Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21, 2103 - "Serpents and Scorpions"

Yesterday we chatted about God being in the fox hole with us and how that often brings a high-level of comfort. Beyond that, I feel knowing God is in that war place with me actually allows me to rest with the sound of exploding bombs and firing bullets close at hand. (somehow even as I type I am gathering a vivid picture in my mind and REST settles into my spirit) I am grateful to know that we can rest in the presence of our God in such a manner. Yes, I am. But Luke records another facet of the heart of God. While God wants us to abide in Him and rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91), He also promises that He will give us power over the enemy and that nothing will harm us. Does God's Word say nothing? Yep - I read this passage in 5 different translations which make the same declaration. Luke 10:19 Amplified Bible (AMP) 19 Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you. I like this - I can REST because God's in the fox hole and I can be confident that nothing shall harm me because God has given me AUTHORITY and POWER. The Amplified version indicates that physical and mental strength and ability over ALL the power the enemy possesses is mine! That means I can sleep AND I can stand as God has made a way to victory. I really feel that often we forget Who gives the power and Who gives rest. Sometimes it's easy, especially following seasons of victory, to start moving in our own agenda, power and might. But I have found that to be dangerous and costly. Luke, in this verse, reveals that God has given authority over ALL the power of our enemy and NOTHING shall harm us. Do you like those words ALL and NOTHING? I do! The greater issue is do we TRUST God's Word in this verse? Tough question. Immediately many of us could recount times when we have not felt authority or power and may, in fact, feel as we have been harmed so a question mark could arise. Let me remind you, just because we feel a certain way does not mean it's the truth! God tattooed that concept on me this year. Luke 10:19 places us within the context of trials and difficult situations and often what we want is NONE OF THAT. Remember our trust in God strengthens and develops as we REST in the foxhole and STAND in our God-confidence within the battle. I would like to challenge you this morning to memorize this verse, today, and say it out loud at least once a day for 30 days to close out 2013. I can promise that your confidence in God will increase as well as God's perspective on exactly what serpents and scorpions represent in your life. I know some in my life and I am renewed this day in my confession that I will trample on them and they will not harm me. I have already said it THREE times. Man, it's awesome! Thank you, God, for knowing I needed a little boost added to my smoothie this day. (wink) Talk in the morning, PK

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