Friday, June 8, 2012

March 26, 2012

Good morning friends.........I'm back.....did you enjoy your week without my mouth running? Just kidding - we are running together through this journey to look and feel our best! Right?
First, thanks for all your prayers. These last three weeks have been some of the toughest. :) But I have seen God move in immeasurable ways!
Second, some of you know I went to water aerobics last Thursday night. It was a sight. :) I was determined to not get my hair nor my makeup wet. Can anybody go to water aerobics without getting their hair wet? NO. But in my trying, I must have conveyed to them all that I was pitiful, that I couldn't swim, and I needed a lot of help. So, in order to "save face and my hair" (I am a good swimmer but a prissy swimmer who didn't want to re-straighten my hair) I smiled and did all the modifications "so I wouldn't drown." I was extremely thankful no one had a hidden camera, but I couldn't help but laugh at me too. What a sight! LOL
Third, yummy recipe for you: zucchini squash, sweet onions, cooked for about 20 min in a little butter and a little water w/salt. Drain fluid after 20 min and add chopped tomatoes. Cook for 5 additional min ONLY. Add a cup or so of low fat mozzarella cheese and remove from stove. Cover and let sit for 5 min to melt the cheese. Serve immediately so the tomatoes don't get drippy. YUM!!!!! This is a phase four recipe.
Read this article Saturday evening that talks about increasing our brain power. Please keep reading to the end as our healthy eating also adds strength to our brains:
"Exercising actually helps grow bigger brains," he said. "We have more brain cells that grow through our life."

More than 400 clapping, cheering fans, some wearing T-shirts that said "I'm a mental athlete," crammed into a Manhattan conference room to witness the champs sweat it out. Contestants ranged between 14 and 59, with backgrounds that included unemployed, computer programmer, nurse and TV presenter.

During a break a special guest, "International Man of Memory" Chester Santos, wowed the brainy crowd by asking them to name any one of the 435 members in the US House of Representatives. To each name he then supplied, from memory, that member's state, district, party and which -- often obscure -- committee he sits on.
"This is actually pretty difficult, thousands of pieces of data, so if I get something right, clap," he said, before getting all but one challenge right.
Dottino insisted that in this fight, anyone can become a contender.
"Myth number one," he said, is "you're either born with it or not. It's a skill you can practice."
Memory experts use techniques like the "chunk" method, in which different bits of information are tidied up and grouped. A basic example would be to reduce a series of individual numbers into pairs, so 2-0-1-2 becoming twenty twelve.
But Dottino says you also need to feed the brain omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA. That's found in fish like salmon and mackerel, or, he pointed out, fortified formulas produced by the contest's sponsor, life'sDHA.
At a minimum, Dottino said, keep away from those comfort foods. "Lots of carbs, starches, refined sugars are bad news!" he said."
So, when we're tempted to cheat and eat those "comfort foods," let us ALL remember that denying our bodies the comfort of sugary, starchy foods can actually be causing health to come to our minds. And at my age, that's a great thing! wink - wink
Choose foods for your brain today and remember - water causes the electrical current to flow WELL. Let's give our minds what they need to be all WE NEED THEM TO BE. :) PK

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