Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2, 2011

Good morning all,

Thanks for all the prayers.  It was amazing - the morning changed drastically and I started walking without pain.  I was praising God.  But, somehow as the day went along, the pain returned.  So, I am on a heating pad getting ready to jump up and get dressed for work.   Still confessing healing, but really might go get this hip put back.   :)

Weight still holding - it's amazing to see how stable my weight is after all these YEARS of gaining and months of loosing.   PRAISE God.

Just want to remind us all this morning of the importance of REST.  God worked and created everything in the world, and then he rested.  He established a principle for us that is very important on our journey.  Some of us were so excited about the drastic weight loss, that we didn't want to come off phase 2.   Some of you were upset when I made you rest.   But, I feel it's important to follow the plan carefully.  I was with my doctor last week that launched me in January.   She really firmly reminded me, "FOLLOW the plan!" 

As with anything else, if you start opening bad doors again - you loose ground and gain weight.  She has gained most of her weight back while her receptionist  did two rounds, with a REST in between, transitioned to maintenance, and added exercise and is now slowly loosing beyond her 60 pounds off.  My doctor told me that the mindset around HCG and following the maintenance plan is critical.  I TOTALLY agree!    Lean proteins, lots of fruits and lots of veggies is the plan.  Healthy fats, yes.   Healthy, smart carbs like brown rice or beans - if you want.  I probably won't as I get enough carbs from the fruits and veggies I eat.  BUT - sugar is the real culprit.

Here's the safe plan: 6 weeks on drops, 6 weeks REST, then, if you need to, 6 weeks on drops,  two months REST, round three????, 3-4 months REST.   Each REST period does just that - allows your internal organs to rest from having so much fat pulled from them (which is a GOOD thing) and the drops to flush out of your system so you don't build up an in-tolerance.  But the resting and transition to maintenance is a RESTING period that not only allows your body to recalibrate, it allows your mind to come in agreement with God's plan for eating to live.   So, REST from that striving to not follow the plan - we have the REST of our lives to walk this out.   :)

We'll talk about the importance of REST and sleep tomorrow.  

PS - one of the fam (on phase 4) made ice cream from a recipe I gave her 2 days ago that utilizes xylitol - she said YUM!   Was great!   We CAN live this life as healthy, thin people.  :)

Choose life and eat to live,

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