Enjoy your morning coffee and "chat" with Kathy about all aspects of life especially as it relates to being healthy. Using God's Word to illuminate truth is the major focus of this morning blog. This blog only posts Monday-Friday.
Friday, November 29, 2013
November 29, 2013 - "My Wal-mart Experience"
Wow - I made the stupid mistake last evening of going to look for Christmas lights for several projects around the house and boy was I shocked when I arrived at Wal-mart. Yes, I knew all about the Thanksgiving sales and the "pre-Black Friday" savings, but nothing prepared me for the magnitude of what we saw. Terry and I were simply going to see "what" the crowds looked like and head to Kroger for our lights (which were on SALE big time) but when we arrived we were sucked into the enormity of the shock and awe factor. Not only was the Wal-mart parking lot packed, so was the Home Depot parking lot and the bank parking lot AND EVERY parking lot close to the store. We decided to pass quietly through the sea of cars, but a vehicle pulled out right before us offering the "perfect" parking spot. Why not? My husband made the call that we should at least go inside to gain "bragging rights." Really? Crowds I can do; but not the pushy, jam packed, "I'll run over you with my cart if you think you're gonna cut in front" crowds. No way!
Outside the store was one revelation - once inside I felt as if time stood still. It was one of those moments where I was afraid if I was detached from my husband I would be lost forever. I thought of the thousands of people who perished on the Titanic (crazy, right?). I felt sorry for the employees trying to restock amidst the pushing and shoving. I wondered how many people were spending above their budget before the holiday began. CRAZY! Finally, I stood and let my heart respond to what my eyes saw. Where have we come from having days of being with families and not being consumed with X Boxes and Barbie houses on Thanksgiving Eve? Every ounce of the store was consumed and the lines for payment 40 deep. I wondered.
While the energy of the crowd certainly fueled more than I described, Terry and I weren't fueled at all. We walked through the crowds, checked some prices and strolled back into the parking lot after hearing tales of people waiting in line one hour + for their three purchases. I told my husband, "I can't imagine waiting for anything that long." As I left, I wondered how many of these people really understood how Thanksgiving began or the real reason for giving gifts? I wondered how many were lonely and buying gifts in a HUGE crowd was simply a way to hide their feelings. Maybe I ate too much turkey, but all these things journeyed in my mind. Then, we drove past Target on our way to Kroger only to find an enormous line of people waiting outside to have the same experience as the Wal-mart folks bundled with their chairs, mittens, and jackets. Again, I pondered.
I pondered, "when is the last time there were this many people as excited to minister in the hospitals or waiting in long lines to serve at a children's home?" I wondered, "would people ever line up for hours and wait to feed the homeless or serve their community?" Kathy, when have you done this? Kathy, when have you placed yourself in the context of Matthew 25? This is my morning to drink coffee and reflect. Some times I need to pause and question. Some times God allows each of us a picture reminder of the masses He sees daily and His heart for them all. My Wal-mart Thanksgiving experience has served as a challenge for me.
No Life Group this Sunday - but NEXT Sunday, planning to share healthy Christmas yummies with you. Let me know you're coming. Have a great one! PK
Thursday, November 28, 2013
November 28 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to ya (said with an Irish brogue - been watching too many Netflix movies during my illness) I don't have long today but I cannot let the day begin until I've had my coffee and chatted with you. Well, I always try to get my devotionals in with that first cup of coffee and then I chat with you.
I LOVE Thanksgiving morning. I sit with tears as I type while I remember the smells of my childhood and the festivities of the holiday morning. There were only five of us at our table each year as we celebrated, but the memories are still abundant. I can remember my first Thanksgiving away from home as a newlywed (21 to be exact) and I cried like a baby to be away from my family. Isn't that funny that sometimes I cannot remember someone's name, but I can remember the tears? Anyway, I am carrying on the tradition with my daughter and grand daughters - the same smells and activities. I pray that when they have families they will remember as vividly as I do.
While the memories have not changed, the meal has. PRAISE God. This year I am experimenting with my mom's famous mac and cheese recipe made with Quinoa noodles. I'll let you know how that works out. (wink) My father would probably pitch a fit if he were here, but a healthy Thanksgiving is TOTALLY doable. Sorry, daddy. While our meal is trimmed of most fat, all sugar and starch the love at our table is deep and rich! I pray that for you as well.
I pray also that at the end of this day you smile as you realize God loves you, you are loved by your family and that your commitment to great health proves that you love yourself enough to continue to stand for your freedom.
Much love this day friends, PK.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
November 27, 2013 - "A Prayer For My Table"
How does one spend the day before Thanksgiving? I guess that depends on "if" you're the one doing the cooking. Right? For those of you who know me personally, you know that I am a planner and a schemer and this traditional meal requires planning. I have the food lists and the days when they are to be created and where they will be placed until they go into the oven. Yikes - too much to share in a blog probably. But if you're like me, confusion on Thanksgiving morning can mean a "not so peaceful" lunch. So I plan.
