Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

Good morning - am home and back to the blog world.  :)   I had a great weekend cooking for our interns, and they are amazing!   I am up 1.5 pounds not because I cheated at orientation (actually I was really proud of myself - made brownies, snicker doodles, and mexican corn with NO tasting at all) but I think I am off schedule.  It could be stress - a lot on my plate.  BUT - I am back to the routine of protocol and water.  Will let you know how tomorrow goes.

Here is a sweet testimony from one of the fam:

I am leaving for the beach in the morning and I have never been this excited!!!! I told my friend (who is coming with me and my fam) that we are excited because we are "skinny." I don't dread putting on a bathing suit or shorts...I have always loved swimming and weight issues have always held me back.  I feel so good physically and I look pretty good to:) even though it is still hard to say that.

Thank God for freedom to swim and do things we enjoy!   Thank God that shedding those pounds helps us to feel better physically AND emotionally.   Yes?   Being trapped in a "suit of flesh," that keeps us from enjoying life, is wretched!  I'm not sure that most of us knew the way to get the suit unzipped.  But PRAISE God - our new way of eating and our accountability to the fam has unzipped that suit from many of us!   I told someone last night that I never thought I would be free.  And, like the above person, it's still hard for me to think of myself as thin.  After nine months, you would think it would be easier.  Not there yet.  :)

Kina is back from Belgium, and we welcome her home.  We are sorry for the loss of your mother, but glad you are home safe! 

Someone told me this weekend that once ingested, aspartame and Splenda never leave your body.  Anyone know if this is true?  I will start researching.  Gotta watch those sugar free products - even no sugar added.  Keep us posted on what you find - we want our families to walk in health also.

Made great choices today - you are FREE!

Choose life and eat to live,

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