Enjoy your morning coffee and "chat" with Kathy about all aspects of life especially as it relates to being healthy. Using God's Word to illuminate truth is the major focus of this morning blog. This blog only posts Monday-Friday.
Monday, September 30, 2013
September 30, 2013 - What Bit Me?
Good morning! I am home safely with a slightly different skin tone. Playing in the pool and the ocean daily for hours tends to add a different hue. It's okay - it's only once a year. Right? I have a busy weekend coming up and would love your prayers. I will be flying to Texas to speak at a women's event on Saturday and then hosting our Life Group this Sunday evening. I am sharing my recipe for basa fish nuggets and someone else is doing a strawberry sorbet. COME - bring a healthy dish to share (we all take a bite) and the recipe to share as well. We spend time talking through the recipes and building our healthy cookbook. Then, we top the night off with prayer for our bodies. Starts at 6 - ends at 8. If you're coming, let me know so that I can get enough fish. :)
For the first time this vacation, I was bitten while in the ocean. Whatever grabbed me didn't break the skin but it was enough to force me from the water for a minute until the pain slowed down. I would have screamed loudly, but did not want to alarm my grand daughters. Kailey was screaming enough as the waves were high and rough following a storm over night. The water seemed safe, fairly clear and little seaweed - but how many of you know sometimes those little things around our feet can bite hard? As I sat and pondered what had happened, I really had no clue what bit me because although I could see into the water I could not see clearly. Wouldn't it be fabulous if we could see the little nuances that affect our daily lives, often in ways we don't plan:
harsh words
too many calories
"cheating" this once
not enough rest
lack of hydration
As I had time to read at the beach, I really felt a renewed sense of how critical taking care of our bodies is. Not because of our appearance, but because the health care system in this country appears to be changing before our eyes and we may have little say in the journey of our medical future. To me that means I fight for great health now and hopefully will have little need of the medical system as I grow older. These little biting guys that are "lying in wait" will have to bite someone else. God designed our bodies to health themselves and I plan to do my part to stay healthy. Amen!
I could not see what bit me in the ocean, but I can see those bulleted words above. Sometimes I forget that they bite, but they do. Hope this picture encourages you today. PK
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
September 24, 2013 - The Right Stuff
Good morning fam,
Yes, after spending fun time in the sun yesterday, I am sunburned but happy. It rained our first couple of days, so the sun was beautiful. Teree and I enjoyed a late afternoon stroll along the beach for about an hour and I marveled at God's creation. I was reminded, also, that all of us come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Perhaps because it's the last week of September, there were no models on the beach, only real people like me. :) Whew!
I have fallen in love with a new lunch combo that you might consider. I take a carton of 2% low-fat Activia cottage cheese, blueberries, mandarin oranges in their own juice and a tablespoon or so of nuts and mix. YUM! Great combo of fruit, cheese, and protein and all under 250 calories. Add to this a can of coconut water with the pulp (70 calories) and you have a power lunch under 350. So colorful too! One thing I am fighting here, though, is the fact that my every minute is not consumed and when my mind drifts, it drifts to food. WHY??? People eating pizza at the pool should be ILLEGAL! But, I had taken an apple and smiled, half heartedly, as I consumed it. Someday I hope to find myself numb to the temptation of foods I have deleted, but I am so not there. Keeping it real this morning. But at night, it's great to check off another day of health and know that I am doing my part to allow my body to do it's part to keep me functioning well to 100.
I was watching Joyce Meyer this morning and she was emphasizing that just because we have all the Christian books and t-shirts doesn't mean we are really followers of Christ. There has to be real change in our day to day living. That's the same concerning our health, isn't it? If we purchase healthy foods and all the health-fad-gadgets and still over eat, never exercise, and drink diet sodas all day we probably will not be healthy EVEN THOUGH WE OWN THE "STUFF." It's amazing how our culture wants a lot for a little. YIKES. We expect to be physically fit from taking a tiny diet pill and then often blame-shift when it doesn't work in 3 days. I hear it all the time. Choosing health is a daily option and often not an easy one. I wish things were different.
Vacation for me was always extravagant meals, brownies and desserts, FRIED SEAFOOD daily, and tons of candy. That actually defined a "good vaca." I thought last night as Teree and I grabbed a few things at Publix - "wow, has my definition of a "good" vacation changed. Now I am looking for fruits and coconut water and grabbing the beauty of the sunset to build a new definition. Know what's good? This new definition offers me the possibility of many more vacations with great health as the benefit. My previous definition of a great vaca - not so much. Off to work out, change clothes, and grab the floatie for the pool. Remember, having the stuff doesn't matter - making correct choices does!
Talk tomorrow, PK
Monday, September 23, 2013
September 23, 2013 - Is Your Goal Secure?
