Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15, 2012

I am so grateful to hear from a couple of you that you're keeping up with your doctor visits and staying on top of listening to those reports. I was explaining to someone yesterday that we can hide a lot of things under clothes, staying inside, choosing our activities, but we cannot hide our blood reports - nor do we want to. :) I am looking into a deeper level of testing to define some still unanswered questions in my mind. More to follow.

I have never been more excited to see the warmer temps come and the fruits increase! (remember maintenance folks - watch the glycemic index on the fruits though. Try to LIMIT the high sugar ones) I am looking forward to an abundance of them and at a lower price - although the strawberries at Publix were fairly reasonable this week. The one thing I have to continue to accept is that groceries, across the board, are expensive. Eating healthy is certainly not cheap - and I have to remind my husband, as Crissy said, I am worth the extra. I know that sounds bad sometimes but given the choice of a $3.89 bag of chips, I'll take four Honey Crisp apples. I know that's a lot for 4 apples, but the chips are a horrible choice. Taste is everything to me and if I can't have a Papa Johns pizza, then the ingredients for a cauliflower pizza ARE MORE, but they are so worth it in the long run.

I still would like to host a pre-Easter share a dish at my house on March 25th at 6:00. This is always a time of good food, fellowship, and encouragement. Please let me know if you can attend, so I can prepare. I may make a sugar free carrot cake and see how we do. :) Please find your spring recipes, create one, bring copies for the group, and come. We are normally about 90 min and I used almost all of the recipes I got last time. So fun! Plus, bring your before and after photos to share with the group. If you're coming, please respond so I know how to plan. If you're from out of state, you can send a recipe and we will share it. :) I need some healthy, NEW recipes for my family Easter gathering.

As you plan your journey today, remember we conquer of health issues "one bite at a time." Make those bites count - don't eat to comfort or sedate - eat for YOUR health. The older I get the more I appreciate long life and happiness. I am exploring some new vitamins - will pass along after they pass the test. AND.....I start to water aerobics next Tuesday and Thursday night at the Kedron swimming arena in PTC. I want to do some toning before it gets too hot. wink.

Know that someone cares about your health and supports your efforts. Choose well this day! PK

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