Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012 - Where Does My Help Come From?

Good morning and happy Monday! I am getting ready to head to the pool for water aerobics - it is my "addiction" these days. It's nice to be able to work out HARD and not have my knees buckle. I wish I had a covered pool area - I'd gather all of you and we'd work out together. Don't forget our Life Group THIS Sunday, 7/29. I know it's a week early, but I will be out of town next week. And, we need to move the time to 6:30 as I will be at a party for one of my babies. :) Please bring a healthy dish to share and the recipe. If you can't bring a dish - come anyway to gather new recipes and get prayer! Please let me know if you are coming so I can prepare. :) Also, bring a friend who needs some new, healthy recipes and prayer for their body. The older I get the more I am aware of those little things that tug at my body. However, being sensitive to the "little things" can be a GREAT thing too. The Bible says, "it's the little foxes that spoil the vine." I was showing one of my granddaughters how certain things can cause a build-up of plaque in our arteries and eventually, as with a water hose, those places get clogged or weak from ballooning and they burst or close all together. Did that happen over night? NO. But it happens. When I was so heavy, my doctors continued to encourage me to loose JUST TEN POUNDS. To me - that was like a million pounds. Occasionally, I could loose this "little fox," but my inability to see years down the road and my addiction to food caused me to REWARD myself and the next thing you know I was up 15 pounds. Anybody understand??? After seeing my mother-in-law suffer with several issues that I know to be food-related and hearing her cry for help for many years, I am more committed than ever to not be swayed buy a future I cannot see. I don't have to see my future - there is enough data from OTHER'S LIVES to speak loud and clear about food-related diseases. I bought every diet pill known to man, tried hypnosis, wrapped bands around my body - where is my help???? I wanted to live......I wanted a slim body.......but at no physical cost to me. I could spend the money, but I couldn't change my eating. Where did MY help come from? The realization that I was eating myself to "death." I prayed and begged for God's help - and He was ALWAYS willing - but I wanted HIM OR SOMEONE OR SOMETHING to do all the work and let me reap the benefits. It just doesn't work that way. I wish it did. I like easy - you do too. :) BUT I PREFER HEALTH to sickness and that takes work - discipline - boundaries. Choose life and eat to live - PK

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