Good morning from Destin. It has been raining here, but today promises to be beautiful. We are excited to see the sun this morning and be outside. Teree and I are having a great time together - just the 2 of us - and the grand daughters will arrive mid-week. Life Group NEXT Sunday, Oct. 6th.
It's a challenge here to eat out as most of the seafood is fried or has a sauce added to it. But you know me - I just start asking questions and rearranging things. I cannot get side tracked. Vacation is not my ticket to divert from the goal of health and pick it back up in a week. NOPE! Too many of those and one can be in trouble. Being healthy is at the top of my goal list right behind following the will of God. Above family? Consider this...if I am not healthy, my family will have less time with me and I feel they deserve better. If I am healthy my family gets a better me - emotionally, physically, psychologically. And let me say, personally, I feel spiritually.
For years as an obese person I hated who I thought God created. I hated that God would NOT grant my prayer to be thin, which was really a prayer to eat anything and everything I wanted without any discipline and be thin. After I got healthy, I realized my entire life changed! Not really...but my reaction and perspective certainly changed. I now see how my health affects everything and I have shoved it to the top of my FIGHT FOR LIST. My health is a goal. I wonder if we can REALLY say something is a goal when we allow obstacles, whatever, to deter us every other meal...every other day??? Is it a goal? Is it a temporary goal or a life goal? I am about to head to the water to work out, but wanted to bring a few questions to chew on today to our thoughts? Remember, Jesus wasn't distracted. He knew His purpose and allowed nothing to keep Him from it.
Can I encourage you today to settle that your health is a critical goal and then OVER STEP any distraction that tries to pull you from your focus. Choose well this day. You're worth it! PK
Thursday, September 19, 2013
September 19, 2013 - Breathe Well
I was sitting this morning while reading the 6th chapter of John and really began to focus in on my breathing. We don't speak of this often, but it really plays a critical role in our long-term health. While the article is long, it is very informative. I have already been practicing this morning. :) PS - remember Heathy4You! Life Group on October 6 (bring a friend) but I really need to know how many as I will be making basa fish. PSS - Last blog this week as I will be driving all day tomorrow. :) BREATH well today! It's important. PK
Health Benefits Abundant If You Remember To Breathe
(an excerpt from an article: Breathe Some LIfe Into Your Life by Dr. Joel McPherson)
Would you be interested in a free method for increased energy, improved blood circulation, reduced swelling, and even an improved complexion? Better yet, you already own the required equipment - your lungs. Studies show that simply learning how to breathe correctly can have remarkable effects throughout your body.
Breathing correctly can be as powerful as it is simple. The typical person only uses around twenty percent of their lung capacity, but with practice, they can learn how to tap into their lung's full potential. Sending better oxygen content to all the cells of the body can bring dramatic changes in general health and mood.
Famous health guru, Dr. Andrew Weil, says that if he could only give one tip for better health, it would be to breathe properly. A clinical study* of thousands of participants over a 30-year period presents convincing evidence that the most significant factor in peak health and long life is how well you breathe. *You can get more information on the ongoing Framingham Heart Study from the Department of Health and Human Services/ National Institutes of Health/ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website at www.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/framingham/index.html
Breathing correctly is critical in maintaining the level of oxygen for energy, keeping the correct pH levels in the body, and enough carbon dioxide for bodily functions. Healthy people make 93 per cent of their energy aerobically ("in the presence of oxygen") but poor breathing habits can reduce the amount of energy made aerobically to 84 per cent. A full seventy percent of the elimination of wastes from the body is through breathing. The good news is that poor breathing habits can be reversed. Among infants, correct breathing comes naturally. Observe a baby as it breathes to see its belly rise and fall with each breath. As we grow older, we are taught to "suck in that gut" and "puff out that chest" as we try to achieve as slim a waist as possible. Such resistance to the natural breathing posture restricts oxygen intake, which can lead to numerous physical as well as emotional problems.
"Bad" breathing
Shallow "chest breathing" invites problems by delivering less air per breath into the lungs. Less air per breath leads to a higher number of breaths, putting in motion a series of physiological changes that constrict blood vessels. Less oxygen reaches the brain, the heart and the rest of the body as a result. Less productive exhale causes an imbalance between the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the lungs and a buildup of toxins that should have been eliminated through breathing.
Too much oxygen, and not enough carbon dioxide, can create an agitated state. As you learn to exhale slowly, you conserve carbon dioxide and rebalance the system.
However, too much carbon dioxide, and not enough oxygen, can create feelings of fatigue and depression. Learning to inhale slowly re-balances your system by taking in more oxygen. In extreme cases, a restricted supply of oxygen can contribute to anxiety, panic attacks, and even phobias.
