Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23, 2013 - Open The Blinds

So excited to have a dear friend and her husband on the way to our house for the holiday. They are so fun and I am certain laughter, lots of laughter, is in store. I have definitely planned well for our meals varying color and texture and have given myself the pep-talk about "stretchy pants boundaries." These meals are fun refueling times not fun shame and guilt endeavors. I PLAN to eat well and I PLAN to stay within the boundaries. That being the case, I PLAN to have an amazing time and on Monday when they leave cry because I won't see them for months and not because I feel like a failure. boo-yah! How many of you know that several people can be involved in the same same occurrence and see things so differently. This "seeing" is certainly not limited to health, but across family lines, friendship lines and work lines. I was always amazed when we would sit in a grade-level meeting at school and have 10 people with 10 different opinions as to what they saw. I am also absolutely amazed at how many people never really see their health as critical. On the flip side of the coin, I hear from so many of you and my heart is tender as what flows from your mouth concerning your life is often so negative. Two responses worlds apart. While never caring about health could have long-reaching negative consequences, always confessing your failure, weakness, and inability to remain faithful in the area of health could have some immediate consequences to the success of your journey. Matthew 6: 22-23 "Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!" (NLT) This is a great picture for us that keeping the blinds open in our heart, so that light can enter those dark places where we often hide our inner turmoil, causes our body to fill with light. If you are hiding and eating, allow the blinds to be opened and see the situation for what it is. Often there's hurt or shame attached and food is the comfort. Let's deal with your pain and grab an apple if you're hungry. If your appetite increase due to exercise, stop making negative confessions like "I knew I would eventually get past the victory phase." No! There is no phase to our journey anymore, this is our life. If you are hungry, eat two apples and one teaspoon on natural peanut butter. Winning that battle of "seeing" the journey correctly will often keep you on course. But never, never, stumble and close the blinds. That despair creates a dark cellar. And how many of you know cellars take a little more effort to vacate? Open your blinds today and walk in the truth. You can't select healthy foods or refill your water bottles with the blinds open. Tonight, after a successful day, close the blinds and rest. In the morning, hit the repeat button. Eyes wide open today, PK

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