Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012 - Attached To The Right Thing

Good morning, You know that I have been gleaning from my watermelon plants all summer and yesterday......another revelation. (maybe you know this, but I just discovered it. wink) As the plant/vine grows, it creeps out away from the main source and travels EVERYWHERE! They spread out like untamed kudzu. So, last evening I noticed one of the vines had maneuvered to my rose trellis and started climbing upward. While that may look okay - I thought, "NO watermelon can hang on this trellis and grow. They are too heavy." So, I decided to simply move the vine. Easier said than done. The vine sends out tentacles every couple of inches that attach and coil themselves around WHATEVER to stabilize the vine and ensure it's survival during a windy storm, etc. I actually had to RIP those little anchors and redirect the vine to a place where it can produce healthy fruit. WOW! I so see the truth here. We can be traveling along, growing as we should, throwing out anchors to seemingly support ourselves only to discover we have anchored to the WRONG thing. The vine had NO ability on its own to get off the trellis - it was stuck. Something bigger and more powerful and with some wisdom (me) had to dislodge and redirect or the vine would have looked pretty, been colorful, BUT BEEN UNABLE TO SUPPORT LIFE. In our journey to live a healthy life, we MUST try to anchor our focus on healthy TRUTH which gives us the best chance of sustaining life. Sometimes we are tossed about by the next diet pill, Dr. Oz show, a friend's dramatic weight loss, WHATEVER and we run and attach ourselves to that "truth" out of desperation and not wisdom. That can be dangerous. Let's attach ourselves to truth that really can give us the best chance at life. And, when we find truth - wrap our tentacles around and around it so that when circumstances come to dislodge us and try to influence us - like those who jeer and say, "living without sugar is stupid - you can't do that the rest of your life," we are GROUNDED and unmoveable. Let's be honest, we need these type of TRUTH-anchors in many areas of our lives. (I have a deep stirring in my spirit that many are being led astray in areas of Godly truth in this day in which we live) That's why I asked, "are we anchored to the right thing this morning?" Wendi sends this video/article from WebMD that says MANY of the things that I have been blogging for the past 13 months. It's nice to have the medical community support us. :) And, WebMD is a reputable, reliable source to which we can ANCHOR part of our journey. Let's find supported TRUTH - not dramatic promises that sell products - and let's fight to be grounded there. The Bible says, "you shall know the truth (be anchored to it) and the truth will set you free." Free to live, produce watermelons and feed others. YES!!! That's a beautiful, spiritual truth right there. Yes it is! Keep sending your thoughts and reading selections - I enjoy hearing from you. Blessings on you this day my friends - PK

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