Self Test
To see how you currently breathe, find a comfortable position and make sure to breathe as you normally do.
Place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest.
Breathe as you normally would and notice whether your "stomach" hand rises or your "chest" hand rises.
To breathe properly, your stomach area must rise more than your chest as your diaphragm expands.
How to breathe "right"
Begin by slowly breathing in through your nose through the count of 4. Breathe into your belly so your diaphragm expands.
Hold the breath for a count of 7.
Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. When you exhale, try to make a soft "whoosh" sound by holding the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you exhale slowly. (Called 4-7-8 breathing)
Repeat this process for three more times (for a total of four breaths). Do not do more than four breaths at first - with practice, you can work your way up to eight breaths. Do this twice each day.
If the process causes you to begin panicking or if you become dizzy, only do it for as long as you are able.
Increase the number of breaths each day until you can do the exercise four times per hour (every 15 minutes).
With practice, you can be breathing this way naturally throughout the day.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
September 18, 2013 - Friends Help Friends
Wow, the morning finds me tired and sore. Have you ever had someone you admire and love try to kill you? I have. If you have traveled with me for a minute, you know my friend Shelly. She and I love doing the Leslie Sansone "Walk At Home" videos. Love them - been doing them for years. AND....you know I LOVE water aerobics, as I am in the pool 4-5 times each week. However, as the temps are lowering throughout the day, the temp of the water is really getting chilly. So, my good friend Shelly informs me of the new Leslie video: 5 MEGA Miles. This video comes with a stretchy band and everything. Yes, it arrived yesterday; and yes, it was too cool for the pool; and yes, it says 93 minutes on the back but I think "misprint:" and yes, I did the DVD. It was challenging, as is my pool workout, but I endured. Tired muscles - yes, some whiny, yes! I did it. However, the beat of the music decided to sink into my heart and in the night the stretchy band arm routine decided to tap me on the shoulder and remind me, "5 Mega Miles." GREAT! Don't you love endorphins? Can't they sleep? :)
But as I lay there reminding my shoulders and mind, "you're not the boss of me" (still tapping to the beat this morning) I hear a comment from sweet Wendy from our conversation yesterday, "eat less and move more." GREAT advise. I was reminded of how fires burn at maximum capacity because they are fueled properly and at correct intervals. Remember 2 weeks ago I spoke of my friend Rocky who is now riding his bike one million miles at a time. It's a yummy thought that we not only can encourage each other with healthy food options, but knowing that we are ALL "suffering" as we move makes me smile. You know I don't mean that - I love working out. RIGHT!
Just a quick reminder though - hydrate before, during and after or your muscles will become mean and act ugly AND limit activity on extreme, low calorie days, as your muscles are conserving energy as they are being challenged with less fuel. We are safety people - we eat, drink and sleep well. It's all in the prescription! Okay - let's keep encouraging one another to "good works" as we move our bodies, lubricate our joints, help our muscles stay young, strengthen our heart and increase our smiles. That's a lot!
Have a great Wednesday, PK
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
September 17, 2013 - The Apple Of His Eye
I will be headed out of town again next week, so blogs will be from the ocean as opposed to the mountains. Terry LOVES the mountains and Teree LOVES the ocean and I LOVE them both, so I break my vacation into 2 components. Beach week is here. :) The first weekend in October I will be speaking at a women's event in Texas. I would love to come to your church and speak if God opens the door. :) I routinely say to my Father, "I'm available." I will be speaking on freedom in Texas and would love to see any of you in that area.
Today, I want to briefly connect us to a passage from Psalm 17:
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
7 Show me the wonders of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings
9 from the wicked who are out to destroy me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.
10 They close up their callous hearts,
and their mouths speak with arrogance.
11 They have tracked me down, they now surround me,
with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground.
12 They are like a lion hungry for prey,
like a fierce lion crouching in cover.
I know that God hears when we petition Him and that He cares about us individually. I believe this. Our health and the details of our life matter to God. This verse reminds me that God has His watchful eye involved. The writer, King David, uses the descriptor "keep me as the apple of your eye," (NIV - other translations say focus, attention etc) and that clearly reminds me that God has his gaze set on each of us. In the AMP Bible the phrase reads, "keep and guard me as the pupil of your eye." REALLY. How kept and protected is that? Do you guard and protect your pupil? Are you mindful of your eyes daily? I AM!
