Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17, 2011

Good morning all,

Today may blog will reflect a GREAT testimony, sent to me yesterday from someone in the fam,  to the power and energy we bring to our bodies by choosing life and eating to live.....

I am happy to report another 1/2 pound loss as of this morning, and even happier to report I completed my first 5K last night! This is a huge accomplishment for me, because I have a joint disorder which keep my knees dislocated at all times. I do my "running" on a low to no impact elliptical trainer, which is the only kind of running my body will allow. This summer my orthopedic doc determined that  I needed to have my left patella (knee cap) removed because of the damage that traumatic dislocations were doing to my ligaments. The right knee ligaments have already been reconstructed, and the surgeon was unsuccessful in getting it to track properly, so it remains dislocated. I knew that if I was going to have any kind of surgery to my left knee, I would at least need to weigh 20 pounds less. The rehab is grueling after several ligaments are reconstructed, cut, stretched,  etc. It took me many weeks to walk again with my first surgery, and that was when I was at a healthy weight! Well, God is good! My pain has decreased SO much since I started on the hCG protocol, and I know it is largely to due with the detox my system has experienced. Inflammation is down, and my weight is down 21 pounds! Here I am the day after a 5K with no pain, when a little more than a month ago, I was icing every evening after light exercise.  I am not even getting into the symptoms I was battling after a tick bite and a Lyme reaction I was battling since September! I feel awesome! Thanks, Kathy! Thanks SO much! 

Can someone give God a shout out?  He is opening the doors and reaching His hand in to rescue us.  Our part - reach toward him, choose to walk out of the door of our past and SLAM that door tight.  We cannot turn and look at our past and be okay with that.  Does it take discipline?  YES!  Choosing to eat lean proteins, veggies and fruits as opposed to processed, fat-filled, sugar-laden foods is work.  (read yesterday's blog if you haven't)

I heard someone comment yesterday, while I was at a HUGE luncheon, "overeating is what I live for.  I plan to gain 10 pounds between now and the end of the year.  I do it every year - I will deal with it in January."   I SOOOOO did that for many, many years but as I got older - I never made it out of that 10 pound bondage suit I added by stuffing the hole in my face.  Only to find myself older, less active, riddled with affliction, depressed and a complete failure.   NO ------ never again.  I ate turkey, HCG stuffing, celery, pumpkin pecan spice cake with cream cheese icing (HCG) and water.  I was SOOOOO happy.  Met a friend at Starbucks and skipped the grande, extra hot, pumpkin spice latte, extra whip - I had a bottle of water.  And guess what, I had a great time.   

We can do life - EVERY BIT of it - and not feel guilty.  I can have Thanksgiving dinner next week with my family and choose life, I can attend parties and choose life, I can meet at Starbucks and choose life.  How about you?  Can we do this together?


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