Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013 - "In The Lion's Den"

Good Tuesday morning to all of you. Just a quick reminder that our December Life Group will meet on December 8th and not the 1st of December. That weekend is too busy for several of our group, so find a friend, create a yummy healthy food to help us all through Christmas and bring a friend. We will start at 6:00. I am going to share breakfast foods for Christmas morning. What cha bringing? :) Yesterday we began our week discussing vigilance. Somehow I missed the fact while growing up that life's issues only intensify as one progresses through life. I always thought "grown people" retired and played cards all day and took expensive, elaborate vacations. I think my mother must have dropped me as an infant. (wink) Although I was taught as a child that "we never quit - quitting is NEVER the option of choice," I have found that some of the tough battles of life have pushed me to the edge of quitting. Have you been there recently? I have! And, as I have begun to "dig my heels in" and move to a different level of trust in God AGAIN, I have had to ask some tough questions and refuse to settle for "everyone has issues." I certainly am thankful that I am not the only one STANDING...but how many of you know that one finds little comfort watching others in the lion's den as well? UNLESS....their name is Daniel. Right? Help us trust you as Daniel did, Father. 1 Peter 5:8 Amplified Bible Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Most of us who have been around God's Word know this scripture well. Don't we? I want to draw your attention this morning though to the three words in red. Sometimes I feel it's unfair that we may need a pass card or declare that we need to "check out" but not our enemy. He's always on the prowl. But the Lord showed me that within the church there is an army, and while I may need a pass card at times - The Holy Spirit and others are taking turn about watching. THANK YOU! If you know about the military, they are all trained to be on alert for themselves and others! There are going to be days when the yuck of life have our attention distracted - maybe even months. Perhaps vigilance is the last objective on your table. The verse begins with an admonition to be well balanced. Ok - I want that. But that doesn't read "by being isolated and fighting on your own." I am more than happy to be part of a team that fights individually and collectively. Have you prayed for our team lately? We are a group of Freedom Fighters who understand that our freedom was purchased, given to each of us as a gift through the death of Jesus, and that we have a responsibility to guard that freedom by STANDING (Gal 5:1) and being vigilant. I am not upset when others come to me and share what they see in my life concerning dangerous issues. I WANT it. Let's thank God today that He has placed us with others who will watch when we need to heal. Then, let's watch while they heal. This brings HOPE to others and that is always good! PK

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