God cares that we struggle to win this battle against our flesh. God desires that we fully comprehend His affection and that He is not absent. I had someone tell me recently that they were angry with God for not taking a particular situation from them. I am not sure that is God's plan - sometimes, maybe, but not always. God desires to walk us THROUGH the valley. We learn things in this journey we would not learn otherwise. Sorry. God may not take away your food addiction, but He WILL help you to have a desire for healthy options if you ask daily and perhaps hourly. However, we are not robots and have been given a choice. Sometimes God allows us to choose between the apple and the brownie trusting that we will make the correct choice and then He satisfies our desires with that apple. Deep this morning.
Remember today: our prayer should be, "keep me as the apple of your eye - keep your focused attention on my protection - keep your steady gaze on me - keep and guard me as the pupil of your eye." Yes, yes, and yes! This is how the psalm ends: "You provide food for those you love." Another translation reads, "You still the hunger of those you cherish." Amen! If we can come to a heart knowledge of this and not a head knowledge, we might fight these cravings that try to attack regularly with some deeper fortitude. Yes?
Praise God for His love and attention to each of us this day! PK
Pastor Kathy Hill
New City Church
"God has not changed HIS mind about you!"
email: kathy@newcitychurch.net
blog: kathyshcgfamily.blogspot.com
Monday, September 16, 2013
From the Life of a Butterfly
Great Monday to you all,
I apologize for jumping ship Thursday evening, but I had a brief moment to go and spend a few days with Terry and I took it. He is living in North Carolina now building a house and I had not seen him in a few weeks. Anyway, there is NO internet on the top of the mountain where he is building. I am home now and ready to share.
While there in August, I noticed more butterflies than I think I have ever seen in one place. That is because the wild flowers on the mountains are abundant. I LOVE butterflies, but this was over the top. As I studied them, I also realized that some were very active and others, the large ones, were not afraid to sit and stay. I walked close and gathered several in my hand - they didn't care. Why? Because in the last stages of their life (only 29-30 day life cycle for most), they are tired and rarely have the energy to run from people like me whether they consider us to be dangerous or not. Hmmmm, I wonder in our tiredness if we sometimes no longer care to fight for life or health?
I don’t know if living within the confines of weight-related issues ever caused you to feel restricted. I felt trapped, wrapped deep within the pain that I tried desperately to hide. I always knew that I could be healthy, but was never felt I had the energy or strength to break free. Breaking free meant I had to try again, let someone else see me “try” another diet, lose a few and gain a few and feel exhausted. But I desired to be free and I desired to change. I know none of us likes desperation, but sometimes it is the singular motivating factor of life-long change. I am not talking about change that lasts a few moments to simply appease our flesh, but change that will not allow us to return to the prison from which we came. Change, REAL CHANGE, that becomes our new norm is often birthed out of a place to which we finally will no longer agree to be bound. Have you experienced this? I have.
Sometimes I feel this way about my hair color or style. Am I stuck? What about the way I dress? I KNOW these are not on the same playing field, but I also realize that often we can compromise on the small things and find that change is too much work. Have you ever exercised and remarked at the conclusion, "I wish I had not done that?" Probably not. It was work, but with a definitive purpose. Once we begin to "not care" about movement or change, we could find ourselves like the large butterfly sitting patiently for me to gather it. I am not ready to be gathered! How about you? I still have flowers to invade and mountains to inspect - I have lessons to teach and people to love. I have life to give and life to live - SO DO YOU! Let's not settle this day. Choosing life means we don't wait for the predators and use the excuse, "I'm tired; I give up; nothing works for me." NO.....not when you declare it doesn't.
Being a healthy adult requires movement, choices, change.....yes it does. Are you stuck in any area of your life and where do you need to have an honest conversation with yourself? Let's not grow weary in well doing or settle for the world's standard or simply "coasting" through our life. Touch somebody's life this day. We need each other!
Love ya! PK
Thursday, September 12, 2013
September 12, 2013 - Becoming Prey
This devotional came this morning and while it is nothing we have not spoken of, what I was drawn to is the fact that if our wall is not maintained we can become prey to anything. That proceeded to cause the wheels in my brain to turn. (the coffee helped though) The wall is meant to be a major form of protection but the longer we allow even small compromises to break into our protection we become vulnerable to capture. Let's be honest, when we first start a new plan we are often determined, this time, to never compromise. But isn't it amazing after a few weeks of success, we allow the wall to be attacked and then fail to repair that small hole? It's almost like giving ourselves a license to sin if it's just something small. However, even a mighty fortress can be breeched if not maintained routinely.
I don't believe, personally, that a wall that endures consistent attack is ever as strong as one who doesn't. Countries at war have no choice in whether they are confronted. Sometimes we don't either. And while our wall that circles our health journey, our organs, our daily routine can be confronted - there is place where we can stand and determine the enemy no longer has the advantage. I was offered a food item yesterday that seemed okay but something in me rose up and said, "NO." I really wanted to partake, but later realized this small incident could very well have lead to me opening one of the doors in my wall. I would have allowed this food to become prey. I stopped and asked the Lord, as I was hungry, to help me find something nutritious and without the salt and calories. I opted for some raw nuts and fruit when I got home. I had a lean meat, veggie and fruit for lunch. After that stand, I felt I had defended my wall well.