Yesterday we spoke of thanksgiving proceeding from a place of remembering. And then I encouraged you to find people round about to whom you could remember and thank. Today, I want to share a passage of scripture from Psalms that I feel speaks into our Thanksgiving season perfectly.
Psalm 145 (CEV)
I will praise you, my God and King and always honor your name.
2 I will praise you each day
and always honor your name.
3 You are wonderful, Lord,
and you deserve all praise,
because you are much greater
than anyone can understand.
4 Each generation will announce
to the next
your wonderful
and powerful deeds.
5 I will keep thinking about
your marvelous glory
and your mighty miracles.[a]
6 Everyone will talk about
your fearsome deeds,
and I will tell all nations
how great you are.
7 They will celebrate and sing
about your matchless mercy
and your power to save.
8 You are merciful, Lord!
You are kind and patient
and always loving.
9 You are good to everyone,
and you take care
of all your creation.
10 All creation will thank you,
and your loyal people
will praise you.
11 They will tell about
your marvelous kingdom
and your power.
12 Then everyone will know about
the mighty things you do
and your glorious kingdom.
13 Your kingdom will never end,
and you will rule forever.
Our Lord, you keep your word
and do everything you say.
14 When someone stumbles or falls,
you give a helping hand.
15 Everyone depends on you,
and when the time is right,
you provide them with food.
16 By your own hand
you satisfy
the desires of all who live.
17 Our Lord, everything you do
is kind and thoughtful,
18 and you are near to everyone
whose prayers are sincere.
19 You satisfy the desires
of all your worshipers,
and you come to save them
when they ask for help.
20 You take care of everyone
who loves you,
but you destroy the wicked.
21 I will praise you, Lord,
and everyone will respect
your holy name forever.
Wow - this entire passage causes me to stop, remember, and give thanks. I pray this Thanksgiving each of us can find a quiet place where we can sit still and contemplate. Perhaps you could turn this Psalm into a prayer of Thanksgiving that you could share at your meal on Thursday. I am.
Remember - LIFE GROUP IS NOT THIS SUNDAY, BUT NEXT SUNDAY. We will share our healthy, Christmas dishes on our pretty, Christmas dishes. Hope you can come.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
November 26, 2013 - "Giving Thanks!"
Good morning to you all and Happy Thanksgiving week. I am feeling better and I appreciate your prayers! I cannot convey how excited I am to feel basically normal after three days. Praise God - now I can see people again. It's one thing to be sick and another to be isolated because you're contagious. UGH. It has been great to hear from some of you as to how your Thanksgiving meal is shaping up. I love the creative, cooking ideas from our team. You guys are amazing!
I was listening Sunday to a minister who made the comment, "90% of Thanksgiving comes out of thinking." That really intrigued me and yet I found it profoundly true. A grateful heart really does flow from remembering all that God and others have done for us. While I am certain our children and families are grateful that Christmas presents are gathering under the tree (one level of gratitude), I am convinced that once opened and placed into action they become a deeper source of gratitude. See where I am going with this? However, heart-felt gratitude for long-term faithfulness is beyond the "gift-level gratitude." Right? Can you remember the day when God delivered you, healed you, walked with you during a horrific time, and spoke to you to bring comfort that you could never explain? I do! Many of us could say, "yes" to that and add, "for many years on multiple occasions." Simply saying, "thank you" for such care devotion hardly seems appropriate. Let us stop and remember this season and have that type of reflection affect our Thanksgiving for 2103.
Are there people coming for your dinner on Thursday who have been faithful and stood with you when others walked away? Have you told them? Is there someone today who has encouraged you when quitting seemed an easier option? Can you stop and tell them? This is thanks...giving, or giving thanks by taking the time to recognize and validate others. Ohhhhh.....I am so smiling. Many of you have done this for me! When I couldn't write another blog or host another Life Group, you were there. When I wanted to question all the research and quit the fight for healthy choices among the nay-sayers, you encouraged me. I want to express my thanksgiving to you this season. I look forward to 2014 knowing there's a healthy, free person inside each of us and together we can help those healthy, free people remain FREE. I appreciate you! PK
Monday, November 25, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013 - "Trample Is A Good Word!"
I don't know if any of you had an opportunity to recite the verse from yesterday (Luke 10:19) during the day, but I did! As I breathed that into my spirit, it encouraged me. The more I was encouraged the more I began to settle on one word. Now, I love authority, power, no harm...but I continued to come back to the word TRAMPLE. Let's end our week here.
trample |ˈtrampəl|
verb [ with obj. ]
tread on and crush: the fence had been trampled down | [ no obj.] : her dog trampled on his tulips.
• [ no obj. ] (trample on/over) treat with contempt: a drug-testing device that doesn't trample on employees' civil liberties.
First of all, the part of speech indicates this is an action word. That means I am physically moving and doing something. Early in the week we spoke of resting in the foxhole, but how many of you know one cannot remain in the foxhole and win the battle? We are required to rest for regeneration, but we are required to MOVE for energy's sake. So trample being a verb is a good thing! Let's move forward THROUGH our lives with the confidence that God's Word proclaims we WILL trample on deadly things with no harm. Shout somebody! Maybe stop and look at Luke 10:19 again RIGHT NOW.
