Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30, 2013 - What Bit Me?

Good morning! I am home safely with a slightly different skin tone. Playing in the pool and the ocean daily for hours tends to add a different hue. It's okay - it's only once a year. Right? I have a busy weekend coming up and would love your prayers. I will be flying to Texas to speak at a women's event on Saturday and then hosting our Life Group this Sunday evening. I am sharing my recipe for basa fish nuggets and someone else is doing a strawberry sorbet. COME - bring a healthy dish to share (we all take a bite) and the recipe to share as well. We spend time talking through the recipes and building our healthy cookbook. Then, we top the night off with prayer for our bodies. Starts at 6 - ends at 8. If you're coming, let me know so that I can get enough fish. :) For the first time this vacation, I was bitten while in the ocean. Whatever grabbed me didn't break the skin but it was enough to force me from the water for a minute until the pain slowed down. I would have screamed loudly, but did not want to alarm my grand daughters. Kailey was screaming enough as the waves were high and rough following a storm over night. The water seemed safe, fairly clear and little seaweed - but how many of you know sometimes those little things around our feet can bite hard? As I sat and pondered what had happened, I really had no clue what bit me because although I could see into the water I could not see clearly. Wouldn't it be fabulous if we could see the little nuances that affect our daily lives, often in ways we don't plan: harsh words too many calories "cheating" this once not enough rest chemicals lack of hydration As I had time to read at the beach, I really felt a renewed sense of how critical taking care of our bodies is. Not because of our appearance, but because the health care system in this country appears to be changing before our eyes and we may have little say in the journey of our medical future. To me that means I fight for great health now and hopefully will have little need of the medical system as I grow older. These little biting guys that are "lying in wait" will have to bite someone else. God designed our bodies to health themselves and I plan to do my part to stay healthy. Amen! I could not see what bit me in the ocean, but I can see those bulleted words above. Sometimes I forget that they bite, but they do. Hope this picture encourages you today. PK

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