Why do I share this? Because I, like you, have daily choices. I do not want to be the person with broken-down walls, therefore I am prey to failure and complete ruin. This being the case, I must fight to exercise self-control daily and remember to maintain MY wall. The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom - I believe that! However, He will never open our mouth and stuff the pizza in - we do that. Let's continue with the right behavior and smile each evening that OUR wall of protection is fully functional and fully maintained.
Did you get all your water in yesterday? Your fruit with a skin? Have a great one! PK
A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls
Proverbs 25:28, NLT
In ancient times, cities were often surrounded by walls for their protection. If those walls were breached in any way, the city became vulnerable to attack from a wide variety of enemies. The maintenance of city walls, therefore, was of constant concern.
Proverbs 25:28 likens self-control to a city wall. When we maintain self-control, we keep ourselves safe from forces that would wear us down, attack our weaknesses, and prey on our failures. Scripture warns us that losing our self-control can lead to disastrous results. We may have tendencies to lose our tempers easily, gossip about neighbors or coworkers, or criticize those in authority. We may have an unhealthy desire to own many possessions, an addiction toward food, or an obsession with television. A careless word, a broken promise, or a disrespectful action is an outward sign that our inner wall of self-control has collapsed. Weak self-control makes us vulnerable to living a life of hypocrisy, and then we lose all credibility as a witness to the freedom and joy of the Christian life.
But developing self-control is not just a matter of willing right behavior. We all have experienced the "just do it" break-down. We decide that we will finally regain control of a certain personal weakness only to find a few days later that we have succumbed once again to temptation. Self-control is not as simple as just "doing it" or "not doing it."
Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit desires to guide our lives. Only he can overcome our sinful cravings and build self-control with staying power. As we turn our moments over to the direction of the Holy Spirit, we will find that we are more often able to resist those things that used to prey on our weaknesses. It is with the power of the Holy Spirit alone that our walls of self-control can be securely maintained.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
September 11, 2013 - I'm a Fruit Fly
I don't know about you but this year has been the YEAR of the fruit fly. This is certainly not the first time I have been annoyed by them, but their appearance is usually created by a lack of sanitation or the sweetness that comes from rotting fruit. Isn't it interesting that the longer the fruit sits out, the older it gets, the more sugar it produces and the more fruit flies it gathers? Bananas and peaches are especially bad to follow this pattern and draw a crowd. While I am very good with a fly swatter at terminating the life of a fly (that's another great story), fruit flies...not so much. Those little guys are fast like Nascars and tiny like poppy seeds. However, they are HUGE in aggravation. Am I the only one? And this summer they have grown to a population of 9 million due to the heavy rain I have been told.
I had our maintenance man contact the exterminator because the little critters had a notion to migrate from the kitchen to all our offices and the main building. Not a great idea. It's one thing to endure a problem in the kitchen where I can justify some old food and the place where they can "hang out." My office, however, is NOT a happy home for fruit flies. Have you ever been deep in a pastoral conversation with your best pastor attention focused on someone only to be distracted by fruit flies? Two weeks ago I was listening intently and fighting so hard not to swat at these little guys who kept zooming across my face. Finally one swat....two....grab a paper and keep listening. UGH! The exterminator informed us that most of their clients are calling this summer with the same issue. People all over Facebook were suggesting home remedies that never really worked either.
The gentleman who came brought these fruit fly traps and boy did they work. They are filled with a sweet substance and a sticky paper. The flies are attracted to the scent and then no matter how hard they try they cannot be released from the paper. We had three out in one room and the papers were covered. I thought about last night how strong an attraction sugared items are for many of us. They were absolutely my downfall. I could not walk past the bakery portion of Publix without licking the window. I would much prefer a cinnamon roll to a regular meal - well, actually, if I was substituting it for a meal I would NEED TWO. I guess I am a fruit fly. Are you?
The bad thing is that that substituting a cinnamon roll for a meal was so destructive to my body. I always vowed to do better tomorrow but tomorrow I became a fruit fly again. Where was the sugar? I found it and it found me! My blood sugar level was hanging over 200 daily and I was a mess. Finally, I got stuck to a fruit fly pad and died. Yep! I could no longer search for daily sugar nor could I be free to travel to wherever to feed my addiction. In my dying to sugar, I gained life to my body. As many of you know, I still have "sweets" occasionally, but I make them all. Someone asked recently how I planned to live the rest of my life without sugar. My reply, "If I continued my past journey addicted to sugar, I would have NO LIFE."