Then, let's look at the definition - tread on and crush - treat with contempt. Have you ever had a scorpion in your home or shoe? OCCASIONALLY I can strike that guy with enough force to kill him in one blow, but often it's several strong blows before they really slow down. Don't you wish the enemy of our soul was like that? Sometimes we can strike with one blow, but often he is determined to win and is banking on the fact that we will get discouraged and quit before our real breakthrough. HE IS COUNTING ON IT! And left to myself, I might do just that. But I have found that declaring God's Word out loud, memorizing passages, and believing - without waivering - the scripture gives me the courage to fight. Do you need courage to tackle your flesh? I do! Try memorizing one or two verses each month and use them as YOUR sword. It's powerful!
And finally, trample, tread, crush doesn't seem to indicate the principle of one. Have you seen how grapes are trampled? I have that picture in mind. I really believe that God is trying to remind us in Luke 10 that tough life-circumstances will come but we will crush them and keep on crushing them, with contempt, until we STAND in victory. Now I am not certain that this is in it's completed work until we see Jesus in our eternal state, but God does say that he has given us authority and power to tread, crush, and trample on our issues and no harm will overtake us. I choose to believe that. How about you?
As we close this week - remember, that in God all things are possible and apart from Him we can do nothing. (John 15:5)
Have a great weekend! PK
Thursday, November 21, 2013
November 21, 2103 - "Serpents and Scorpions"
Yesterday we chatted about God being in the fox hole with us and how that often brings a high-level of comfort. Beyond that, I feel knowing God is in that war place with me actually allows me to rest with the sound of exploding bombs and firing bullets close at hand. (somehow even as I type I am gathering a vivid picture in my mind and REST settles into my spirit) I am grateful to know that we can rest in the presence of our God in such a manner. Yes, I am. But Luke records another facet of the heart of God. While God wants us to abide in Him and rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91), He also promises that He will give us power over the enemy and that nothing will harm us. Does God's Word say nothing? Yep - I read this passage in 5 different translations which make the same declaration.
Luke 10:19
Amplified Bible (AMP)
19 Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.
I like this - I can REST because God's in the fox hole and I can be confident that nothing shall harm me because God has given me AUTHORITY and POWER. The Amplified version indicates that physical and mental strength and ability over ALL the power the enemy possesses is mine! That means I can sleep AND I can stand as God has made a way to victory. I really feel that often we forget Who gives the power and Who gives rest. Sometimes it's easy, especially following seasons of victory, to start moving in our own agenda, power and might. But I have found that to be dangerous and costly.
Luke, in this verse, reveals that God has given authority over ALL the power of our enemy and NOTHING shall harm us. Do you like those words ALL and NOTHING? I do! The greater issue is do we TRUST God's Word in this verse? Tough question. Immediately many of us could recount times when we have not felt authority or power and may, in fact, feel as we have been harmed so a question mark could arise. Let me remind you, just because we feel a certain way does not mean it's the truth! God tattooed that concept on me this year. Luke 10:19 places us within the context of trials and difficult situations and often what we want is NONE OF THAT. Remember our trust in God strengthens and develops as we REST in the foxhole and STAND in our God-confidence within the battle.
I would like to challenge you this morning to memorize this verse, today, and say it out loud at least once a day for 30 days to close out 2013. I can promise that your confidence in God will increase as well as God's perspective on exactly what serpents and scorpions represent in your life. I know some in my life and I am renewed this day in my confession that I will trample on them and they will not harm me. I have already said it THREE times. Man, it's awesome!
Thank you, God, for knowing I needed a little boost added to my smoothie this day. (wink) Talk in the morning, PK
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013 - "God's In The Fox Hole"
We've been focusing on vigilance for the past couple of days and this morning I want us to consider that God has a plan even in our times when we feel totally weak and unable to bear the consequences of our lives. I am currently reading a REALLY tough booklet focusing my attention on the joy of dying to self. Lovely! Isn't that an oxymoron? There are certain things people give me to read and I am delighted beyond description. Then...there are books like this. I knew when I was given this book and the person said, "this is a difficult read and many would not understand. Are you ready to be challenged? It's a tough one," that I might not read this willingly. In fact after the first, short chapter I had to console myself with an extra cup of coffee and TWO apples. I heard Lyndal Cooley say once, "we are more like Lucifer than we know." I don't know about you, but there is still a lot of me that needs work. Maybe in a blog one is not supposed to confess such things. But I am realist.
There are moments and days when all the dots line up and life works well. I am in the center of the angelic host. Those are days of declaring and confessing and really feeling "I can stand my ground." And then there are days, as we spoke of yesterday, when we need to know that the person in the fox hole can cover while I deal with my issues. Right? Have you ever felt as if you get more than your share of the trials? Could I suggest that trials and fires SOMETIMES have a way of bringing things into the open that may need deeper examination? That can be a good thing if it isn't a daily occurance. But I also want to suggest that perhaps the enemy of our soul works double time to focus our attention on the trials and keep us TOO distracted to focus on the strength and blessing promised to us. God never promised there would be no trials - in fact - just the opposite.
