Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28, 2012 - Sharing

PTL - it's Thursday. The week comes to a close. :) Love to include other's ideas and encouragement on my blog as well! 1. Wendi sent this little nugget to ponder from 2 Kings 12:6-16: btw, the money to restore the temple was NOT used for the accessories for the temple; it was used for temple repairs only - not temple accessories. very interesting. thoughts to ponder. so, when adding things to our lives we could ask ourselves is this a temple repair or a temple accessory? is this food I am about to eat to repair or accessorize??? hmmm.....gonna be chewing on this one day...because of course it is for the repairing of this **** to that I add - this is the whole "refueling process." Our temples break down daily as we age and must be repaired. So, the food we bring to the "temple" (our body) should always be to repair and NOT simply because we "like" it. There are a lot of foods that I have to eat (now) that I don't like - but they repair my "temple" and there are foods that I CANNOT bring to the "temple" because they add weight and inches to my middle (accessories). Of course, this is using scripture to help us see at another level, and we are not saying this is what God was communicating - but it certainly helps me see something new. Thanks, Wendi - I AM PONDERING this. :) 2. Devotional from Joyce Meyer for today - GREAT!: Discernment Is the Key to a Clear Conscience It's critical to keep your conscience clear because nothing will keep you from enjoying life as much as guilt. In Acts, Paul said that he pursued discipline and avoided worldly desires so that he could walk blameless and guilt-free before God. The same applies to us. Walking in the confidence of a clear conscience will keep us free and happy. That sounds easy when it comes to clear-cut, right and wrong issues, but what about the 'gray' areas of life? How do we keep our conscience clear when we're unsure what the right or wrong choice is? What if we accidentally sin without realizing it? I've found that God's discernment solves this problem. Discernment is spiritual understanding, and it's the key to living with a clear conscience. It takes practice, but it simply involves paying attention to your heart. God will let you know when you shouldn't do something that will bring guilt later on. I encourage you to live in a way that will keep your conscience clear. Don't do things you know you shouldn't, and rely on God's discernment when you're facing an issue you're not sure about. He will never lead you wrong. *******Okay - that's it for today. Are you coming Sunday evening - let me hear from you. :) PK

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