Can you see yourself in this picture in a small way? We cannot substitute sugared items for our healthy meals. If you haven't had your sugar levels checked recently you should. Diabetes is rampant in this country and especially in our children.
Love and encouragement to each of you today, PK.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
September 10, 2013 - Distractions, Take a Number!
Another start to a beautiful day. I thought I could feel fall in the air a couple of weeks ago, but not yesterday. Yesterday was intense heat and little air and I was reminded that the season has not shifted yet. I know our family is scattered all over the planet, and perhaps your season is different - but it feels a lot like the "dog days of summer to me." Just sayin. Again, mark your calendar for our next Life Group, October 6th, and bring a friend. I do need to know if you're coming so we can plan enough fish and chicken to cook.
I have been reading in Hebrews 10 about "A Call to Persevere." I don't know about you but sometimes - SOMETIMES - it seems that healthy efforts are too binding and boring. How many times can one make a dessert with simply fruit and perhaps add a flavored whipped cream and still be satisfied? As we have journeyed to a place of understanding that our fight for freedom in our health arena is NON-negotaible, then we have to remind ourselves that our meals serve simply as refueling. I know we have talked about this several times, but when we can really digest that the taste of food and the pleasure of eating are secondary to living life as healthy adults, perseverance is easier. I am convinced of that!
In Hebrews 10 the followers were reminded they had received the knowledge of the truth and they should hold on to and "never throw away" the confidence that came with this knowledge. I feel that way about us. You know our key verse from Galatians 5:1 requires US to stand firm. That reminds me that the confidence of our knowledge that we CAN be healthy and we CAN choose life will be tested. Are you standing firm on truth this Tuesday or have you exchanged the truth for unsteady ground? I want to encourage every reader to contend for the truth. Every little crack in the door to an unhealthy lifestyle needs to be sealed. If you are on unsteady ground this morning, stand up, ask the Lord for the knowledge of truth concerning your health and be willing to do whatever it takes to make perseverance your motivation from now on.
I wish I could fight for your health and help ease the load for you, but I cannot. I wish someone could go and do all my workouts and prepare all my healthy food choices, but they cannot. Sometimes my life is so busy that "doing what is right" seems to be more than I can do. YIKES. That's when I have to persevere. If placing busyness above my health is always the first choice or the easiest choice, it won't take long and my health will more than likely loose it's footing. Listen, there is too much at stake. We came together for accountability and encouragement. The enemies of our health, as we talked yesterday, are often VERY PATIENT and have PERSEVERANCE that we often take for granted. This day, let us renew our commitment to hold fast to the knowledge that our health is critical and that the enemies of our health are constantly trying to gain their place. Let's not wait until a bad report from the doctor brings fear. No, let's walk in faith and make all the health distractions take a number LOWER than our health.
You must fight for YOU. Have a great one, PK
Monday, September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013 - No Sees!
We had such an awesome time at LIfe Group last night. I have certainly missed being with our group! We ate, took notes, shared and prayed.....powerful time. Our next gathering will be October 6th at 6pm. We decided last night to do healthy fish and chicken strips, strawberry sorbet and perhaps some new veggies that go well with fish and chicken. Hope you'll come and bring a friend. Do you know anyone who needs some encouragement or prayer? How about someone who needs a new recipe? We left last night with such a smile and a warm, renewed sense of "we are better together!"
Many of you know I was out of town this weekend with our college students who we call City Interns. I spent three days cooking and cleaning and love serving these guys. This was my 11th year to be with them and I love it. I always share some healthy recipes and it's amazing how they FIGHT for them. I am more convinced than ever that the reason people don't join the healthy life-style is FEAR. People love the way food tastes and "healthy food" cannot taste good. Right? Also, they are often fearful that their life will suffer such great loss. Ever hear that too? We had spaghetti squash last night with a healthy clam sauce, spinach salad with strawberries and white, balsamic vinegar, and a healthy peach-flavored applesauce. WAY healthy and WAY yummy! We said over and over how people just don't understand that eating great can really taste great!
While on the retreat, Sean came and asked me if I knew what nosees were??? I guess he felt from my science background I would know. Nope - never heard of such a term. He then smiled and said, "it's those little bugs outside that irritate you and swarm around but you can never see them." Ahhhh - no sees. At first I thought it was one word, but came to understand that it was actually 2. Isn't this like our journey sometimes? We talked about last night those hidden calories in meals eaten at restaurants that we can't see, but they SURE SEE US don't they? I almost choked when I drove through Chick-fil-a for a tea and quickly glanced at the new calorie display. Have you noticed? No wonder our nation is heavy. The Bible says it this way, "it's the little foxes that spoil the vine." No sees - yep, spoiling our health journey. Even meals that we "feel" are healthy at our favorite restaurants are more than likely laced with "no sees." I was amazed one day while explaining to a waiter how I needed my meal to look and requesting the grilled chicken he commented, "oh, you don't want the grilled chicken here then. We grill ours in oil." Yikes! Don't we all think grilled chicken is simply meat on the grill? No SEES!