In Deuteronomy 31:6 God says, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” THEM? I understand the "them" in Deuteronomy is referring to the giants in the Promised Land, but today the "them" looks like health issues, marital conflict, troubled kids...issues! You know "them." But God encourages us to be strong and NOT afraid of defeat. Does that make you smile? GOD said it, not me. And in Joshua 1:5 "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Again, the "them" folk cannot stand against us as God is with us. As I type I feel the Holy Spirit needs someone to HEAR this as truth about your specific circumstance. In our own strength it's difficult to be vigilant and stand in the promises of God always. Right? But with God in the fox hole, we can rest and sleep knowing nothing can destroy us. When we can sleep during the war, it proves to God we emphatically KNOW His word is true and He will never abandon His position. LOVE, love this!
I need a nap in the fox hole. How about you? PK
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
November 19, 2013 - "In The Lion's Den"
Good Tuesday morning to all of you.
Just a quick reminder that our December Life Group will meet on December 8th and not the 1st of December. That weekend is too busy for several of our group, so find a friend, create a yummy healthy food to help us all through Christmas and bring a friend. We will start at 6:00. I am going to share breakfast foods for Christmas morning. What cha bringing? :)
Yesterday we began our week discussing vigilance. Somehow I missed the fact while growing up that life's issues only intensify as one progresses through life. I always thought "grown people" retired and played cards all day and took expensive, elaborate vacations. I think my mother must have dropped me as an infant. (wink) Although I was taught as a child that "we never quit - quitting is NEVER the option of choice," I have found that some of the tough battles of life have pushed me to the edge of quitting. Have you been there recently? I have! And, as I have begun to "dig my heels in" and move to a different level of trust in God AGAIN, I have had to ask some tough questions and refuse to settle for "everyone has issues." I certainly am thankful that I am not the only one STANDING...but how many of you know that one finds little comfort watching others in the lion's den as well? UNLESS....their name is Daniel. Right? Help us trust you as Daniel did, Father.
1 Peter 5:8
Amplified Bible
Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.
Most of us who have been around God's Word know this scripture well. Don't we? I want to draw your attention this morning though to the three words in red. Sometimes I feel it's unfair that we may need a pass card or declare that we need to "check out" but not our enemy. He's always on the prowl. But the Lord showed me that within the church there is an army, and while I may need a pass card at times - The Holy Spirit and others are taking turn about watching. THANK YOU! If you know about the military, they are all trained to be on alert for themselves and others! There are going to be days when the yuck of life have our attention distracted - maybe even months. Perhaps vigilance is the last objective on your table. The verse begins with an admonition to be well balanced. Ok - I want that. But that doesn't read "by being isolated and fighting on your own." I am more than happy to be part of a team that fights individually and collectively. Have you prayed for our team lately?
We are a group of Freedom Fighters who understand that our freedom was purchased, given to each of us as a gift through the death of Jesus, and that we have a responsibility to guard that freedom by STANDING (Gal 5:1) and being vigilant. I am not upset when others come to me and share what they see in my life concerning dangerous issues. I WANT it. Let's thank God today that He has placed us with others who will watch when we need to heal. Then, let's watch while they heal. This brings HOPE to others and that is always good! PK
Monday, November 18, 2013
November 18, 2013 - "Protecting My Land"
I am now on point for Thanksgiving dinner and have completed my shopping so that I am not "in the crowd" next week. My family loves the leftovers on Friday, so cooking extra is critical. Then, of course, the following week there's the turkey soup which is always amazing on a cold, December day. I smile as I type because I so love cooking, the holidays and my family. Starting to decorate my house this week for Christmas always kicks-off the celebration. I would love to hear what some of you are planning with your families for the holidays. We may start a new tradition of having some families over on Wednesday evening for snacks and games. :)
Let's chat this week about vigilance and those enemies who try and distract us - intentionally. I want to start with this quote from Billy Graham, one of my favorites: "On that fateful day of December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked. We know now that that attack was invited by our failure to be always vigilant. The result was the destruction of our fleet - the cause was tragic indifference. When comfort and ease and pleasure are put ahead of duty and conviction, progress is always set back." I don't know about you, but sometimes I can be lulled into a place of not being vigilant and soon discover the enemy is on the ground near me. Wouldn't it be great if we never had to be concerned with attacks? Both naturally and spiritually, might I say.
I want to examine some of the synonyms and antonyms for the word vigilant:
SYNONYMS: watchful, on the lookout, observant, sharp-eyed, keen-eyed, with eyes like a hawk, attentive, paying attention, alert, wide awake, unsleeping, on one's guard, on guard, concentrating, careful, cautious, circumspect, prudent, prepared, and ready.
ANTONYMS: negligent, inattentive.
