest times of our lives HE IS THERE and for some, making decisions to STOP EATING AS WE PLEASE, is a tough valley. But, God's love and his help are here. Let's consider this: what if he is using the scales and/or our family blog, even though we sometimes DON'T WANT TO WEIGHT OR BE CONFRONTED, as the hook of his staff when we would easily give up and walk off the cliff???? Maybe he's placed us in this family for a definite reason! If I'm about to eat something crazy or make a bad choice - speak up! That may just "grab my neck" at the right moment when I am not strong enough to say NO! Encourage one another to weigh, make correct choices, live beyond FOOD and let's hold each other's hands as we walk through this tough journey to health. BUT ON THE OTHER SIDE - The VICTORY DANCE!!!

Sometimes I dance and shake my head and wonder if that's really the victory dance???? Maybe that looks differently for each of us????? Can you get a visual? :)

Love you dearly - listen to the song - enjoy the sunshine today - your Easter services tomorrow - your Easter lunch with your fam - and most of all the COMFORT that GOD brings to you each day, but especially in that valley. Look beyond the cross to LIFE that was promised to you.....John 10:10......and declare that abundant life includes your HEALTH!


PS - making sugar free carrot cake with cream cheese icing and black walnuts, brownies with sugar free dark chocolate chunks, roasted pork tenderloin and deviled eggs as my portion for tomorrow's meal. THEN - someone is bringing a salad, someone fruit (I am making my coconut creme for the top) and someone green beans with fat free beef stock. OMGoodness - my family lunches have so changed. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5, 2012

Good morning - you know I've talked several times about the importance of rest to our health journey. Your cells can only reproduce FULLY when you are at complete rest (usually while you are asleep). One of my morning devotionals is TOO good to pass up and so I am placing it here for us all to consider. While you are protecting your health through wise choices, remember to protect your rest. It has far reaching results. We'll chat again in the morning, PK
PS - KUDOS to those on phase 2 who are doing SOOO well. I applaud you!

But despite Jesus' instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.
Luke 5:15-16, NLT
Our society wants us to spend every waking second of our lives doing something. As a result, the pace of life can become quite daunting. There are clients to meet, deadlines to make, calls to return. We run at 10,000 RPM for the entire day, then make our way home and have to deal with cooking dinner, washing laundry, and getting the kids to bed.

We must learn to slow down in life. Racecars cannot be repaired while on the track, so why do we think we can "be still, and know" God (Psa. 46:10) when we cannot find the time to take a lunch break?

But there is a way to slow down when we're running full throttle all day and night. It's called margin. Put another way, it could be considered a reserve or simply breathing room. Jesus thought it was important enough that he made it a routine part of his life on earth--he recognized his earthly limits and took time to get recharged.

Consider this: When you don't have any margin in your life, you cannot fully accomplish the things God reveals for you to do.

There are numerous ways we can introduce breathing room into our lives. We can learn to say no when we're already overloaded with tasks. We can anticipate the unexpected and add some time to the front end of meetings. We can take opportunities to laugh, cry, and rest. We can also take time to help others in ways that allow them to experience breathing room in their lives.

Don't move so fast that God's voice is lost in the everyday.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4, 2012

Hello and good morning - I heard from Cheryl yesterday who is on POINT in this final round of drops to COMPLETE her 100 pound loss. She started last Easter and has held on to her confession, "Hello, my name is Cheryl, and I am loosing 100 pounds" for an entire year. She never gave up and never gave in. Her faithfulness and tenacity will get her to the size and health status that she set for herself last Easter. I rejoice this morning to know she is about to do that "FINAL victory dance." Well done, my friend! That gives all of us HOPE, doesn't it?

When people's victories can give you hope - you are in a good place. But sometimes when I was struggling, someone's victory only made me jealous and I would EAT to cover the pain. YES, that is true! I was in prison so long that ANYONE who experienced any level of freedom really punched me to the core because I had lost the fight to REALLY make the tough choices. BUT PRAISE GOD - I can be the biggest cheerleader now! Not because of my own weight loss, but because there was an issue in my heart that needed to be dealt with and God helped me. :) I desire that we ALL walk in health, make the correct choices, wear our swim suits without being uncomfortable, and make a life-long commitment to NEVER look back.

I love color - how about you? I LOVE color on my body, clothes, in my house, in my yard and now.......on my plate. Remember, you cannot eat the same exact veggie or fruit every meal even though you love it. Our bodies need differing nutrients from a variety of fruits and veggies. I challenge you to examine your plate before every meal. Is it colorful? Is it a repeat of last meal? Yesterday? That's not your best health plan. God gave us beautiful foods with rich colors - let's explore some different ones. LIKE.......I found a purple potato. I don't eat potatoes, but i know some of you do. According to the article these purple creatures are low in sugar and RICH in antioxidants. Great combo! Has anyone tried them yet? Share you findings, please. We'd all like to add to our color pallet. I know beets are such a beautiful color too - but I cannot go there. Sorry, I didn't get that anointing. Also - I try to vary cooked and non-cooked veggies on a daily basis simply as a matter of change. I am least concerned with cooking and more concerned with color though.