Well, let's take a fresh, hard look at all areas of our health and find the NO SEES. In our long-term equation, they are more than an aggravation. They really can be a baby enemy who has every intent of hiding, growing up and destroying our future health. God help me to SEE with a fresh set of eyes anything that might hide and wage war against my health.
Choose life this day! Love you, PK
Thursday, September 5, 2013
September 5, 2013 - Sheep Facts, Pt. 1
Good morning fam - I am praying that you are starting your day filled with the joy of knowing that you are chosen. I would rather be filled with that knowledge as opposed to being filled with jelly doughnuts. How about you? (wink) Also, if you are planning to come Sunday night please prepare a small dish to share and bring your recipe. (if you are getting started and don't know what to prepare, come anyway. We will teach you.) Also, come with your prayer requests. Can't wait to see you. We will start at 6.
I taught last night using Psalm 23 as my text and I wanted to share some insight this morning from that teaching. As some of you know, King David wrote this Psalm. He was quite in years as he wrote and spoke from such a place of understanding about how sheep are cared for. His wisdom and insight radically dropped into my heart and certainly brought a level of joy as it "re-opened" this psalm and renewed in me that love of God for me. I truly believe that if the body of Christ could see God's individual plan and individual love for them, so many lies could be shattered. It seems easier, sometimes, to see that "God so loved the world," and miss the individual attention God lavishes on each of us. SOMETIMES, as I was struggling with critical health issues, I certainly was very distant from the fact that God knew and God cared that I was suffering. Let's see some truth in the facts about sheep.
Sheep are non-agressive, "go with the pack" animals. They have no sense of direction and left to themselves will wander off and risk the possibility of never finding their way home. That's why they are in need of a shepherd. Sheep need someone to tell them where to go and what to do. They need a clear plan as well as guidelines to follow to avoid falling over the cliffs or being lost. Two and half year ago when I decided I wanted to live and break free of my addiction, I needed strict guidelines and a plan to keep me on the path. I knew that left to my own way (as I had done for 54 years of my life) I was doomed. I started listening and following an EXACT plan with an EXACT journey. For the first time, I began to experience hope again. I had a real since, however, that if I didn't stick close to the plan (meaning never deviate) I would fail again and this time I might not find a way to "try" again. That fear has kept my ears and attention attached in a way I have never experienced before. Joy returned to my journey.
This is a critical component to the journey of sheep. For them to be successful, they have to listen and trust that the shepherd knows and cares for them INDIVIDUALLY. Let that renew you this morning as we glean from the sheep for the next few blogs. God has a plan for you, your life, your health. Yes He does. Find the health plan that really works for you and NEVER deviate. The right plan is critical to our survival. Listening to that leading voice keeps me from falling. Trying and going my own rout and restarting is dangerous to my long-term survival. Let's chew on that today. More on the life of sheep tomorrow.
Much love, PK
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
September 4, 2013 - The Eyes Tell It All
A little article for your reading pleasure this morning as a reminder that having basic exams is so critical in our journey. I am a prevention girl and continuing to have my years exams gives me some accountability with my health. I find it so interesting that a simple eye examine reveals so much. God has such a detailed and unique plan for our health. Have you been tested recently? This is more than simply needing glasses. :) Also, thanks to those I have heard from about Sunday evening. Please come - let's start this Life Group season with a fresh set of recipes and lots of support. We always pray for our bodies - so bring a friend! I have a new cookies recipe as well a chicken recipe to share with those coming. (wink)
Taken from an article entitled "Are Your Eyes a Window to Disease?"
Written by Leslie Barker, Columnist, May 2013
An eye exam, at its most basic, determines how well these miraculous little spheres look out on the world. It can also spot medical issues going on inside the body.
“People need to realize that looking into your eyes is more than checking your vision,” says genetics counselor Linda Robinson of UT Southwestern Simmons Cancer Center. “Your eyes can tell us so much more than if you need glasses.”
Most notably, they can show signs of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular problems. An eye exam can also reveal lupus and multiple sclerosis as well as various kinds of cancer.
That’s a lot of secrets in a relatively small space. One reason is that the eye is so exposed, explains Andreane Fagala, an associate and therapeutic optometrist with Arnold M. Stokol O.D. and Associates of Richardson.