Have any of you found that catastrophic consequences can follow even a small period of inattentiveness? How about we look down at something dropped in the car while driving only to find our direction has changed and a QUICK re-adjustment is necessary? I know this is rare but what a vivid illustration of how quickly a lack of attention can change our course. Spiritually, there are always those little foxes that are pulling and gnawing to cause even a slight distraction to keep us from winning the race. I remember a scene from "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves" in which he is about to display how awesome a marksman he is only to be distracted by the gentle breath of his lady friend. He never saw her coming nor did he prepare for that distraction.
As we approach the holidays, let us watch for unhealthy distractions in all areas of our lives. They may not come like an earthquake, but I count on something TO COME. Let me keep my attention and heart planted firmly within the watchful, helpful eye of the Holy Spirit. When we have a quiet time daily with God, He is able to whisper things to our hearts that keep us from making the mistake of looking down. Fight against the busyness of the season and protect your time with the Father daily. He knows just how to sound the alarm when we are vigilant to pay attention. Starting the week off asking for a clear signal from the Father to the strategic placement of distractions. Let's pray together! PK
Friday, November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013 - "In The Mountains"
Happy Friday everyone,
I am in the mountains again seeing my husband and it's cool and cloudy here. However, it's not cool enough nor damp enough to see the white stuff. Ugh! A girl can wish...right?
So, got lots of running around in the mountains to do today, therefore, no time to blog. Can we chat again Monday?
But let me encourage you today to remember that God's arm is not short, God is not blind, and He hears clearly. So where ever you find yourself in your journey this day, God can reach you, He sees your heart (when you may not understand that anyone really sees) and He is ready NOW to listen.
Have a great weekend! PK
Thursday, November 14, 2013
November 14, 2013 - "I Choose LIfe!"
Good morning, we are rounding out this week quickly and can you believe the count down to Thanksgiving is ON. We celebrate 2 weeks from today. Publix has their Butterball turkeys on sale starting today through Thanksgiving. YUM.....my favorite. I am planning and sculpting the menu carefully. You? Here's what we are thinking (all sugar and starch free): turkey, no carb stuffing, squash casserole, green beans, sweet potato casserole, jicama au gratin, mac and cheese with quinoa noodles, mashed potatoes (for those eating potatoes, but not me), sugar free cream cheese pumpkin muffins, sugar free pumpkin gooey cake, and sugar free berry crumble. OOPs - I almost forgot the cranberry sauce I make with whole berries, xylitol and a splash of lemon extract. Calories? Yes, but no sugar or starch (except the potatoes) to fight against. I have to plan early to grab the fresh herbs, jicama, and other natural ingredients that my Publix might not carry. There are SOOOOO many choices and eating healthy for me and my family means I have to plan well. Not only do I plan - but I work diligently to make certain the foods are flavor enhanced. NO CARDBOARD at the Hill house for Thanksgiving. :)
Speaking of choices, let's talk through Deuteronomy 30: 11-16; 19-20 this morning.
The Choice of Life or Death
11 “This command I am giving you today is not too difficult for you to understand, and it is not beyond your reach.12 It is not kept in heaven, so distant that you must ask, ‘Who will go up to heaven and bring it down so we can hear it and obey?’13 It is not kept beyond the sea, so far away that you must ask, ‘Who will cross the sea to bring it to us so we can hear it and obey?’14 No, the message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.
15 “Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster.16 For I command you this day to love theLord your God and to keep his commands, decrees, and regulations by walking in his ways. If you do this, you will live and multiply, and the Lordyour God will bless you and the land you are about to enter and occupy.
19 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!20 You can make this choice by loving theLord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life."
For those who have traveled with me for a minute, you know I am big on choosing and choosing well. EVERY person God created has the ability to choose. That was in His master plan. He created us, but wants each of us to choose Him. It is cool, though, that God chose us FIRST and constantly pursues us - but still, we have to choose Him. Anyway, in today's passage, God is very specific not only in the fact that He is giving us a choice, but that he PREFERS we choose life. Look at verse 19 again....YOU choose between life and death, blessings and curses. In my small mind, that's a no brainer. However, at the end of 19 the Word tells us how God prefers we choose LIFE. But not everyone chooses God because some choose disobedience, which never leads to life.
As I read the chapter again this morning, I really set my heart to choose well, as this affects not only me but the generations that follow me. And then I shifted back to Thanksgiving dinner. This is my third Thanksgiving to feed myself and my family in a healthy manner. I obeyed God and chose health. Then, I made a difficult choice to shift our largest family meal of the year to an "all healthy journey", and now my children are embracing a healthy lifestyle and actually seeing the value in this. I choose life!
I choose life with God and I choose life with health. Hey, I like getting to choose - and I choose LIFE. Have a great Thursday! PK
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
November 13, 2013 - "God Waits"
Another week moving along quickly, and another calendar "biggy" completed. The date yesterday certainly offered lot's of discussion - 11/12/13. People were saying that we won't see anything like this for years but what about next year - 12/13/14? Hum? And four blood moons set to occur in the next 18 months, what a great time to be alive?