Change things up, create a masterpiece on each plate, explore all the beautiful foods God gave us. Just as you would never feed an infant the same food all the time, we need to feed our cells (who feed our organs, who keep us healthy) various colors so they maintain THEIR health and accomplish THEIR purpose.

Challenge: does your Easter meal contain more than 3 colors? :)

Love to you all - PK

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012

Good morning all,

This is a week when people focus on the cross, the need for a savior and all the details of Easter. I PRAISE God for the work of the cross in my life in so many areas. I understand my response to God's love poured out for mankind and me (AND YOU) during that time, but I want us to grasp the hope that flows beyond the cross. Jesus came to give us LIFE and that LIFE abundant. I never really got that when I spent 90% of my time depressed over the state of my health. I could never see that things would ever be different until this life was over. I was consumed with hiding my eating habits, my body, and my disappointment that God had not DELIVERED me from this hell hole I lived in. I was too weak to understand my own willfulness in the destruction of my health and blamed everybody I could find - including God. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. But I tell you, on the other side of depression, and on the other side of prison - there is LIFE and abundant LIFE in my body. However.......I could no longer blame others. I had to fight my way free.

I went to see Act of Valor with my husband Saturday (lots of cussing, but the story line was powerful). I wondered if I would have the MIND and the FIGHT to find my way free from such a desperate situation??? Could I maneuver and make the quick calls that it took for that tactical team to survive? It really caused me to think. But you know what - that is EXACTLY what we do daily to fight obesity. (some of you are saying "really - not for your very life") I entered this journey with a plan, as those men did. But once the enemy was clearly revealed - it was war! All of the sudden life became a battle in those first few months - desire over over over depression. Then, a resting period. Then another battle - then a resting period. BUT I TELL YOU THIS - MY HEALTH IS WORTH THE STRATEGIC MOVES TO MAINTAIN FREEDOM. But, the battle never stops. Freedom, in the area of health, is sometimes a daily battle. Even yesterday while at Atlantic Station, someone tried to get me to eat a fried piece of shrimp - which I love. "Just one won't hurt you." For a split second I almost grabbed it and then an "Act of Valor" moment - NO. I must defend the integrity of my health. If it was grilled or boiled - yes. "Come on, Kathy, that's over the top." Yes, but I was deep in the hole with the bad guys and it wouldn't take MUCH until they infiltrated my "soil" again. (movie talk) :)

Life beyond the cross, life beyond obesity, life beyond the trap of a singular piece of fried shrimp. Abundant life was promised to me - I WANT it. I choose it and I choose to fight for it on multiple levels. How about you? It's a promise.
I am praying for us ALL this week that we live beyond the cross in a level of freedom that no one understands, but we completely are filled with gratitude that God desires that for us and promised it to us.

Abundant life - PRAISE God! PK

Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2, 2012

Good morning and happy spring break week......

I am one happy grandma - I had one grandbaby yesterday afternoon, 2 last night/today and hopefully am getting to see the other two this weekend - HAPPIEST days for me! Not sure about the grandpuppy - but I need to spend time with her as well.

OK - as we approach Easter, it's time to celebrate with Paulette and Cheryl - two of our original fam - who celebrate their health birthdays this weekend. They have both lost over 60 and kept it off. It's amazing how ONE year can change our lives. SOOOOO PROUD Of you both! And what about Wendi Peck - she's really in control of her health now. Great job!

I was describing to someone yesterday at church, who recently lost a toe to diabetes, that changing to a healthy style of eating brought my blood sugar down 120 points and keeps it there. He's like, "really - is that really true?" OMGoodness yes! Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with diet - absolutely. In FACT.....a lot of our health issues can be controlled with diet. Maybe more than we think!

Sometimes, though, there's so much info that we're not sure what to believe. It appears that one camp contradicts the other - sugar - or no sugar? Red meat - or no red meat?? All things in moderation or some things need to remain untouched........what is the correct path? Here's what I know - let's try to eat as close to natural when possible (yes, that means leaving the processed and drive thru foods at the bottom of the list) and not overload our bodies out of frustration and deception. Let's keep our muscles healthy and fight for what our BODIES tell us is true! There are SO many alternative, healthy food choices now that living in a health-conscious world is not so bad. I noticed at a meal we provided recently at church - the baked chicken went FIRST (and we had fried chicken left over) and the mac and cheese was left over while the green beans were GONE. That speaks LOUD to me. I told my pastor that we need to start rethinking our menu for events. Made me HAPPY!

Ok - so I'm off to Atlantic Station to see the Body Exhibit with the granddaughters and spend the day being Nina. I was SOOO blessed that instead of Easter baskets filled with sugar, one of the babies asked for a set of books and the other asked for a sugar free (then she said or no sugar added) basket. We are making progress over here.

Please note - We have several starting with round two and three again this weekend. I am praying for you and proud as peach pie that you are EMBRACING food without being controlled by food. :)

Choose life and eat to live! PK