Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014 - Only One Hour?

As the first month of 2014 is moving towards its mid-point, I am reminded again how quickly life progresses. We just celebrated New Year's Eve and there's Valentine Candy everywhere. One store I was in recently looking for scarves and jackets, had their swimsuits out. Can someone please let me enjoy a holiday for more than a 24 hour segment? I actually stopped and stared at the swimsuits and thought, "no cold, lack of tan body on this girl is standing in front of mirror half dressed!" Really? And isn't it bad enough that 99.9% of everyone commits to starting the new year eating healthy and every isle in the grocery and drug stores have been commissioned to drag us to failure. Or how about this - lodged between the New Year's Day final gorging in preparation for the "health journey" and the Valentine Candy is the Super Bowl with nine million wings, pizza and french fries. I am absolutely confident that whoever was assigned to the creation of the holiday calendar is a food addict, as I was. Time SLOW down! I say frequently, "time waits for no one." How true is that? I was talking with a friend recently and asking her opinion as to why each 365 days pass quicker than the previous 365. Realistically, the same exact amount of hours are present, but in my small mind they don't last as long. Is it just me? This precious person reminded me that when we are young - the span in front of us is quite lengthy. But as we age, the span shortens on the other end and we often feel the years are shorter when it's really our span that's different. When our span shortens, time seems to shorten. But aren't we glad that when we enter Heaven - the vendors can leave the Christmas decorations, the Valentine's candy, the Memorial Day flags and every other hoilday enticement up as we will no longer be marking time? That blesses me! Now, while time waits for no one - neither does choosing great health. I was at a doctor's visit yesterday with one of my grands and the doctor really stressed one hour a day of cardio. I like to work out 4-5 days a week, but then I reward myself for good behavior with no exercise on the others. But this doctor never mentioned "good behavior." So I thought, "where could I come up with an hour a day for cardio?" Well, maybe I won't watch Hallmark movies some evenings before turning in...or maybe I could do 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night? Not sure...and I am not feeling condemned because I don't do that. Please hear me - I know that we are busy. However, we won't be busy long if our bodies are not healthy and strong. I know that exercise alone can't bring great health, but without it our options are limited as well. So today, let's all purpose to get in at least 30 minutes cardio (as the doctor said it was the minimum) and work towards the maximum. We got this! PK

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