I want to chat this morning about God's journey toward mankind over and over when our loyalty and humility before God were certainly never solid. I wish I could so say that my life was completely humble or completely trusting, but often the Holy Spirit shows me days, times, circumstances where the Spirit of God was overshadowed by my own way. Last week we spoke about God pursuing a relationship with each of us. LOVED that! And the good part of that statement is that it happens more than once. God's intentional pursuing speaks volumes to me. I am amazed that the scripture confirms that while I was yet a sinner God loved me - chose me - pursued me.
Isaiah 30:18 reads: "And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look andlong for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]." So, we can add waits to the above-listed verbs that describe the awesomeness of our God. The story in Isaiah details the Children of Israel desiring to return to Egypt for their covering and security because their journey didn't go as they thought it would. They were willing to return to slavery instead of embracing freedom in whatever circumstances God was bringing them through. At first, I'm like "really?" But how often do we look back, even though it was horrific, because our "expectations" of God look different? Or we see God doing something in someone's life differently than ours?
The above verse does speak to a group of those (children of Israel) who chose to stay on the mountain, with all of the unknown, trusting a God they had never seen as opposed to returning to the covering of Egypt. I want the Holy Spirit to show me any area of my life in which looking back SEEMS easier than trusting forward. That will preach! Then, let me reread Isaiah 30:18 and smile as I connect with the fact that God WAITS to be gracious to a sinner like me, even when I think stupid things. Have an awesome day, PK
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
November 12, 2013 - "Am I Clean?"
I'd love to know how God decided to create the universe and make a star. I am a science freak and the intricacies of creation are just a "few" of the things I'd like to discuss sometime during eternity. I suppose this is a school teacher thing, and I know God doesn't have to answer my questions, but I feel certain He will as we are in a love relationship and He knows my heart. Maybe? Do you have discovery-type questions to ask when we reach eternity? I pray you don't think I'm being disrespectful to even suggest that. I really feel there will be plenty of time to discover as we visit with God face to face. Man......I can't even grab the bottom end of that. You?
Today let's speak from Psalm 51. You know the story of David and Bathsheba. David, a man after God's heart, has an experience that places him totally dealing with his flesh - an experience that could have been avoided had he followed God's plan and been off to war with the other men. However, sometimes we all wish we were elsewhere when sin crouches at OUR door. Or at least I do... But today I am grateful that God allowed this story to be penned as it brings a great HOPE to me that even in my dark times, when I have willingly embraced sin, God is able to speak, restore, and transplant. Yes, He is. I love these verses from Psalm 51:
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, andsteadfast spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.
David is falling upon the love of God who knows and yet has the power to renew and restore. I want this to be part of my prayer today and everyday. A clean and pure heart, a renewed spirit, and the joy of being saved by God - now that will make you smile. It will make me smile. :) Let's invite God to create a clean heart today, spiritually, and then let's eat properly to create and maintain a clean heart naturally. How about we do both today? Have an amazing Tuesday, PK
Monday, November 11, 2013
November 11, 2013 - "Plan For The Extras"
Good morning to all,
I pray your weekend was glorious and your Monday morning tops the weekend. I am still not exactly in the groove with the time change, but I do really enjoy the light in the early morning. I wonder what God thinks about us moving time? I'm not being mean, just asking a question. Have you ever thought about that? Psalm 139 is extravagantly clear about how intricately God knows each of us and our actions prior to becoming action. So of course God knew but did he question and remark, "I set the boundaries of time for specific reasons." Maybe he just smiled and said, "good job." IDK
This morning as we approach the fast paced 6-7 weeks leading to 2014, (yikes, even as I type that my heart jumped) I realize there are more parties and calories packed into the weeks than we can really expect to ration. There just are. I was listening to a doctor 2 weeks ago and she said, "If we want to be at our optimal weight, then we need to do what "skinny" people do. It's not sometimes what they eat, it's what they drink. I have studied thin people for years and the majority of them only drink water." The rest of her show spent time documenting her observations. So, as we approach the holidays with the "extras" that somehow always seem to grab us - let's give our bodies a chance to MOVE those extras. Perhaps consider drinking your 8-12 cups of water daily BEFORE drinking anything else. Now that is a challenge for me!
You know I am not a huge water fan (although I still count my cups after 3 years and make myself hydrate) but I find that after my coffee in the mornings, sometimes I prefer unsweet tea or flavored teas. Occasionally I will grab a juice mid-morning and allow that as a fruit. (however, the juice is often processed and never as good as the natural fruit) But this doctor really hammered the fact that water, in its pure form, is really the best. At first I thought perhaps I could willingly give-up tea and an occasional soda or soda water, but not yet. Also, occasionally, I drink organic milk. Takes me back to my childhood, 100 years ago, when our milk was delivered to our front door in a silver box. Are any of you my age? :)
I said all this because I know sometimes our days are busy and ANY fluid is welcomed. However, if we plan for those extras and make a plan to hydrate well (set a timer, get a buddy, drink your water all within an hour) then perhaps "those extras" may not find an "extra" spot this holiday season. I am making a plan as I type. Love you guys, PK
Friday, November 8, 2013
November 8, 2013 - "What Does A Fox Say?"
