Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 2012

Good morning to all,

Hope everyone is gearing up for a beautiful spring. I think It's going to be amazing! Too bad the bugs didn't get enough cold weather to slow them down - they are already out with a vengeance! UGH. I had dinner last night with my fam outside on the deck and it was so nice - baked wings, sweet potato tater tots (I didn't eat these as they contain a little sugar, but my fam LOVED them), mixed vegetables, strawberries with xylitol and chocolate whipped cream - all sugar free. YUM! It was GLORIOUS!

Those of you who have been with me for almost a year now - can you believe it - this April is a year - know that I am BIG on going to the doctor and having your blood tested. I feel it is critical to know how all the levels in our blood are and to use the results to make changes. Of course before HCG I had NO plan or energy to make changes, but kept my blood checked anyway. (horrible to pay to be stuck and learn you're sick) The Bible says that "life is in the blood." The word in the Hebrew for life is mind, being, desires, passion, appetite. Now I know that this reference in Leviticus is speaking of the cleansing power of the blood pointing toward the cross, but I really feel that for us our blood is a GREAT indicator of how clean our LIFE is.

We know that recent studies show eating one apple a day can lower your bad cholesterol by 36 points in one year, we know that sugar raises our triglyceride levels and affects our liver, we know that fatty foods will raise our cholesterol and clog our arteries, we know that sugar and starch raise our blood sugar level and can promote diabetes. We know all this - and all this takes place IN THE BLOOD. These blood tests do not lie - they reveal our desires, passion, and appetites. Don't they? No one knew how much sugar and fat I was consuming UNTIL I had my blood tests done every 6 months. Then all was revealed - my blood showed clearly that my passion was food and a lot of it - especially A LOT of the wrong stuff. However, after loosing over 60 pounds and learning how to eat properly, my blood now reveals my NEW desires and passion - GREAT HEALTH!

So yes, the LIFE is revealed in the blood at many levels. Have you been checked lately? Much love this day, PK

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