Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012 - Wave the White Flag

Good morning all, As much as we talk about victory, this morning I want to talk about surrender. During a battle there is much to protect - one's life, one's family, one's country, one's honor. And yet, sometimes, even though you've done all that you know to do, there comes a place of surrender. How many of you know how difficult that place is? It is so difficult to give up our right to defend our actions or defend our feelings. One of my favorite sayings that I have tucked in my older Bible is an excerpt that reads, "I don't have to be first, I don't have to be right, I don't have to be in charge, I don't have to be applauded......" This statement says humility and surrender to me. Sometimes we are called to surrender and sometimes more than we like. Jesus surrender his life and we gained eternity. Many of us surrender our position in a fight and gain peace. Sometimes, we surrender our old mindset about life and we gain LIFE! I am convinced that a large portion of dealing with the fight for a healthy life style is an inverted and WRONG defending of bad habits. I was encouraging a woman on Friday who cannot seem to find the strength to break free in her eating and gave every reason for her RIGHT to be heavy. Isn't that crazy? But, isn't that what excuses are? I so wanted to grab her and say - surrender....just give up.....realize you don't need to defend a wrong manner of thinking.....submit to a new way.......LIFE is worth surrender. We sometimes see surrender as a bad word. We talked about last night, at our Healthy Eating Club, that while I can eat "most anything," I have tried Ezekiel bread three times and every time I do, I gain weight. WELL......I have to surrender. It's not a battle I can win. My body immediately responds by gaining. Maybe not with you - but with me, so I told Paulette last night - I cannot eat it. Surrender. And, I would rather surrender and LIVE than make excuses for it's place in my life. While the seeds and nuts in which the flour is made may be okay for you - they are not for me. I can eat them plain, but not in the bread. Surrender. While you may be able to eat starch and sugar with no weight gain......I cannot. Surrender. And, I must rejoice in your journey and not be jealous of your body's response. Surrender my "right" to eat what I want........ There's a great, biblical principle in this! Today, what areas in your life do you need to surrender? MAYBE you need to REALIZE that you cannot fight obesity on your own and you need more accountability......surrender. MAYBE you need to vary the fruits and veggies.....surrender. MAYBE you need to weigh more.......surrender. MAYBE you need more water..........surrender. Quit trying to defend a wrong mindset and surrender to the DESTINY OF HEALTH God has given each of us and choose LIFE. Drink extra water in this heat - we evaporate it as well. :) PK

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