Good morning to all. Hoping your weekend is shaping up beautifully.
So, I have to admit that I am hooked on the goofy song, "What Does The Fox Say?" Have you heard it? Yikes - it's a hoot. I sing the melody line all over and over the place. This morning I started to meditate on exactly WHAT a fox would say. The Lord drew me to Song of Soloman 2:15, "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom." The Bible paints a picture of how a tender vineyard can be destroyed by a small fox. Okay, so we understand how animals unconfined can, in fact, destroy. But I believe that God is using this natural description to paint a clear picture for us. We must understand that the little issues we allow, and tolerate, although we see them as small could be as destructive as a hurricane.
Consider this about the fox:
The fox is a rather peculiar animal. It derives its name from its tendency to dig underground to settle in holes or burrows or to feast on grapevines. It is silent and solitary. It has an incredible sense of sight, smell, and hearing. It exhibits tremendous cleverness in going after its prey. At times, it will actually play dead in order to attack a bird which is within its striking range. When hunted, it is very cunning, devious, and capable of misleading its pursuers with utmost skill. Resultantly, the fox has always been considered as an emblem of slyness - cunning - craftiness - mischief. Right? How does that apply to our lives? We often laugh at a toddler who screams, "no." Little fox. We often tolerate the white lies, because they are not "real" lies. Little fox. We make excuses for our fleshly desires and promise to do better tomorrow. Little fox.
I want to encourage all of us.....watch for the little foxes. They, in fact, could be as destructive as any "hurricane" in our lives. Can you begin to search the journey of your daily life to determine if the LITTLE foxes are in your vineyard. Oh yes - I see a few. So I said to myself this morning, "The fox does say something even though the song indicates that the fox doesn't speak." Oh yes, the fox says......
Have a great weekend, PK
Thursday, November 7, 2013
November 7, 2013 - "God Is Intentional About Us."
We had such a great class last night at church! Our discussion began with considering that God pursues us. That God loved us first. That God comes to us way before we come to him. If mankind could come to see God's great love for His creation, it could impact the masses. I really enjoy preparing each week for the classes in this Experiencing God series. If you have not done it, I would suggest you at least read the book. The fact that God pursues each of us straight up says, "Intentionality." I am reminded that God is not absent, inactive, or passive. I am reminded that God wants to be involved in our daily agenda and is waiting as our feet reach the ground each and every morning to enter our day and walk with us.
Intentionality is a great word and critical to our daily success in so many areas. I believe there are times where life happens - yes, I do. But more often than not, I like to be intentional with my life. I intentionally start the day reading God's word and marveling at him. I intentionally select my clothing. I intentionally get to work on time. I intentionally pack my lunch and intentionally choose my health plan. I know that sounds like a lot of work, but planning actually allows me to REST. I'm not struggling to make decisions when tried, frustrated, or hungry. I am convinced that great planning is critical to arriving at the finish line on time and well. Yes, I am.
Today, are there areas in your life that are really causing frustration...the groceries, the laundry, the kids, the yard, your health? Are any of these spinning from a lack of planning? Can I suggest you take one area and for a couple of days be intentional with a plan of action? I would imagine you will begin to see some of the stress released when a plan is established. God established a plan for each of us and has a perfect will for our lives. I want to "trust without borders" in his intentionality. I want to REST in His plan and then use my planning to keep my life and those around me at rest. Whew!
Gotta get dressed. Love you! PK
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
November 6 - "Am I In The Vine?"
Good morning,
It's cool here in Georgia and the leaves are beginning to cascade from the trees. They are so beautiful streaming in the sunlight. I pray that wherever you are this morning you are enjoying the fall season. I also love daylight savings time. :)
As I am studying for the lesson tonight at church, I am reminded that it is the work of the Holy Spirit to produce the fruit of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:
"22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" Do you ever feel as though YOU HAVE failed to really develop in one of these areas? I certainly do. But I am convinced in our own power and "might," these will not be developed well at all. The Holy Spirit knows the inner working of our hearts, including our agenda and motives, and His plan is to help us be the BEST we can be each day. So, what is our part?
John 15:5 says, "I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will produce much fruit." I think our part is in the abiding. Staying connected to Jesus through daily devotion, worship and prayer means we are remaining connected to the branches and therefore abiding. The verse from John indicates that we must choose to remain. Life pulls at us from so many directions sometimes it's difficult and hard to hang on. But I want to produce much fruit. And I want to produce good fruit.
I was thinking about how at this season of the year - late fall and winter - the fruit choices become less, the quality is often not as good and the cost explodes. Why? There is less light, less water, and the soil doesn't support growth. Can you see a picture to our lives sometimes? I can. However, even during the winter, I choose whatever fruit is available and stick with my routine. Sometimes I eat 2 apples if there are no other options. I eat canned or frozen fruit sometimes when desperate - I ABIDE.
