Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Good morning following a rainy Labor Day,

It was certainly a different day than planned but a great day.  How about you?  

I was so pleased that my daughter commented, "mom, we could so eat this for Thanksgiving and it would be healthy for all of us."  OM goodness - did my heart good.   I was concerned about the kids, but they ate the cheesecake with xylitol like the adults did and I have all this ice cream left over.  :)   (to the interns it will go)   And, the chips I bought if they didn't eat veggies were never opened.  They chose broccoli and cauliflower, salad, and sliced cucumbers.  I stood and shook my head - you really have NO IDEA what eating at the Sconyers house was like.  One of our little folks did ask for something sweet, but the response from one of his parents, "no, I don't want him at 50 trying to fight this thing."  How true is that?

Now, as I look at freedom fighting, I have to remember that people died that I could live in a free country.  I wonder if that could be applied to our healthy lifestyle?  I wonder if eating correctly could be counted as DEATH so our children and their children don't fight the same weight-related issues we do?  I can ALMOST assuredly say YES.   I told my daughter last night if we had grown up eating differently, we wouldn't have know any different.   We made sweet potatoes yesterday with real butter (light has sugar), vanilla with no sugar, and xylitol, which we poured over the skinned, cubed potatoes.  Sprinkled with real, squeezed orange and lemon, orange peels from spice section, cinnamon and baked on 350 for an hour.  FAB.   Even the kids loved them.   I only ate one piece, but I did eat a bite.  :)   My daughter said it was every bit as good as the sweet potato casserole that we make with white sugar, brown sugar, candied pecans, and eggs.  And the best thing - low in calories and sugar content.   We can do this!

Please pray for each other today - some have been struggling with eating off plan (i choose not to say "cheating") and really need prayer support.   I know God wants us to be healthy to serve his purpose in the earth.  Let's cover our team with words of faith and life today.

Father, in Jesus name, I declare that our family will walk in strength and health.  We will choose to eat only those things which bring life to our bodies and we will reject those that bring death.  I ask for your help, Holy Spirit, for each of us that days of wandering off and on will cease and we will be filled with power from on high to choose and enjoy healthy foods every day.  We are free and healthy to LIVE FOR YOU - not depressed and rejected and walking in condemnation where our focus is on our failure.   I ask you Father to touch those in critical need today and bring divine wisdom.   Your Word says is we ask for wisdom - you give it liberally.  I ask for our HCG family and our biological families as well that health will rest over us.   Let JOY be our portion and our stomachs, and the lust of our eyes, be restored to perfect health.   Lord, we honor you with our confession of love and in humility we come and say, thanks for helping us walk in freedom!   We can't do this alone - we have to have the hand of the Holy Spirit to live in freedom.   We reject chains of bondage and failure and we embrace FREEDOM.  

Choose live and eat to live,

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