“It’s the only part of the whole human body where we can visualize the arteries and veins in a noninvasive way,” she says. “When you look at any other blood vessel, you have to cut into the tissue or have a scope done.”
Thus, seeing the narrowing of those vessels could indicate serious cardiovascular issues, she says. Hemorrhaging or swelling of the macula — an oval-shaped spot near the center of the retina — might mean diabetes. Spots and colors can mean the incidence of, or proclivity for, cancer.
“Other than dermatologists, who see the skin, with everything else you don’t see the tissue,” says Dr. Karl Csaky, head of the molecular ophthalmology laboratory at Texas Retina Associates. “You don’t see the organ. The retina, we do. Everything that’s there, we see. Even if we can’t see it, we have great tests to further visualize it.”
People sometimes ignore symptoms in other parts of their bodies, but tend to be diligent about eyesight because they need it for every aspect of their lives, Fagala says.
“A lot of people don’t make the connection: How can we see this systemic thing going on, and that the whole body is reflected in the eyes?” she says.
Here are some health issues — some common, some not — that the professionals might find when they examine your eyes and thus, why a yearly eye exam not only can save your vision, it can save your life.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
September 3, 2013 - Pretending
Good morning everyone,
I pray your Labor Day was amazing, as was mine. I had all my girls over, grilled wings, and even got in the pool. YUM. I really wanted to make a little "sweet something" to complete our lunch. I started thinking through what I had in my cabinet and what I could toss together. I love impromptu recipes, although I am such a planner and a schemer. I found almond butter and added some xylitol, almond flavoring, eggs, butter flavoring (not butter) and some almond flour. (no oil or butter other than in the almond butter) I rolled them into balls and baked them. They were really good - need some tweaking - but really good start. They were totally gluten free and had no additional fats outside the nut butter. I am thinking some pecans and cinnamon would really round this out. I will keep you posted.
I felt the Lord began to speak with me a couple of days ago about pretending. You know some people make a lot of money pretending, don't they? I have to say I was in the pretender class for MANY years of my life in relation to my body. I "acted" as though I was eating healthy while in front of those who "thought" I was on the straight and narrow health path (again). But then there was the night. Someone once said, "we are what we are in the dark." YIKES. I could pretend and hide most of the time, but when I was alone I could no longer pretend. I would gorge myself and then LIE and proclaim that I would never do this again. Ever been there?
I was pondering this blog last night and I felt the Lord really ask me about pretending - "is it lying?" "NO - not like telling a REAL lie, I responded." However. I felt the Lord come back and show me myself in His question. (as He often does) For me, I was lying to myself for much of my life. I pretended and lied to myself about having no recourse, "that I would start fresh tomorrow," and that I was genetically disposed to be a food addict. I pondered last night as to whether lying to oneself was really lying as it only affects the person invloved???? Think about that for a moment.
I could only be free when I quit lying and making excuses and completely and forever closed some tough doors. I no longer pretend to be healthy - I am healthy whether at a meal at your table or at home when totally alone. Can I tell you that is freedom worth fighting for? Hoping your Tuesday is the best it can be and you are fully confident that you are well loved! PK
Monday, September 2, 2013
September 2, 2013 - One LIfe Touches Many
Happy Labor Day! The storms are keeping me from the pool this morning, so I will have to be disciplined to go later. I prefer working out earlier, but moving these muscles gives me energy and is none negotiable. Don't forget we have life group this Sunday. Can you make it? 6PM.
Not going to be long today, but I did want to check in on this holiday and make sure you knew that I cared. Sometimes we all need to know that our lives matter. They always matter to God; but again, knowing that someone cares that we are fighting for our health who has really been walking our road is huge. I love knowing that we are traveling the same journey. We are planning a new series at church and are using the movie "A Wonderful Life" as our inspiration. The slogan for the series is "one life touches many." I hope you know your commitment to health SPEAKS loudly to others. I was in a Publix in Lovejoy recently (had not been there in 8 years) and the cashier had not seen me for years. She asked if it was really me. :) She said I looked so amazing and healthy. YEA! Healthy is great. And healthy SPOKE to her.
This Labor Day let's refresh our resolve to speak loudly and clearly that our health matters TODAY. Waiting until tomorrow is rolling the dice and giving our health to a percentage of chance. NOT me. I have wings prepared, squash, asparagus, fruit and whipped cream for my Labor Day BBQ as opposed to years of ribs and chicken with sweet BBQ sauce, potato salad, fried mixed veggies, mac and cheese, yeast rolls and assorted sugared desserts. (see why I was so unhealthy?) Anyway, enjoy your last holiday of the summer and let's start not rehearsing, "I will SPEAK health through this upcoming holiday season."
See ya Sunday night, PK
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