I want my life to produce the kind of fruit that is Holy Spirit inspired. How about you? Have a good one, PK
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
November 5, 2013 - "Are We There Yet?"
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I have been traveling so much that I was really tired and decided to sleep in. Then, on a whim, my hair dresser had a cancellation and I was able to jump on my clothes and head out. My precious boss gave us the day off following a long, hard month. YEA! So, I am rested and ready to go. Sunday night was a great life group - only one more this year. We will NOT MEET on December 1st as that follows Thanksgiving weekend with so much family in, but we will meet on Sunday, December 8th for our final group this year. We will all share a Christmas dish and recipe. Love to have you!
Speaking of love, as you know we are working through the Experiencing God series on Wednesday evenings. Our homework this week is centered around the scripture from Matthew 22:37-38, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." The word all contains three letters, but has a large inclusion factor doesn't it? I like to say it this way, "all is inclusive of everything and exclusive of nothing." BIG WORD! This verse is such so powerful. Yes? Have you ever REALLY contemplated your response to it? Of course I would imagine that many of us would emphatically say, "I absolutely love God as this commands." But obedience to this command requires more than a simple answer. My daily response to life is a great indicator of how I find myself tethered to this verse. How about you? My response in a time of difficulty often makes a bold statement. If you had to honestly answer this question, what would you say..."what is the first thing you turn to in a difficult situation?" You...your spouse...your resources...the church? Loving God with my heart (the Greek word cardia meaning mind, will, and emotions) is often proved in my actions...or at least I see it as such.
Can we agree that loving God with everything within means that we are going to love God when everything is drawing us from the truth that God loved us first AND more than we can imagine? Trusting and loving God when everything is great in one's life can be a lot easier than when bad circumstances happen, especially without provocation. But if we can stand firm and not waiver in our confidence throughout our journey that God is our center, our number one, our stabilizer and that no matter what thoughts or circumstances come our way that serve as an enticement to draw us from this stance, we LOVE God period. That's the first step - then moving toward loving him with ALL of our being is the maturity within the command. Sometimes we need to pre-determine our response and practice it. I do. I know how my flesh responds sometimes, and I will practice ahead of time so that I can remind myself that all of me LOVES God and TRUSTS him and WILL OBEY when the enemy of our soul is making his stand.
Let's ask the Holy Spirit today if there is any portion of our mind, will, or emotions that is emphatically not committed to Matthew 22:37-38. Could it be that God didn't answer your prayer as you felt he would and there's a sliver of disappointment? Maybe we could all answer "yes." I know I need the Holy Spirit to show me my heart. How about you? Ask and listen today. If this is the first and greatest commandment, we need to start here. Have a great Tuesday! PK
Friday, November 1, 2013
November 1, 2013 - "Questions"
Good morning everyone,
I am running a little behind today as I rested in from a long day yesterday following a long Wednesday. It's rainy here in Georgia and that always says, "it's okay to rest a little longer" to me. How about you? Anyway, after some coffee and reading of the Word, I am feeling a smile in my spirit again. Now, just need a little sunshine and it's on! :)
I felt the Lord speak to me about the word questions late yesterday. I was not certain if that was for us, or simply me. But the notion came back to my heart this morning, so I want to talk for a second about that. Have you ever noticed that children, often, ask a lot of questions? Sometimes it's cute and sometimes it can get out of hand. As we mature and grow older, often the questions slow down or in some cases stop. Have you ever thought about that? At what point did the freedom and innocence to ask "whatever" get halted? Questions can be the opening to so many wonderful things: conversation, learning, exploring, etc. and yet I find that many have transitioned from questions to gain information and show concern to statements of opinions and simple facts.
Let's consider our daily journey. I was speaking with a young person yesterday who often asks frequent questions, and second-level questions to clarify. I complimented this young lady on her tenacity "to know as opposed to assume." As she is asking things of me - I am teaching and grooming her, but learning what's really important to her as well. I thought about the situations in my life where I feel the most confident. Often, these are cloaked with the most questions. I know asking can be risky sometimes, but I would much rather ask and know the truth. That's why I like having my blood tested a couple of times each year. The testing is a deep-level answer to the questions I have about my health. I don't need unanswered questions about my health to place me in a fight along the journey when it's really too late to fight easily. Right?
But beyond our health, let me encourage you to consider asking some of these questions today: "How can I help you?"....."How are you feeling?"....."Can I help with your children today?"....."God, where are you working today and can I help?"....."Father, what's on your heart?" Asking these questions means we need to stop and listen - stop and respond - stop and follow through with a sincere answer. Asking and responding takes time, but shows love and concern. Can you find someone to ask a "them" question this day?
We now begin a month of focused attention on being thankful and showing others we care. Challenge: each day ask someone a question that cannot be answered with a simple "yes or no" and allow time to respond. This is a GREAT way of showing someone, especially those you find challenging, that you care.
Have a great Friday and I am accepting my own challenge. (wink) PK
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