Monday, September 16, 2013

From the Life of a Butterfly

Great Monday to you all, I apologize for jumping ship Thursday evening, but I had a brief moment to go and spend a few days with Terry and I took it. He is living in North Carolina now building a house and I had not seen him in a few weeks. Anyway, there is NO internet on the top of the mountain where he is building. I am home now and ready to share. While there in August, I noticed more butterflies than I think I have ever seen in one place. That is because the wild flowers on the mountains are abundant. I LOVE butterflies, but this was over the top. As I studied them, I also realized that some were very active and others, the large ones, were not afraid to sit and stay. I walked close and gathered several in my hand - they didn't care. Why? Because in the last stages of their life (only 29-30 day life cycle for most), they are tired and rarely have the energy to run from people like me whether they consider us to be dangerous or not. Hmmmm, I wonder in our tiredness if we sometimes no longer care to fight for life or health? I don’t know if living within the confines of weight-related issues ever caused you to feel restricted. I felt trapped, wrapped deep within the pain that I tried desperately to hide. I always knew that I could be healthy, but was never felt I had the energy or strength to break free. Breaking free meant I had to try again, let someone else see me “try” another diet, lose a few and gain a few and feel exhausted. But I desired to be free and I desired to change. I know none of us likes desperation, but sometimes it is the singular motivating factor of life-long change. I am not talking about change that lasts a few moments to simply appease our flesh, but change that will not allow us to return to the prison from which we came. Change, REAL CHANGE, that becomes our new norm is often birthed out of a place to which we finally will no longer agree to be bound. Have you experienced this? I have. Sometimes I feel this way about my hair color or style. Am I stuck? What about the way I dress? I KNOW these are not on the same playing field, but I also realize that often we can compromise on the small things and find that change is too much work. Have you ever exercised and remarked at the conclusion, "I wish I had not done that?" Probably not. It was work, but with a definitive purpose. Once we begin to "not care" about movement or change, we could find ourselves like the large butterfly sitting patiently for me to gather it. I am not ready to be gathered! How about you? I still have flowers to invade and mountains to inspect - I have lessons to teach and people to love. I have life to give and life to live - SO DO YOU! Let's not settle this day. Choosing life means we don't wait for the predators and use the excuse, "I'm tired; I give up; nothing works for me." NO.....not when you declare it doesn't. Being a healthy adult requires movement, choices, change.....yes it does. Are you stuck in any area of your life and where do you need to have an honest conversation with yourself? Let's not grow weary in well doing or settle for the world's standard or simply "coasting" through our life. Touch somebody's life this day. We need each other! Love ya! PK

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