Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011

Hey gang,
Got all my water in yesterday, down .5 pound.  YEA!   Did want to tell you that if you are going to need drops for another round at the beginning of the year, please let me know now.  You know the mail service tends to run slow during this time.  :)   I want to place an order next week to be here by the end of the month.   If I don't here from you, I may not have your drops when you need them  (if you need them).   My husband and I are doing a round together to begin the New Year.  With that thought in mind, can you say he is "eating to his heart's content?"  It's funny - he is eating everything - EVERYTHING - as he plans to diet.  What is the net/net effect of that?  wink-wink   (However, I understand.  I lived there for 50 years)

Have any of you checked out Pinterest?  There are a couple of HCG recipes on there.  They look great!  Remember though as you check out recipes, some people do phase 2 differently than our books detail.  But some of the recipes looked really good.   As I look at recipes, most of them are in the dessert range and I know that calories are calories and sometimes we will choose the sweets and skip our veggies or fruit.  Not good long term.  Don't I sound like mommie?  :)   We need to always go back to protocol - lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats.  Lots of water.  As my doctor told me - that is God's best plan for our bodies and yields the best results long term.

As we are talking about veggies, do you have a yummy veggie recipe to share?  If so, please let me know and I will pass it along to the fam.  I did see on Pinterest where they used three colored bell peppers (tops off and cored out), filled with dressing (maybe 3 types of Ranch), and used this in the center of a veggie tray.  I was thinking that for a christmas party we could use the red and green peppers and all red and green veggies on the tray.   YUM, huh?

Gotta run - time to read God's word and let it bring life to my soul.

Choose life and eat to live - PK

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