Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013 - No Sees!

We had such an awesome time at LIfe Group last night. I have certainly missed being with our group! We ate, took notes, shared and prayed.....powerful time. Our next gathering will be October 6th at 6pm. We decided last night to do healthy fish and chicken strips, strawberry sorbet and perhaps some new veggies that go well with fish and chicken. Hope you'll come and bring a friend. Do you know anyone who needs some encouragement or prayer? How about someone who needs a new recipe? We left last night with such a smile and a warm, renewed sense of "we are better together!" Many of you know I was out of town this weekend with our college students who we call City Interns. I spent three days cooking and cleaning and love serving these guys. This was my 11th year to be with them and I love it. I always share some healthy recipes and it's amazing how they FIGHT for them. I am more convinced than ever that the reason people don't join the healthy life-style is FEAR. People love the way food tastes and "healthy food" cannot taste good. Right? Also, they are often fearful that their life will suffer such great loss. Ever hear that too? We had spaghetti squash last night with a healthy clam sauce, spinach salad with strawberries and white, balsamic vinegar, and a healthy peach-flavored applesauce. WAY healthy and WAY yummy! We said over and over how people just don't understand that eating great can really taste great! While on the retreat, Sean came and asked me if I knew what nosees were??? I guess he felt from my science background I would know. Nope - never heard of such a term. He then smiled and said, "it's those little bugs outside that irritate you and swarm around but you can never see them." Ahhhh - no sees. At first I thought it was one word, but came to understand that it was actually 2. Isn't this like our journey sometimes? We talked about last night those hidden calories in meals eaten at restaurants that we can't see, but they SURE SEE US don't they? I almost choked when I drove through Chick-fil-a for a tea and quickly glanced at the new calorie display. Have you noticed? No wonder our nation is heavy. The Bible says it this way, "it's the little foxes that spoil the vine." No sees - yep, spoiling our health journey. Even meals that we "feel" are healthy at our favorite restaurants are more than likely laced with "no sees." I was amazed one day while explaining to a waiter how I needed my meal to look and requesting the grilled chicken he commented, "oh, you don't want the grilled chicken here then. We grill ours in oil." Yikes! Don't we all think grilled chicken is simply meat on the grill? No SEES! Well, let's take a fresh, hard look at all areas of our health and find the NO SEES. In our long-term equation, they are more than an aggravation. They really can be a baby enemy who has every intent of hiding, growing up and destroying our future health. God help me to SEE with a fresh set of eyes anything that might hide and wage war against my health. Choose life this day! Love you, PK

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